August 1, 1974
    PCB 74-137
    On April 16, 1974, 3 & S Tin Mill Products Company, Inc. filed its
    Petition For Variance, seeking therein variance from the provisions
    of Rule 205(f) of Chapter 2, Part II of the Air Pollution Control Regu-
    lations until March 1, 1975. An Amended Petition was filed on May 10, 1974,
    Petitioner operates a facility located in Franklin Park, County of
    Cook, Illinois. That facility is engaged in the coating and printing of
    tin plate and black plate. Typical raw materials for this process are
    2’ x 2’ squares of light gauge tin-plated steel, printing inks., enamel and
    lacquer finishes.
    The tin plate is received in palletized form, unloaded by fork lift
    trucks and transported to the five (5) printing and coating lines. The
    plates are fed by a conveyor through rubber printing rolls where the
    ink, enamel or lacquer is applied by direct cQntact. Following the coating,
    the plates are fed directly into gas fired drying ovens for baking. The
    finished plates are palletized and shipped to various manufacturers for
    stamping and forming.
    Petitioner’s original control plan was to convert all of its coating
    lines to exempt solvents, This it has been unable to accomplish because
    of shortages of exempt solvents.
    This variance is requested for Coatinq Lines 4 and 5 OfliY. Coating
    Lines 1 and 2 use photochemically reactive solvents; however, each line
    emits less than eight pounds per hour of hydrocarbons as methane thus
    satisfying Rule 205(f). Line 3 uses non-photochemically reactive solvents
    and hence, is exempt from the above rule as no odor problem exists, Lines
    4 and 5 each emit more than eight pounds per hour of photochemically reactive
    solvents. (24.00 lbs/hr and 21.20 lbs/hr. respectively). Petitioner plans
    to convert Line 4 solvents to exempt solvents and thereby achieve compliance
    with Rule 205(f). An afterburner will be installed on Line 5 to control
    emissions so their level will comply with Rule 205(f)(1)(A).

    Petitioner expects to have an afterburner delivered by October 1,
    installed by February 1, 1975, tested by February 15, 1975, and fully
    operating by March 1, 1975 to eliminate emissions from coating line 5.
    Petitioner has a commitment from Northern Illinois Gas to supply the
    natural gas for the afterburner since the gas demand for such a facility
    was included in Petitioner’s original gas contract. The installed cost
    of the afterburner will be approximately $25,000.00.
    Line 4 is in the process of changing oyer to exempt solvent paints.
    Due to the short supply of such solvents, Petitioner’s paint suppliers
    cannot assure a complete changeover to exempt solvent paints until
    August 1, 1974.
    Petitioner’s facility is located in a light industrial area. The
    nearest residences are a quarter to a half mile south of the plant and
    separated from the facility by the Tn-State Tollway. The Agency has
    received no citizen complaints nor any objections to the grant of this
    The Agency states that Petitioner’s control program and time schedule
    appear t~be adequate for controlling the problem, and brining the facility
    into compliance with Rule 205(f).
    This Board is aware of the current shortage of non~’photochemical solvents
    and Petitioner is not unique in its inability to obtain said solvents.
    The variance will be granted; however, since Petitioner has been assured
    of sufficient exempt solvents to meet the requirements of Line 4 by
    August 1, 1974, the variance for Line 4 shall terminate on that date.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions of
    law of the Board.
    IT IS THE ORDER of the Pollution Control Board that Petitioner be granted
    a variance from the provisions of Rule 205(f) of the Air Pollution Control
    Regulations as follows:
    I. Variance for Line 4 shall terminate on August 1, 1974.
    2. Variance for Line 5 shall terminate on March 1, 1975.
    Petitioner shall observe the following conditions:
    a) Petitioner shall utilize as much exempt solvent formulations
    as can be furnished by its suppliers.
    b) Petitioner shall notify the Agency immediately if any deviation
    from the compliance timetable occurs.

    c) Petitioner shall submit monthly reports to:
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Control Program Coordinator
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    The monthly reports shall include the total amount of solvents used,
    the nature and amount of non-exempt solvents used, the nature and amount
    of exempt solvents used, the amount and nature of exempt solvents
    purchased (indicating the supplier), the amount and nature of non-
    exempt solvents purchased (indicating the supplier), and the amount and
    nature of solvents in inventory at the beginning of each month.
    d) Petitioner shall obtain all necessary Agency permits, particularly
    for Lines 1, 3 and 5.
    e) Petitioner shall conduct a stack test on the afterburner to be
    installed on Line 5 to insure compliance with the Rules and Regulations.
    Petitioner shall notffy the Agency three (3) days in advance of the test
    so that Agency personnel may be present at the test to observe test
    procedures and operating conditions.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Contrçl Board,
    certify that the above Opinion and Order was adopted on this /~~‘
    day ~
    1974 by a vote of

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