March 7, 1974
PCB 73—554
Petitioner operates a plant in Schiller Park, Illinois for
the manufacture of grocery store shelves, tables and check—out
counters. Painting equipment at the plant consists of two
Rahnsberg electrostatic disc paint spray booths, a flowcoater and
two bake ovens. Petitioner is seeking a one year variance from
Rule 205(f) of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Control
of Air Pollution, in order to continue its painting operations
until photochemically nonreactive solvents become available.
Photochemically reactive hydrocarbon emissions from Petitioner’s
electrostatic disc spray booths and bake ovens are in excess of
the eight pounds/hour allowed under Rule 205(f)
The painting
operations emit up to 67 lbs./hr. of noiiexempt solvents.
Petitioner plans to come into compliance by changing over
to photochemically nonreactive solvents but has not been able to
obtain this type of solvent because of the shortage of raw materials
used by Petitioner’s suppliers. Petitioner has investigated
incineration as a control technique but has found that the natural
gas needed to fire the afterburner is unavailable. Therefore,
Petitioner does not propose the installation of any control equipment.
The Company states that if it were required to comply with
Rule 205(f) at this time it would be forced to a complete plant
shutdown jeopardizing the employment of 200 people and resulting
in a complete loss of the plant production. The Company states
that if a variance is granted it will maintain close contact with
suppliers and will immediately implement the compliance program
as soon as the photochemically nonreactive paints and solvents become
11 —495
The Agency has rejected Petitionerts application for an
o~eratingpermit because of the lack of a suitable compliance
plan. However, the Agency now recommends a grant of this
variance subject to certain conditions.
One of the conditions suggested by the EPA is that Petitioner
he required to use as much exempt solvent as can be furnished by
its suppliers. This will undoubtedly cause problems of double
inventory and storage problems. Petitioner stores its solvents
in three underground storage tanks of 1000 gallon capacity. The
underground tanks would have to be depleted of nonexempt solvents
before the exempt solvents could be stored because the two types
of solvent could not he mixed. If exempt solvents become
available periodically the Company will apparently have to make
p~ovision~forseparate storage of these solvents. The Company
states that it will work out these problems, if the exempt solvents
become available, in order to satisfy the Rules~
According to the EPA, citizens living in the area of the
plant were contacted and they had no complaints concerning the
Airway Pro~ucts facility.
We believe from the evidence that the variance should be
granted but that Petitioner should modify its Compliance Plan to
give more definite assurance that the plant operations will come
within the provisions of the Rule. The Compliance Plan shall be
filed within the term of this variance and shall contain a more
definite program for meeting the Standard through one of the
alternatives available to the Company.
It is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that Petitioner
be granted a variance from Rule 205(f) of the Illinois Air
Pollution Control Regulations from December 31, 1973 to and
including December 31, 1974, subject to the following conditions:
a. Petitioner shall utilize as much exempt solvent
formulations as can be furnished by its suppliers.
b. Petitioner shall submit monthly progress reports
to the Agency indicating its efforts to obtain
exempt solvents and detailing progress made toward
achieving a compliance program pursuant to
paragraph c of this Order. The progress report
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shall be submitted to: Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency, Division of Air Pollution
Control, Control Program Coordinator, 2200
Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706.
c. With~in9 months after this Board Order
Petitioner shall submit to the Environmental
Protection Agency a modified Compliance Plan
detailing the manner in which Petitioner will
come into compliance at the conclusion of the
variance or under the provisions of Rule 205(f)
(1) (D)
Moffett, Clerk
the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereb~certify the above Opipion and Order was adopted
day of
1974 by a vote
Christan L. Moffett7~1~k
Illinois Pollution C~rol Board