January 10, 1974
    PCB 73—434
    Ernest H. Lidstrom appeared pro se
    Lee A. Campbell,
    Attorney General for the EPA
    Petitioner Ernest H. Lidstrom seeks variance from Order
    No. 7 of League of Women Voters vs. North Shore Sanitary District,
    70-7, 12, 13 and 14 in order to permit sewer connections on
    13 unimproved lots in Gurnee, Illinois. The lots are located on
    Harper Avenue between Ferndale and Delaney Roads. The proposed
    connections would he tributary to the Sanitary District’s Clavey
    Road Sewage Treatment Plant.
    Petitioner, a full—time contractor and housebuilder, began
    purchasing the lots in 1964 and finally acauired 23 lots. Following
    the installation of water service in 1965 and sewer extensions in
    1967, Petitioner began construction of single family dwellings. A
    total of 7 houses have been comple~edwith another nearing com-
    pletion. Four of the houses were built prior to our sewer con-
    nection ban of March 31, 1971. Petitioner obtained permits for
    the other three houses when additional permits were made available
    by our Order in PCB 71-343 (Jan. 13, 1972)
    Petitioner has completed
    the foundation and backfill on the eighth dwelling but has been
    refused further financing by the Deerfield Savings and Loan Associ-
    ation (Petitioner Exhibit No. 8)
    Deerfield Savings and Loan
    advised Petitioner on November 5, 1973 that his application for
    construction funds was being held pending receipt of a sewer permit.
    Lidstroin builds two or three quality houses annually. The
    quality of the houses was verified by Robert Trigg, Administrator
    for the Village of Gurnee (R. 34). Petitioner has about $95,000
    invested in the entire project——$65.000 in lot purchases, sewer

    water service, taxes and $30,000 in equipment and materials.
    About $19,000 of this cost relates to lots other than the 13
    for which the variance is sought. Lidstrom testified that he
    will lose a significant portion of the remaining $76,000 if he
    cannot obtain sewer permits for the 13 lots. He states that
    the investment represents his “entire cash” over the last 10
    The Lake County Health Department has been “extremely
    adamant” in opposing the installation of septic tanks CR. 30).
    Robert Trigg testified that the Village of Gurnee also would
    not encourage the installation of septic tanks. Trigg added
    that a Village ordinance on septic tanks required the use of
    two lots (one for the septic tank and one for the dwelling)
    when a septic system was installed (R. 36)
    Therefore, sewer
    connection is the practical answer for Lidstrorn.
    The EPA recommended denial of this variance. The Agency
    concluded from the fact that Lidstrom waited 5 years to begin
    construction that Petitioner’s hardship was self—imposed. Lidstrom
    claimed that he could have obtained sewer permits for all 16 lots
    at the time he obtained the 3 permits. He testified that he chose
    not to do so because of his building schedule and because he did
    not want to be greedy CR. 8)
    Petitioner appears to have adhered to his initial building
    schedule and testimony indicated that he did not plan to speed
    up the schedule even if permits were available. At the rate of
    two houses per year it would be expected that the next dwelling
    would be completed about mid-1974.
    In a related matter, the Board has today accepted a Stipu-
    lation submitted jointly by all parties involved in PCB 73-134,
    North Shore Sanitary District vs. EPA. Part 8 of the Stipulation
    calls for the issuance of 2,000 permits (8,000 P.E.)
    sewer connections to the Clavey Road plant. One of the conditions
    involved in issuinq these permits would be that actual connection
    be delayed until July 1, 1974. Coincidentally this is about the
    time that Lidstrom would actually need the connection for the
    first o~his planned 13 dwellinqs.
    We believe the record supports Petitioner’s claim that com-
    pliance with the sewer ban order would cause an arbitrary and
    unreasonable hardship. Substantial improvements at the Clavey
    Road plant have already been made and additional sewer connections
    will be acceptable. Lid~~tromwill be able to fulfill his re—
    quirements from the allotment of 2,000 sewer connections which
    is being authorized today.

    We could dismiss the variance petition as moot but that
    would apparently not solve Lidstrom’s problem with financing.
    We will, therefore, grant the variance but specify that the
    sewer permits shall come from those 2,000 authorized by our
    Order in PCB 73-134.
    It is the Order of the Board that Ernest H. Lidstrom be
    granted variance from Order No. 7 of League of Women Voters vs.
    North Shore Sanitary District, PCB 70—7, 12, 13 and 14 in order
    that he may secure sewer connection permits for 13 unimproved
    lots in Gurnee, Illinois. Petitioner’s 13 sewer permits shall
    he a part of the 2,000 permits allotted by our Order adonted
    this date in PCB 73-134. Petitioner shall not make actual
    connection to the sewer system prior to July 1, 1974.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify the above Opinion and Order was ~opted
    this /~1 day of
    1974 by a vote of ~ to

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