January 31, 1974
    PCB 73-411
    MR. JAMES C. HILDREW, appeared on behalf of E.I. DuPont
    on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency
    ORDER OP THE BOARD (by Mr. Dumelle):
    This case concerns a Petition of Appeal filed under Section
    40 of the Environmental Protection Act by E.I. duPont de Nemours
    and Company (duPont). The Appeal concerns the denial of an
    operating permit to duPont by the Illinois Environmental Protection
    Agency (Agency).
    On November 20, 1972 duPont applied to the Agency for an
    operating permit for duPont’s ammonium nitrate prill plant located
    in Grundy County near Seneca, Illinois (petitioner’s exhibit 2).
    Following a period of correspondence between duPont and the Agency
    on the acceptability of the permit application,(pet. ex. 3, 4, 5)
    the Agency on June 6, 1973 denied the operating permit application
    (pet ex. 6). Subsequently duPont on September 20, 1973 filed
    a Petition of Appeal to the Board on the Agencies permit denial
    (pet. ex. 8). Public hearings on this matter were held November 27
    and 28, 1973 in Morris, Illinois with final arguments from both
    parties due January 15, 1974.
    The Agency denied the permit because in their opinion the
    Prilling Tower, a portion of the plant, was not shown to be in
    compliance with the Air Regulations (pet. cx. 6). DuPont’s
    permit application, using duPont’s calculations, did show
    compliance with the Air Regulations. The issue, therefore, is
    whether or not the Prilling Tower is in compliance
    because if it is, as duPont alleges, then the Agency acted improperly
    in denying the permit application on that basis, and the permit
    appeal should be granted. If the tower is not in compliance,
    as the Agency alleges, then the appeal should be denied.
    11 —91

    The rule to be complied with was itself a subject of
    tion; with the Agency contending that the old particulate emission
    rule, Rule 3-3.111, is still in effect and duPont contending that
    the new particulate emission rule, Rule 203(b) is operative.
    Both rules relate the allowable particulate emissions to the size
    of the process, defined in terms of the process weight rate, with
    larger processes allowed to emit greater amounts of particulates.
    DuPont used an erroneously high process weight rate, in the
    Agency’s opinion, in showing compliance with the particulate emissions
    limitation. They did this the Agency contends by including the
    cooling and drying air flowing through the process. The
    Agency maintains that this air, which constitutes 93 of the total
    process weight rate, should not be included. DuPont calculated
    a maximum process weight rate of 1,599,000 lb•/hr, including
    1,494,000 lb./hr. of process air for cooling and drying, 67,000 lb./hr.
    of ammonium nitrate prills, and 38,000 lb./hr. water vapor which
    is evaporated in the process (pet. ex. 2, page 9). The allowable
    emissions according to duPont would therefore be 75 lb•/hr. (actually
    74.7 lb./hr.) (Petition of Appeal). Based on stack tests at the
    plant, duPont estimates maximum particulate emissions of 73 lb./hr.
    from the plant (Pet. Ex. 2) (69 lb /hr. according to. the Petition
    of Appeal). The Agency says that the process weight rate should
    exclude the cooling and drying air and is therefore only 105,000 lb./hr.
    The allowable emissions would then, according to either Rule 3-3.111
    or Rule 203(b), be only 45 lb•/hr. and thus the plant is not in
    The overall process for manufacturing ammonium nitrate (AN)
    prills involves the following steps: 1) anhydrous ammonia and nitric
    acid are combined to form an AN solution, 2) water is evaporated to
    concentrate the AN solution to 96-97., 3) droplets of solution,
    formed by spray heads at the top of the prill tower, fall through
    the tower, cooling and solidifying into pellets or prills as they
    fall through a countercurrent flow of air, 4) the prills are then
    further dried and cooled and finally 5) coated with clay (R. 32-37,
    The bulk of the process air used and particulates emitted
    originate in the prill tower, so that the hearing was concerned
    primarily with this portion of the process. The AN solution
    enters the spray nozzles at the top of the prill tower at about
    1550C and the droplets being to solidify in the tower when
    they cool at 137°C;at which point they could be considered
    prills (R. 36-37). They further cool and dry during failing so
    that at the tower exit the prills have a temperature nE 70°C
    and a water content of 2 to 2.5 (R. 43).

