May 10, 1973
    A petition
    for variance was filed February 2, 1973 with the
    Board, asking permission to connect a
    24-unit apartment building
    not yet constructed, to the sewer system in Fox River Grove. No
    hearing was held.
    Petitioner alleges that 30-34 people would reside in the building
    and each would discharge 72 gallons per day. Petitioner further alleges
    that the Environmental Protection Agency agreed to a sewer connection
    prior to his obtaining a variance from the Village of Fox River Grove
    in February, 1972. He states that some “$20,000 in time and money”
    has been spent to date, to prepare for the construction of the
    The Village of Fox River Grove, in a letter dated January 18,
    1973, admits that its sewage plant is “operating over capacity”, but
    points out that a commercial firm which was a “major polluter” has
    discontinued operation and that the Straub tie-in would be negligible.
    The Environmental Protection Agency recommended denial in
    its recommendation dated March 28, 1973. No public hearing is man-
    dated because the recommendation was filed more than 21 days after
    the filing of the variance petition.
    The Agency states that no record could be found of the alleged
    approval by it of the petitioner’s proposed sewer connection. The
    Agency rightfully points out that the new regulations requiring
    a sewer connection permit for buildings in excess of 15 P.E. were
    passed on March 7, 1972 (effective April 16, 1972) and that a prior
    legal opinion as to status would not be binding into the future upon
    the Board in enacting new regulations.
    We accept the jurisdiction of the March 7, 1972 regulations upon
    the property at question. We point out that almost a year elapsed
    Detween March 7, 1972 and February 2, 1973, when the variance petition
    was filed, which raises questions as to the real urgency of the pro—

    The Agency verifies the fact of the cessation of discharges
    to the village sewage plant from the Aluminum Coil Anodizing Corpora-
    tion and its former deleterious effects. The effluent standard is
    30 mg/l BOD5 and 37 mg/i suspended solids after July 1, 1972. The
    Fox River, which receives the discharge, has a dilution ratio of 60:1.
    The design capacity of the plant is 390,000 gallons per day average
    flow, yet it received 627,000 gallons per day average flow for the
    12-month period ending November, 1972.
    The effluent data presented by the Agency show that the Jan-
    uary 10 and January 31, 1973 readings are well within the 30/37
    standard. Most of the suspended solids readings prior to this
    (7 ofare9)
    thestandard.37 mg/iThesestandarddatawhileseem
    not consistent with the hydraulically overloaded status of the plant.
    Either a remarkable job of operation is being done or the average
    flows are in error, or the effluent readings are incorrect.
    decide this case in May, 1973 with excellent effluent figures re-
    corded in January, 1973, not knowing what has transpired in February,
    March or April. If further excellent effluents were being achieved
    then we might not hesitate to grant a variance. But the data are
    too short in duration to be certain.
    We deny the variance without prejudice. Mr. Straub will be
    able to file again immediately if up-to-date sewage plant effluent
    data are provided that give us a clearer picture of the actual per-
    formance of this supposedly overloaded sewage plant.
    An amendment to the petition filed April 16, 1973 provides an
    undated but apparently recent letter from the Village of Fox River
    Grove. This letter details the village program to reduce excess
    infiltration but gives no dates when this program will be completed.
    A May 2, 1973 supplemental recommendation from the Agency reaffirms
    the original denial recommendation.
    If the effluents from the sewage plant are consistently within
    standards, then the Agency might wish to reconsider its sewer connec-
    tion ban originally imposed September 12, 1967. If, however, the
    present sewer ban is being continued because of raw sewage bypassing
    during rains, then the Agency should be prepared to so state and
    document in a new proceeding, should one be filed.
    The variance is denied without prejudice.
    This opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
    of law of the Board.

    IT IS SO
    ~nristdn Moffett, Clerk of the Pollution Control Boa~d)~certify
    that the above Opinion and Order was adopted on the
    day of May,
    1973, by a vote of

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