May 22, 1975
    R. FOX, LTD.,
    PCB 75—212
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by Dr. Odell)
    On May 21, 1975, R. Fox, Ltd. filed a Petition For
    Variance with the Illinois Pollution Control Board (Board).
    Petitioner sought a variance from Rule 204 (c) (1) (A) of the
    Air Pollution Regualtions (Chapter Two) to continue to opeidte
    its coal-fired boilers in excess of the standard of 1.8 pounds
    of sulfur dioxide per million BTU input.
    Additional information is needed before the Board can con-
    sider the merits of the Petition. First, in Train v. Natural
    Resources Defense Council, Inc. 43LW 4467 (April 15, 1975) the
    United States Supreme Court held that states can grant variances
    from their Implementation Plans provided that the national ambient
    air quality standards are not violated in the area affected by
    the variance. No data, such as are collected by the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency, have been submitted to show
    whether the area in which Petitioner is located is in compliance
    with the ambient air quality standards for sulfur dioxide.
    Second, additional information is needed to support the con-
    clusion on page two of the Petition that “Our operating cost is
    figured so close that it would be impossible to absorb this added
    expense.” Third, Petitioner should supply additional information
    to show that other means of compliance are not feasible. Fourth,
    Petitioner does not state the length of time for which the variance
    is sought.
    Petition For Variance filed May 21, 1975, is inadequate.
    Petitioner is requested to file an Amended Petition For Variance
    within 45 days of the adoption of this Order. The requirement
    for final Board action under Section 38 of the Illinois Environ-
    mental Protection Act shall run anew from the time of the filing
    of the Amended Petition. Failure to file the required information
    within 45 days shall make the Petition For Variance subject to
    dismissal on grounds of inadequacy.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, her~b,ycertify that the above Opinion and Order was adopted
    on the
    day of May, 1975, by a vote of
    Christan L. MoffettI,,e~tk
    Illinois Pollution c~6Wtroi Board

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