June 20, 1974
PCB 74—81
Lewis and Clark Community College requests extension of a
variance previously granted in PCB 72-246. Petitioner is a
community college district
in possession of the former Monti-
cello College sewage treatment plant in Godfrey, ~4adison County,
Illinois. In PCB 72—246 Petitioner
was granted variance from
of the Water Pollution Control Regulations until
May 31, 1974. Under Rule 404(f) the Lewis and Clark effluent
was not to exceed 4 mg/i of BOD or 5 mg/I of suspended solids
after December 31, 1973. Petitioner needed the additional time
in order to connect to the Godfrey Township Utility Board
sewage treatment plant.
The Board, in granting the variance, specified that
Petitioner’s effluent not exceed 20 mg/i BOD and 25 mg/i
suspended solids on a monthly average, that interim chlorination
be instituted by June 30, 1973 and that bacteriological standards
be met after that date. Except for grab samples showing 25 mg/i
BOD in the plant effluent during June and September, 1973,
high fecal coliform counts, the evidence shows that
Petitioner has
complied with the conditions imposed in
PCB 72—246.
instant case Petitioner represents that it is ready
and willing to connect to the Godfrey sewage treatment plant but
that such connection has been prohibited by the Environmental
Protection Agency until Godfrey completes construction of and
begins operating its proposed sewage treatment plant. The Lewis
and Clark sewage treatment plant is designed to serve 750 P.E.
and presently serves 500 P.E. Effluent from the treatment plant
discharges to an unnamed intermittent stream about 0.6 miles
above the confluence with Rocky Fork Creek. The Agency believes
that “if Petitioner does not increase the waste load to its
present facility beyond its design capacity and continues to
discharge an effluent within the parameters prescribed by the
Board in PCB 72-246 there would be no significant adverse
affect on the stream to which Petitioner discharges” (Agency
Recommendation, page 6).
Petitioner states that it expects to be allowed to connect
to the Godfrey sewage treatment plant on or before September 1,
1976. The two Godfrey sewage treatment projects currently
stand #2 and #3 on the Fiscal Year 1974 Water Pollution Control
Construction Grant Priority List. Petitioner’s facility would
connect to the Godfrey project listed as the #2 priority. How-
ever, a project schedule submitted by Godfrey to the Agency
indicates that construction will not commence until December 31,
1975 on the #2 priority project, and completion is scheduled for
June 30, 1977. Therefore, it would appear Petitioner could not
connect to the Godfrey sewage treatment plant earlier than
June 30, 1977. In an effort to accelerate the connection to th~
Godfrey sewage treatment plant, the Agency suggests that
Petitioner apply for a Conditional Installation Permit. This
permit can be issued to Lewis and Clark after Godfrey has been
issued its construction permit and all contracts for construction
of the Godfrey plant have been executed. Petitioner would then
be allowed to construct the required interceptor line to the
Godfrey plant, short of actual connection, and make the connection
shortly after the Godfrey plant is completed, is in operation and
is approved by the Agency.
The Agency recommends granting the variance subject to certain
conditions. The conditions seem reasonable and will be included
in the Board Order. The variance shall be allowed.
If it becomes necessary for Petitioner to apply for an
extension of this variance we will require updated and detailed
information regarding the quality of effluent being discharged
by Petitioner.
It is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that Lewis
and Clark Community College be granted a variance from Rule
404(f) of the Illinois Water Pollution Control Regulations
until June 20, 1975 subject to the following conditions:
1. Effluent from Petitioners sewage treatment plant
shall not exceed
mg/I BOD and 25 mg/i suspended
solids on a monthly average.
2. Effluent from Petitioner’s sewage treatment
plant shall not exceed 400 fecal coliform/100 ml.
3. Petitioner shall not increase the waste load to
its sewage treatment plant beyond its designed
4. Petitioner shall make application to the Agency for
a Conditional Installation
Permit for the proposed
interceptor as soon as the construction permit has
been issued to the Godfrey Township Utility Board
and all contracts for construction of Godfrey’s
sewage treatment plant have been executed. When
the conditional installation permit is issued,
Petitioner shall construct the proposed interceptor
line so that it is completed at, or prior to, the
time the Godfrey sewage treatment plant is placed
in operation.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify the above Opinion and Order was adopted
this ~
day ~
1974 by a vote of ~ to ~
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