    Much testimony concerned the characteristics of prilled AN.
    The prills produced by duPont are used in industrial applications,
    mainly in explosives manufacturing, and are required to have a lower
    density and higher porosity then AN prills used in agriculture.
    The prills are also required to have a high resistance to breakup
    (R. 45-47).
    There are several areas in the process where the prill
    characteristics are controlled: the concentration and temperature
    of the AN solution leaving the evaporator, the temperature of the
    prill as it leaves the prill tower, and temperature and moisture
    removal rate in the pre-dryer, dryer and cooler (R• 50). In each
    case air is used to dry and/or cool the AN solution or prills and
    on the operating permit application duPont included the total air
    used in these units, excluding ~erroneouslythe evaporator, as part of
    the process weight rate (R. 244). It seems, however,, that the main
    control point is the prill temperature at the tower exit. The desired
    prill temperature at this point is 60°-70°Cwith lower temperatures
    resulting in the operator decreasing the airflow and a higher tempera-
    ture resulting in the operator increasing the airflow in the prill
    tower. It has been found that higher temperatures mean a softer pellet
    will be produced and at lower temperatures a harder pellet (R. 57).
    The amount of air flow in the prill tower is controlled by a
    series of fans and louvers. There are eight fans at the top of the
    tower which operate in various combinations to pull air up through
    the tower; in addition there are air inlet louvers at the bottom
    of the tower and louvers in front of the exhaust fans to help control
    the airflow (R. 51, 162). The total rated capacity of the 8 fans
    is 240,000 cfm or about 1,150,000 lb./hr. (R. 76), with denser air
    in winter resulting in higher mass flows than occurs in summer.
    DuPont says that the production rate of prills is largely
    controlled by the available airflow in the prill tower (R. 66);
    but it is really the available cooling capacity in the tower that
    is important. The maximum prill production rate experienced is
    approximately 725 tons per day and can be reached “anytime that the
    temperature (ambient) gets down to 30°For below” (R. 78) and with
    anywhere from six and a half to seven and a half fans operating.
    On the other hand when the ambient temperature is around
    to 800P,
    the production rate begin to be limited even with all eight fans
    operating (R. 71).
    The Agency played down the uniqueneSs of the air
    used in the prill tower. Mr. Mellott of duPont stated that the prill
    tower could not be operated in a vacuum but that it was possible
    that another gas such as nitrogen could be used (R. 107-108).

    It was also learned that during the period from 1968 to 1972,
    the production rate of prills was increased without increasing the
    maximum capacity of airflow (R. 265).
    The Board finds, based on the above process information,
    that the air used in the prill chamber serves to cool the AN
    liquid into solid prills, and controls to some extent the
    characteristics of the prills produced. This air is important
    to the process in the same way that heated air is important to the
    drying process such as in a grain or sand dryer. In cases before
    the Board involving emissions from dryers such as these, e.g.
    PCB 72-215, EPA v. Weldon Grain Co-op, and PCB 72-392 EPA v.
    Aurora Metals, Paskure Division, air used in the dryers was not
    included in the process weight calculation; and we do not believe
    that air used in the prill plant in the instant case should be
    included in the process weight rate either.
    DuPont’s position on the inclusion of the cooling and dry-
    ing air is based on the definition of process weight. The
    difference between the definitions in the old and new regulations
    is shown below.
    1) Rules and Regulations Governing the Control of Air Pollution
    (old regulations) Section 1
    Process Weight
    The total weight of all materials introduced
    into any source operation. Solid fuels charged will be
    considered as part of the process weight but liquid and
    gaseous fuels and combustion air will not.
    Process Weight Rate
    (a) For pontinuous or long-run
    steady state source operations, the tctal process weight
    for the entire period of continuous operation or for a typical
    portion thereof, divided by the number of hours of such period
    or portion thereof. (b) for a cyclical or batch source
    operation, the total process weight for a period that covers
    a complete operation or an integral number of cycles., divided
    by the hours of actual process operation during such a period.
    Where the nature of any process or operation or the design
    of any equipment is such as to permit more than one interpre-
    tation of this, definition, the interpretation that results
    in the minimum value for allowable emission shall apply.
    2) Air Pollution Regulations (new regulations) Rule 201
    Process Weight Rate: The actual weight or engineering
    approximation thereof of all materials except liquid
    and gaseous fuels and combustion air, introduced iuto any

