January 10, 1974
    PCB 73—290
    PCB 73—449
    Sidney G. Craig, Attorney for Petitioner
    J. Gumbiner, Assistant Attorney General for the Agency
    Petitioner operates a plant in Mt. Prospect, Cook County,
    Illinois for the manufacture of copying machines, photosensitized
    papers and toners. On March 28, 1973 Petitioner submitted to the
    Environmental Protection Agency its application for permits to
    operate five ovens which are used for the drying of solvent coating
    at the plant. The Agency issued permit No. 0 3 03 2586 allowing
    the plant to operate, but only until December 31, 1973. The Company
    filed a Permit Appeal (PCB 73-290) contending that the expiration
    date of the permit should be May 1, 1975.
    Petitioner admits that toluene emissions from each of the
    drying ovens during the solvent coating operation are about 400
    lbs. per hour. Rule 205(f) Air Pollution Control Regulations staLes:
    “No person shall cause or allow the discharge of more
    than 8 lbs. per hour of organic material into the
    atmosphere from any emission source, except as provided
    in paragraphs (f) (1) and (f) (2) of this Rule 205...
    (2) Exceptions: The provisions of Rule 205(f)
    shall not apply to:
    (D) any owner, operator, user or manufacturer,
    of paint, varnish, lacquer, coatings or
    printing ink whose compliance program
    and Project Completion Schedule as required

    by Part 1 of this Chapter, provides for the
    reduction of organic material used in such
    process to 20 or less of total volume by
    May 30, 1975.
    Petitioner had submitted a Compliance Plan and Project Completion
    Schedule with its permit application. The Compliance Plan and Project
    Completion Schedule called for the complete elimination of the toluene
    emissions by May 1, 1975 by moving the operation to another State.
    The Agency disapproved of this method of meeting the Regulations and
    therefore found that the Compliance Plan and Project Completion
    Schedule were inadequate. Petitioner, on the other hand, contended
    that if compliance is achieved prior to the May 30, 1975 deadline for
    meeting the Standard, then there is no reason for denying an operating
    Early in October 1972 corporate officers decided against closing
    the Mt.
    Prospect facility. Property which had been acquired for
    construction of new facilities in other States was then sold, because
    there had been a decrease in demand for Petitioner’s product and for
    ther economic reasons. Since the Mt. Prospect plant will remain in
    peration it became necessary to bring Petitioner into compliance with
    the Illinois Regulations by methods different from those previously
    ?roposed. A new permit application was filed with the Agency accom-
    ?anied by a Compliance Plan and Project Completion Schedule showing
    :hat compliance will he achieved through incineration of the organic
    ~missions, and not through removal of the plant to another State. The
    )lan is to reduce solvent hydrocarbon emissions by 95 with a control
    ;ystem which will be fully operational by December 31, 1974 and not
    ater than February 3, 1975.
    Petitioner states
    it will switch from direct firing to
    .ndirect firing on its ovens, utilizing heat generated from the after-
    ~urners and reducing the need for supply of natural gas. With this
    ‘rocedure, Addressograph’s need for YLatural gas can apparently be met by
    orthern Illinois Gas Company.
    Petitioner now requests a one year variance from Rule 205(f) of
    he Air Pollution Regulations to allow installation of the incinerators.
    etitioner’s attorney states that “a decision will apparently be un-
    ecessary on the permit appeal, if the necessary time variance can he
    Petitioner’s decision to install incinerators came late, but
    annot conclude that the hardship was self-imposed. The lateness of
    ecision was apparently caused by a changing ecnomic and market
    The EPA is of the opinion that the proposed control program
    dng the coating operation into compliance and agrees that a one year
    ime schedule for the ordering, delivery, installation
    and testing
    the equipment is reasonable. The Agency has recommended that the
    iriance be granted, subject to certain conditions.
    We will allow the
    iriance and will incorporate those conditions suggested by the Agency.

    We are pleased that the Petitioner’s facility will remain in
    Illinois as a part of the vigorous economy of this State. The
    closing of the plant would cause the layoff of 470 employees, the
    discontinuation of paper products necessary for office copying
    machines and some loss of profit to the Petitioner.
    EPA employees interviewed citizens residing in the general
    vicinity of the plant. Even though some of the citizens complained
    of odors, all of them approved of the fact that Petitioner now has
    control program, and therefore no objections were raised to the
    granting of the variance.
    With the grant of the variance, the reason for denial of oper-
    ating permit has now been removed. The Agency will give due regard
    to this opinion in considering Addressograph’s new application for
    permit. The current permit appeal is therefore moot and is dismissed.
    It is the order of the Pollution Control Board that:
    A. Petitioner Addressograph-Multigraoh Corporation,
    Multigraphics Division be granted variance from
    Rule 205(f) of the Air Pollution Control Regu-
    lations in the operation of its Mt. Prospect
    facility until January 10, 1975 for the purpose of
    brinqingthat facility into compliance through the
    installation and operation of incineration equipment.
    B. Petitioner shall make timely applications to the
    Agency for all necessary construction and operating
    C. Petitioner shall by February 14, 1974 post a bond
    in the amount of $25,000 in a form acceptable to
    the Environmental Protection Agency, such bond to
    be forfeited in the event Petitioner fails to in-
    stall and operate the control equipment by
    February 3, 1975. The bond shall be mailed to:
    Fiscal Services Division, Illinois EPA, 2200
    Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706.
    D. The permit appeal (PCB 73-290) is dismissed.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board,
    hereby certify the above Opinion and Order was adopted this
    day of
    1974 by a vote of ______to_____

    I,Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, her4by certify the above Opinion and Order
    was adopted
    ~ day of~
    1974 by a vote of

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