November 22, 1974
    PCB 74—339
    The Andrew McFarland Zone Center is a facility of the Illinois
    Department of Mental Health and is used for the care of patients
    at Springfield, Illinois. Petitioner seeks a variance from Rule
    203(h) of Chapter 3, Water Pollution Regulations in order to apply
    copper sulfate to a man—made lake for the control of algae. The
    lake was constructed for aesthetic purposes and is a major part
    of the total environment provided for patient care at the Zone
    Center. According to the Environmental Protection Agency the lake
    is 50 covered with dense algae.
    The Zone Center lake is a totally self—contained man-made lake
    and has no outfall unless a major rainfall occurs. Any overflow
    from the lake flows on to the immediate flat grounds. The lake is
    fed by land runoff and there is no defined tributary to it. The
    Agency states that the lake is 4 or more acres in size and the exact
    depth is unknown. The lake supports aquatic life but is not used
    for swimming and is not used as a water supply for man or livestock.
    Eighty pounds of copper sulfate was applied to the lake in July
    1972 and again in July 1973 without any fish kill or other undesirable
    The Agency recommends that the variance be granted, stating that
    algae can cause fish kills during extended periods of cloudy weather
    and in addition, the algae is very unsightly and distracts from the
    general appearance of the lake. Petitioner states that it would like
    to restore the beauty of the lake for the benefit of approximately
    130 patients and also visitors and employees.
    Since the amount of copper sulfate to be added will depend upon
    the size and depth of the lake, an accurate determination of the lake
    size will have to be made. However, we believe that there is sufficien~
    information in the record for the allowance of this variance subject
    to determination of the size of the lake and observance by the Agency

    of the application of the copper sulfate. A proper application
    of copper sulfate we believe will be beneficial and would pose
    no threat to aquatic life.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
    of law of the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
    It is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that Petitioner
    be granted variance from Rule 203(h) of Chapter 3, Water Pollution
    Regulations of Illinois for a period of one year for the purpose of
    making one application of copper sulfate to its man—made lake. The
    variance is subject to the following conditions:
    a. That an accurate determination of the size of the Andrew
    McFarland Zone Center lake be made and that such infor-
    mation be submitted to the Agency prior to application of
    the copper sulfate.
    b. That copper sulfate be applied at a rate not to exceed
    2.7 lbs. per acre foot of water volume.
    c. That the Agency be notified before the application of
    the copper sulfate and be allowed to observe the appli-
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board hereby certify th above Opinion and Order ias adopted this
    __________day oft)_________ 1974 by a vote of _____to_____

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