February 21, 1974
PCB 73-502
Petition for variance was filed on November 30, 1973 by the
North Shore Sanitary District (NSSD). The petition seeks to extend
from March 2, 1974 to March 2, 1975 the period in which sewer
connections, in the amount of 9,133 population equivalents (P.E.),
to the Waukegan sewage treatment plant may be made. The proceeding
seeks a year’s extension to the unused portion of the 13,333 P.E.
allowance granted by the Board in PCB 72-451, decided February 14,
1973 and its predecessor, PCB 71-343.
The NSSD alleges in its petition that the City of Waukegan
is proceeding with a sewer rehabilitation program and that the
connection permits are needed as work progresses.
The Environmental Protection Agency (~Agency) filed its
Recommendation on January 7, 1974 and recommended a grant of the
variance subject to all the past applicable orders of PCB 72-451
and PCB 71-343 (January 31, 1972 amended March 2, 1972). The
Agency points out that in the 10 months from January 1973 through
October 1973 the requirement of Order No, 12 of PCB 71-343 for a
30/35 mg/l BOD/SS effluent at the Waukegan plant was violated in
4 months for BOD and in 8 months for suspended solids. However,
the most recent data show excellent BOD levels (6 mg/l in September
1973; 9 mg/i in October 1973) and suspended solids of 32 mg/i
in September 1973 and 36 mg/i in October 1973. These improved
effluents seem to coincide with lower flows to the sewage plant.
Whether these lower flows are the result of the City of Waukegan’s
sewer repairs or merely a reflection of dry weather is not stated.
A sewage plant expansion to 19,9 MGD by January 1974 is mentioned
by the Agency. Recent average flows have been between 13.65 MGD
and 22.6 MCD for the 10 months period mentioned above. After the
expansion is completed, the Agency feels the 20/25 mg/l standard
of Rule 404(h) can be met.
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Delays in the NSSD’s construction program are detailed by the
Agency but in part these were due to circumstances beyond the
NSSD’s control.
A public hearing was held on January 30, 1974 in Waukegan.
A stipulation agreeing to an extension of the variance was presented
by the NSSD, the Agency, and the Illinois League of Women Voters
(which was an original party). No public objection or comment
was made.
We grant the requested variance until December 31, 1974. All
applicable orders shall remain in force. After April 1, 1974 the
Waukegan plant will be required. to meet the effluent standard of
20 mg/l BOD5 and 25 mg/I suspended solids as listed in Rule 404(b)
of the Water Pollution Regulations. Rule 404(d) requires an effluent
of 4 mg/i BOD5 and 5 mg/l suspended solids to Lake Michigan
after December 31, 1974. Nothing appears in this record to show
if this standard will ‘be met.
Within 90 days from the date of this opinion the NSSD shall
file with the Boar.d a status report on the City of Waukegan’s
sewer rehabilitation program listing all sanitary sewers deficient
in hydraulic capacity and the timetables and costs involved to correct
1. Variance is granted until December 31, 1974 to connect the
unused balance of the 13,333 P,B, to the ~aukegan sewage
treatment plant.
2. The Waukegan sewage treatment plant shall maintain an
effluent of 20 mg/i BOD and 25 mg/I suspended solids after
April 1, 1974 measured ~tsa monthly average.
3. Within 90 days from the date of this Opinion the NSSD
shall file with the Board a status report on the City of
Waukegan’s sewer rehabilitation program listing all sanitary
sewers deficient in hydraulic capacity and the timetables
and costs involved to correct each.
4. All applicable orders of PCB 72-451 and PCB 71-343 shall
remain in effect.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Con t~c~J.
Board, hereby certify the above Opinion and Order were adopted :~~he
~l~day of February, 1974 by a vote of
Christan L.
Illinois Pollution Control Board
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