January 17, 1974
    Leah S. Hamilton, Attorney, appeared on behalf
    Thomas H. Casper, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the
    Environmental Protection Agency.
    On October 26, 1973, Petitioner, Granite City Steel,
    Division of National Steel Corporation, filed its Petition
    For Extension of Variance. Petitioner operates an integrated
    steel plant located in Granite City, Madison County, Illinois.
    The instant Petition seeks extension of a variance initially
    granted by this Board in PCB 70-34 and subsequently extended
    in PCB 73-26.
    The subject of this Variance extension is Petitioner’s
    sinter process main windbox and pug mill. The main purpose
    of the sinter process is to reclaim various material fines
    developed from other steel processes to produce a useable
    product for the blast furnace. The sinter machine consists
    of a traveling grate, 8 ft. wide and 128 ft. long. The
    sinter process fuses the blended material producing a clinker
    material suitable for charging in the blast furnace. In the
    process, air is drawn through the bed to complete combustion
    and to cool the bed of hot clinker. Small dust particles
    in the bed become entrained in the exhaust gas stream and
    must be collected prior to discharging them into the atmosphere.
    In order to remove these fine particles, control equipment
    consisting of two banks of multiclones were originally installed.
    More recently, Petitioner has installed a high energy scrubber.
    This Board on April 25, 1972 (PCB 70—34) granted Petitioner
    a one year Variance to install control equipment (Venturi
    Scrubber System) on the sinter process (paragraph 9 of Stipulation,
    PCB 70—34)
    This time period contemplated extensions of the

    Variance until the 19 1/2 months construction schedule was
    completed. Extensions of the Variance were to be based on
    Petitioner maintaining satisfactory progress toward the
    completion of the project. Nineteen and one-half months
    from April 25, 1972 contemplated a completion date of
    December 10, 1973. On January 25, 1973, Petitioner filed
    a Petition for extension of the previously granted Variance.
    This Petition was docketed PCB 73-26. The opinion of the
    Board in that cause (dated May 31, 1973) granted Petitioner
    an extension of the Variance for Ihe sinter process main
    windbox and puq mill for 7 1/2 months.
    The original Board Order (PCB 70-34)
    the Petition
    for extension (P03 73-26)
    and the Agency Recommendation
    (PCB 73-26) all contemplated a Variance extension for
    the sinter process main windbox and pug mill for 19 1/2 months
    or until December 10, 1973.
    By the instant Petition, Petitioner requests an
    additional 78 days, or until February 26, 1974, to complete
    the following items on the scrubber:
    1. Modify, repair, or replace the electrical switch
    gear run circuit breaker so that this electrical equipment
    will remain actuated during operation of the system.
    2. Eliminate the vibration in the “pulling” fan to
    permit the system to operate without interruption.
    ~ Eliminate cavitation at the intake pipe to the
    “Kinpactor” pump.
    4. Clean and remove accumulation of foreign matter on
    instrument and controls for the system to permit reliable
    5. Calibrate and reset all instruments and controls.
    6. Correct miscellaneous electrical wiring problems.
    Paragraph 12 of the Order of April 25, 1972 provides:
    “12) Failure of Granite City Steel Company to
    comply with any term of this Stipulation or of Exhibit A
    hereto shall not result in any forfeiture or penalty if
    occasioned by Act of God or the piblic enemy, accidental
    fire or explosion, flood, war, riot, sabotage, accident,
    government priority or other action by any state or federal
    governmental authority or local governmental authority other
    than relating to pollution control, strike, slowdown, lockout,
    or work stoppage or labor trouble of any kind whatsoever,

    failure of supply of materials, parts or equipment, or
    f~ilure, delay, or refusal of any designer, fabricator,
    or supplier to design, fabricate, deliver, or install
    as agreed any equipment specified herein, provided such
    failure, delay or refusal is not due to the fault of
    Granite City Steel Company, or if occasioned by any other
    circumstance, whether of like character or different
    character from those enumerated above, which circumstance
    is beyond the reasonable control of the Company.” (emphasis
    Petitioner alleges that itó’has experienced delays
    excused under Paragraph 12, and beyond its control,
    totalling 78 days in the installation of the scrubber system.
    In each instance, Petitioner submitted to the Agency a
    timely advisory letter notifying the Agency of the delays
    being experienced and the causes thereof.
    Petitioner has submitted documentary evidence to
    substantiate its claim that the delay of 78 days in its
    project completion schedule was caused by forces beyond its
    control: bad weather, strike or labor trouble and failure
    of suppliers to perform as agreed. All of these causes
    of delay are excused under Paragraph 12 of our Order of
    April 25, 1972. The Agency is of the opinion that the delays
    were not caused by Petitioner and that the 78—day extension
    is reasonable.
    We find Petitioner’s evidence convincing and will,
    accordingly, grant the extension of variance as requested,
    subj.ect to certain conditions.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and
    conclusions of law of the Board.
    IT IS THE ORDER of the Pollution Control Board that
    Petitioner, Granite City Steel, be granted an extension of
    the variance originally
    in PCB 70-34 and subsequently
    extended in PCB 73-26 until February 26, 1974, subject to
    the following conditions:
    1. All applicable conditions in the Order of the
    Pollution Control Board in PCB 70-34 and PCB 73-26 shall
    remain in full force and effect.

    2. Petitioner shall notify:
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Air Pollution
    Region IV Office
    ll5A West Main Street
    Collinsville, Illinois 62234
    (Telephone 618/345—0700)
    one day in advance of any outage of the gas cleaning device.
    3. That during any outage of the gas cleaning device,
    Petitioner shall blend and sinter materials of the lowest
    dusting potential.
    4. Petitioner shall perform a stack test within 120
    days after completion of the modifications. Petitioner
    shall notify:
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Region IV Office
    il5A West Main Street
    Collinsville, Illinois 62234
    (Telephone 618/345—0700)
    at least five (5) days in advance of said stack test and allow
    Agency observation if desired. Petitioner shall submit the
    results of said test to:
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Control Program Coordinator
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, certify that the above Opinion and Order
    was adopt d on this
    day of
    1974 by a
    vote of

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