    process per hour.
    For a cyclical or batch operation, the
    process weight rate shall be determined by dividing such
    engineering approximation thereof by
    the number of hours of operation excluding any time during
    which the equipment is idle. For continuous processes,
    weight rate shall be determined by dividing such
    weight or engineering approximation thereof by the
    number of hours
    in one complete operation, excluding any time
    durin~ which the equipment is idle.
    The Agency argues that the old regulations are still in effect
    (TI. l25~l26) so that the old definition of process weight rate,
    especially the last sentence of the definition,
    could be used to
    exclude the air from
    process weight rate,
    DuPont maintains
    definition section of the new air regulations became
    effective April, 1972 (TI. 126), and that the new definition
    rate does not include room for interpretation.
    also reference the Opinion
    in PCB 73-.71
    Johnson (Pet,
    Ex. 1) as indicating that the Board interprets
    the definition of
    process weight rate to include all mateiials except those
    excluded i.e. everything is included except liquid and
    gaseous fuels and combustion air.
    The Agency responded by re-
    June 29, 1973
    Order of
    the Board in this Johnson and
    case (Pet. lx I) which says that
    the Board interpretation
    applies only to
    sneci a I
    ci i’cums
    Johnson and Johnson,
    it is tic I
    ci~t the ucl~nitions do not stand alone
    but cxi st in terms of tliei r use in particular
    since for cxi stin
    sources the compliance date for particulate
    ~s Occember 3, 9~3~ we
    Find that prior to that time
    diPont ~
    c 1~ion limits and de~nitions contained
    in the old Ru cc and legui at i ons Governing the Control of Air
    Pollution. tIe Inenry points this out
    fol lowing excerpt
    from the le
    ttc cf den lot to duPont (Pet.
    Ex. 6)
    c ul ate
    emissions from the
    process described in
    above role
    conned operating pennit application are
    covered by
    the particulate
    emission standards and limita-
    2 of the Regulations of the Illinois
    Control Board and in the Rules and Regulations
    the Control
    Air Pollution until superseded by
    the provisions of Chapter 2.
    In your operating permit application,
    you have not shown
    that the following significant
    emission sources are
    compliance with presently applicable standards:
    Prilling Tower
    11 —95

    The Agency chose to use this case as the forum to respond
    to the Board’s request for information on process weight rate in the
    July 19, 1973 Opinion in PCB 73-71 Johnson and Johnson (Pet. Ex. 1).
    Therefore, one of the exhibits entered into the record is the
    Bay Area Air Pollution Control District Regulation 2 (EPA Ex. 4)
    for the purpose of historical background. Not much insight is
    provided by this document, however, since the definitions of process
    weight and process weight rate are identical to those in our Rules
    and Regulations. The Agency contention is that in establishing the
    new process weight tables in Rule 203, non-reacting air was not
    included (R. 294). The process rate tables were designed to result
    in meeting the federal ambient air quality standards and did not
    include the weight of air (R. 327). If non-reacting air had been
    included in establishing the tables, a more stringent regulation
    would have resulted (R. 328). That air should not be included seems
    recognized by almost all industries since less than 1 of the
    applications for operating permits include process air as part of the
    process weight rate (R. 387). In addition, the Pgency in determining
    the technical feasibility of the then proposed process weight tables
    did not include air (R. 310).
    After considering the record in this case, we find that process
    air should not be included in the calculation of process weight
    rate; therefore, duPont’s emissions exceed the standards, the
    permit was denied properly, and the Board hereby denies duPont’s
    appeal. The Board also finds that in using the process weight rate
    tables of Rule 203 of the Air Pollution Regulations, the definition
    of process weight rate shall be interpreted as never including the
    weight of non-reactive air such as that used for drying and cooling.
    This opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law.
    IT IS THE ORDER of the Board that duPont’s Petition of
    Appeal is denied.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify the above Opinion and Order were adopted
    on the ~3/~~” day of January, 1974 by a vote of
    Illinois Polluti

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