April 4, 1974
PCB 74-21
ME. KENNETH ROY GAINES, appeared on behalf of Benjamin Harris ~
MRS. KATHRYN S. NESBURG and MR. PETER ORLINSKY, appeared on behalf
of the Environmental Protection Agency
Benjamin Harris ~ Company (Harris) filed a Petition for
Variance on January 16, 1974 which they amended on February 28,
1974. The Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) filed a
Recommendation on February 28, 1974. On March 1, 1974 a hearing
was held at which time the parties submitted a detailed Stipulation.
On March 8, 1974 Harris filed a Post Hearing Brief.
Harris owns and operates a brass and bronze foundry located
at 11th and State Street in the City of Chicago Heights, Cook County,
Illinois. The foundry is equipped with one 4-ton cupol~ two 1-
ton crucible furn~e~s,one 10-ton rotary furnace, and 4 brass
and bronze reverberatory furnaces. The four reverberatory furnaces
are equipped with a baghouse. The cupola and two crucibles are
the subject of the present variance petition. The rotary furnace,
while treated in a prior variance request, (PCB 73-215) is not
included in the request for this extension of that variance.
This case involves an application by Benjamin Harris ~ Company
for an extension of a variance granted to Harris by the Board on
August 30, 1973 (PCB 73-215). The prior variance, from Rules
2-2.54 and 3-3.111 of the Rules and Regulations Governing the
Control of Air Pollution (Air Rules) was granted, subject
to several conditions, in order to allow Harris to operate their
cupola, rotary furnace, and two crucible furnaces in violation
of those Rules. The conditions required Harris to complete
phases one and two of their six phase emission abatement pro-
gram for the above equipment, and to perform testing necessary
to determine the parameters needed to size the abatement
equipment. The variance was granted until February 4, 1974.
harris now seeks, in the instant case, a 9-1/2 month variance
from Rule 203 of the Air Regulations in order to operate their
cupola and two crucible furnaces while completing the remaining
phases of their emission reduction program. The Agency recommended
a denial of the petition for variance or in the alternative a
grant subject to certain conditions.
The hearing record in the instant case consists of a stipulation
of facts agreed to
Harris and the Agency, including the record in
the previous variance case (PCB 73-2l5).There are two main issues
in this case; the need for a variance from Rule 203, and the
economic hardship if a variance were not granted.
The particulate emissions of concern to this case are emitted
the cupola and the tw~ocrucible furnaces, the rotary furnace
not being in use (Harris~”\Petition, Page 2). During the prior
variance period the cupola furnace was operated during two time
periods,December 11-17, 1973 and January 24-27, 1974, to perform
stack testing while the crucible furnaces were operated ~‘continuously”
(Stipulation, Page 3). During the variance period the crucible
furnace exhausts were connected to the existing cupola control system
which consists of an irrigated cyclone followed by an afterburner
followed by a second irrigated cyclone. The rotary furnace was to
have been, but has not yet been connected to the existing control
system. The new emission control system to be completed during the
next 9-1/2 months is a baghouse, with or without the existing
cyclones and afterburner, downstream of the manifolded furnaces
which will clean the exhausts from the cupola, crucible, and rotary
furnaces simultaneously.
A stack test performed by Polytechnic, Inc. on December 17,
1973 (Stipulation, Ex. D-II) downstream of the existing cupola
control equipment shows particulate emissions to the atmosphere
of 163 lb./hr. These emissions are stipulated to and are indicated
as being emitted from the cupola, even though the crucible furnaces
were tied into the system at this time and could also have been
contributing particulates. The cupola has a process weight rate
of 8333 lb./hr. and the resulting allowable emissions are 5.35 lb./hr.
(Stipulation, Para. 10)
considerably less than those occurring
according to the stack test. A particle size analysis performed
by Polytechnic during this same test showed that 70 of the particles
emitted by weight will be 4 micrometers or less in diameter with
the average diameter being 1 micrometer (Ex. D-II, Table III).
It is interesting to note that Harris had estimated emissions
from the cupola of 53 to 112 lb./hr. and the Agency 232 lb./hr.
during the prior variance hearing, based on both parties use of
AP-42 “Compilation of Air Pollution Emission Factors” and AP-58
“Air Pollution Aspects of Brass and Bronze Smelting and Refining
Industry” (PCB 73-215, R. 138, 233).
The emissions from the crucible furnaces have not been
measured, so the parties estimated them using emission factors,
each party coming up with a different answer. Harris estimates
the emissions per furnace as 2.0 lbs./hr. during “high zinc”
melts based on a process rate of 900 lb./hr. per furnace and some,
unknown, collection system efficiency (Stipulation, Page 12).
The Agency estimates an emission rate of 5.8 lb/hr. per furnace
during high zinc melts, based on the same process weight rate and
a control system efficiency of 20 (Stipulation, Page 12). Both
parties estimate an emission rate per furnace of 0.2 lb./hr.
during “no zinc” melts (Stipulation, Page 12).
The Board has estimated the emissions from the crucible
furnaces based on the stack test performed by Polytechnic. This
test used in conjunction with the standard emission factors shows
a collection efficiency for the existing system of 46. Applying
this efficiency to the emissions from the crucible furnaces, we
calculate an estimated emission level of 3.9 lb./hr. per furnace
during high zinc melts.
The allowable particulate emissions for the crucible furnaces
is also an item of contention. Harris alledges that Rule 203(b)
for existing sources if applicable with a total allowable level
of 3.8 lb./hr. for the two furnaces (Stipulation, Page 11). The
Agency alleges that Harris was not in compliance with Rule 203(b)
as of the effective date of the regulation and thus is governed
by Rule 203(a) for new sources which sets the limit for the two
furnaces together at 2.4 lb./hr (Stipulation, Page 12). The
Board finds that the Agency’s point of view is a correct one and
that, at least during high zinc melts, the crucible :Furnaces would
be in violation of the Air Regulations since together their emissions
would be at least 4.0 lb./hr. according to the lowest estimate,
which is Harris’ (Stipulation, Page 12).
