August 30, 1973
    PCB 73—272
    Alfred Lewis, Attorney for Petitioner
    Fredric Entin, Assistant Attorney General for the EPA
    Engelhardt operates a 13 acre solid waste disposal site
    near the Waukegan Airport in Lake County, Illinois. On July 3,
    1973, Enqelhardt filed a document with us which all parties
    agree should be construed as a variance petition. The petition
    is for variance from Rule 912(b) of the Water Pollution Regu-
    lations and Orders 6(c) and 6(d) of League of Women Voters vs.
    North Shore Sanitary District, PCB 71—343, for the purpose of
    allowing a sewer connection and the draining of Petitioner’s
    The landfill now contains some 4 to 5 million gallons of
    leachate—-the collection of rainwater on the site prior to final
    cover and grading. An enforcement case has been brought against
    Engelhardt (PCE 73-181) but we do not decide here whether the
    landfill has been operated in conformity with legal requirements.
    Engelhardt has not requested that type of variance which will
    shield the Company from prosecution for past conduct and no
    such shield is given. The variance is requested to authorize
    immediate action to eliminate a health hazard.
    The uncovered ciebris includes hypodermic needles, syringes,
    bottles of drugs and similar refuse. Children have been observed
    on the landfill site although a fence does surround the entire
    area. The large quantity of leachate prevents the covering of
    this hazardous material. The leachate must be removed as rapidly
    as possible to allow the application of final cover. Both the City
    of Waukegan and the North Shore Sanitary District filed documents
    stating their approval of this project. The Agency recommends
    9— 173

    grant of the variance subject to certain conditions intended to
    ease the impact of this additional load on the Waukegan sewage
    treatment system.
    We grant the variance and urge all parties to expedite the
    draining of the landfill and the application of final cover
    consistent with the conditions imposed in the Order. A health
    hazard of this type must be eliminated as soon as possible.
    It is the order of the Board that:
    Engelhardt Inc. is granted a variance from Rule 912(b)
    of the Illinois Water Pollution Regulations and Orders
    6(c) and 6(d) of League of Women Voters vs. North
    Shore Sanitary District, PCB 71-343, for the purpose
    of allowing a sewer extension from the Engelhardt
    landfill to connect with the Waukegan Sanitary sewer
    system and for the discharge of leachate into that
    sewer system. This variance shall expire one year
    from the date of this order or at such earlier date
    as Petitioner completes the draining of the landfill
    and has applied final cover. The variance is conditioned
    upon adherence to the following:
    A. Leachate shall be discharged only during the
    period from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
    B. No leachate shall be discharged during or
    within 24 hours after rainfall or periods
    of heavy ice or snow melt.
    C. Leachate shall be discharged only during
    those periods when the Waukegan sewage treat-
    ment plant can adequately accept and treat all
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board,
    hereby certif the above Opinion and Order was adopted this ~
    day of
    1973 by a vote of

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