Harris alleges economic hardship as the basis for their
variance request. They need the revenuegenerated by the cupola
and crucible furnaces to pay, at the minimum, the costs of their
ongoing compliance program and cannot wait the 9-1/2 month period
until the control program is complete before operating these furnaces
and generating revenue (Harris’ Brief, Page 4). Harris had lost
a total of $554,000 in fiscal years 1970 through 1972 and had a
profit of $75,000 in fiscal 1973 (Stipulation, Page 7). Notwith-
standing this profit, Harris’ line of credit was withdrawn on
August 31, 1973 and the company was forced to pay off the balance
due of $575,000; which necessitated obtaining financing at much
higher rates from another bank (Stipulation, Exhibit H). To pay
the approximately $100,000 additional cost of the baghouse
control system,Harris desires to operate the cupola and crucible
furnaces in the interim (Stipulation, Page 7).
The cupola furnace reprocesses slag from the reverberatory
furnace in a continuous operation lasting 24 hours a day for
5 days. The process refines the reverberatory slag, having essen-
tially no value, into “black copper”, a metallic material having
a value of approximately 50 cents per pound (Exhibit H, Para. 3).
Since the cupola furnace has not been operated except for the
two weeks for testing, the reverberatory slag has been accumulating
at a rate of 50 to 100 tons per week. During the two weeks of
cupola operation in December, 1973 and January, 1974, Harris
processed 993,000 pounds of slag into black copper and made a
profit of $34,100 (Ex. H, Para. 4). In addition, in September,
1973 Harris shipped one million pounds of slag to an outside
smelter for processing and made a profit of $4,600 on the trans-
action after paying the outside smelter $37,000 (Ex. H, Para. 7).
The slag that had accumulated as of the prior variance hearing
in August, 1973 was 7 to 8 million pounds (PCB 73-245, R. 30),
which with additions and reprocessing is probably the amount on
hand today.
Harris in their petition for variance asks to make fifteen
5-day cupola runs during the 9-1/2 month period. According to the
above information, this would net them a profit of between $272,000
and $443,000
by the processing of 8.0 million pounds of slag--
essentially all of the material that has accumulated.
The crucible furnaces are used by Harris to produce alloys
of varying zinc content, those characterized as “high zinc” having
a zinc content of 15 or more. Each run (or heat) takes 2.33 hours
and Harris averages 40 high zinc heats per month. It is stipulated
that the production of alloys containing no zinc produces negligible
emissions (0.2 lbs./hr.) (Stipulation, Para. 11) but as we have
concluded previously, during high zinc melts the furnaces are not in
compliance. It is estimated by Harris based on 1973 data, that
the yearly profit from the production of these high zinc alloys is
$90,000. Thus if a variance for the crucible furnaces were granted
for a 9-1/2 month period, the profit would be approximately $71,000.
If a variance was not granted, the inability to produce these
alloys would result in the loss of other business besides the high
zinc alloys,according to Harris ,since their customers purchase
several different alloys from the same producer rather than from
several producers (Ex. H, Para. 7).
The above financial information shows that Harris could expect
to make a substantial saving in expense if their variance request
for the cupola and crucible furnaces was granted; an amount
considerably in excess of their additional compliance cost of
$100 ,000.
Because of the excessive particulate emissions from the cupola
and because the particulate analysis shows the average particle
diameter to be 1 micrometer, the worst size in terms of retention
in the lung (Stipulation, Page 9, Ex. D-II, Page 3), it seems
to us that the operation of the cupola and crucibles should be
limited as much as possible. In particular, the cupola would
emit approximately 40 times the particulates as the crucibles
but would only generate 3 to 7 times the profit during the 9-1/2
month period. Therefore, a variance granted by the Board on
the basis of hardship should allow the full use of the crucible
furnaces but only limited use of the cupola. The Board thus limits
the cupola runs to six during the 9-1/2 month variance period. This
would generate, including the crucible furnaces, a profit of
approximately $173,000, an amount 70 percent greater than that
required by Harris to complete their compliance program.
The above constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
conclusions of law.
The Board hereby grants Harris a variance from Rule 203
of the Air Regulations until January 19, 1975 subject to the
following conditions:
1. Petitioner may operate its cupola furnace for a maximum of
eight five-day runs to enable Petitioner to cover the expenses
of the proposed control program.
2. Petitioner shall submit a monthly report to:
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Air Pollution Control
Control Program Coordinator
2200 Churchill Road
Springfield, Illinois 62706
The reports shall describe furnace operations by type and
quantity of metal processed, progress toward completion of
Petitioner’s program to achieve compliance, gross and net
income due to furnace operation, and expenses incurred pur-
suant to completion of the program.
3. Petitioner shall modify the control program to include
provisions to control emissions during the tapping operation.
4. Petitioner shall not run the rotary furnace during the
period of any variance granted in this matter.
5. The crucible furnacesshall be run as much as possible
to generate funds to pay for the control equipment. Emissions
occurring from the crucible furnaces during the melting
and tapping shall be ducted to the existing control equip-
ment and not vented directly to the atmosphere when possible.
6. Within thirty (30) days of the Board Order in this matter,
Petitioner shall post a Performance Bond in terms acceptable
to the Agency and in an amount of $5,000 to ensure installa-
tion of control equipment.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Boa~d,hereby certify the above Opinion and Order were adopted on the
day of April, 1974 by a vote of
C ristan L. Mof~ett4~lerk
Illinois Pollution r~±itro1Board