September 6, 1972
On March 28, 1972, we granted petitioner, a secondary zinc
processing facility, located in
Illinois, a variance
until June 30, 1972 from compliance with the Particulate Emission
Regulations, Rule 3.3-111 of the Rules and Regulations Governing
the Control of Air Pollution, in order that petitioner could
install certain air pollution abatement equipment that would
bring it into compliance by the end of the variation period. (*71-393)
The nature of petitioner’s operation is set forth in detail in
our March 28, 1972 opinion. Essentially, petitioner’s plan for
pollution control contemplated the installation of new Dynaclone
baghouses on two rotary furnaces, the installation of after burners
to burn off hydrocarbons and the utilization of a settling chamber
to collect larger particles. These combined facilities, together
with abatement equipment presently in use, would receive off gases
from the rotary and kettle furnaces in use and
‘~‘ere ar~.ticipated
to bring petitioner’s operation into compliance with the relevant
In granting the variance, we imposed conditions with respect
to reporting stack tests, the posting of a bond and the requirement
that production be at a reduced rate as represented by petitioner
until the newly installed abatement equipment was operative.
On June 9, 1972, four days before the expiration of the
variance granted, petitioner filed a new petition for variance,
seeking to extend the variance uiitil October 30, 1972. On August 15,
an amended petition for variance was filed requesting extension of
variance to December 31, 1972. The Agency has filed a recommen-
dation noting that the petitioner has failed to comply with the
conditions upon which the original variance was granted, and proposes
that the variance be granted only until September 30, 1972.
We grant petitioner a variance to November 30, 1972 subject
to the terms and conditions hereafter set forth.
The petition for variance details the difficulties
tered by petitioner in obtaining the bag houses needed for the
abatement program and the problems resulting from their opera-
tion once
installed. The original bag house that was ordered
appears to have been too small and generated an inordinate amount
of heat which curtailed its operation. The Phase One bag house
allegedly is unable to accomplish the work for which it was
anticipated but can be operated if selected raw materials are
charged into the rotary furnace connected with the bag house.
The second bag house is at a point where it can be put on line
although problems similar to those with bag house #1 are anti-
cipated. Accordingly, a modified program has been proposed pur-
suant to which Phase Two of the operation will be reduced in capa-
city and bag house #2 will receive the emissions from three kettle
furnaces. An additional bag house will be constructed to handle
the rotary furnace and collector kettle, its after burner and a
melt—down kettle. The plan, accordingly, becomes a three phase
bag house operation. However, because of additional space and
equipment problems and the need for arrangements for power supply,
additional time is requested to finalize the program. Petitioner’s
position is summarized in paragraph 15, as follows:
“15. That additional time; to wit, December 31,
1972, is needed by Imperial to complete its total
pollution control facility, so that it can economically
operate in compliance with the rules and regulations
governing the control of air pollution, said time being
required for the following reasons.
a. Phase One Bag House No. 1 is functional and on
in-line operation, but time is needed to complete the
stack test. The original stack test that was to be
performed had to be postponed, as Imperial was requested
to install a hood at the charging door of the rotary fur-
nace to collect tramp discharge when the furnace door is
opened for charging. The hood has now been completed and
the City of Chicago, Department of Environmental Control
has been notified that Imperial is again ready for said
b That the modified Phase Two Bag House No. 2 is ready
to be put on in-line operation, that time is needed for
the corrections and adjustments that will oácur in the day
by day operation of said unit and that after the unit is
operational it is necessary to make the arrangement for the
stack test required by the Pollution Control Board.
c. That basically the length of time heretofore prayed
for is needed to fully complete Phase Three Bag House No. 3.
That due to past experience, Imperial feels that
December 31, 1972, is an optimistic target date; how-
ever, it is the desire of Imperial to force itself to
utilize every effort in its power to meet said date, or
again, then have to petition and inform the Pollution
Control Board and the Environmental Protection Agency
that it at least has substantially met said date and
completion will come shortly thereafter.”
Petitioner represents that while work is progressing and
until the pollutional control program is fully completed, it will
operate its plant at a reduced rate of production and with selected
material so as to minimize pollutional emissions. Petitioner
alleges that it would be unable to meet the emission standards
without the installation of the equipment proposed and that a shut-
down during the period of installation would result in the discharge
of 100 employees and the deprivation of petitioner’s product from
the market with resulting hardship on the community as well as
petitioner. The recommendation filed by the Agency notes that
while the original variance allowance was conditioned on the filing
of monthly reports, the performance of stack tests, the operation of
a reduced rate of production and the furnishing of a performance
bond or other adequate security, no bond has yet been furnished
and the Agency is not aware of any stack tests that have been per-
In its present petition, petitioner now asked to be relieved
of the bond requirement.
The Agency believes that the operation
of the two bag houses originally contemplated by the first variance
can be operational in two months. It also notes that while the
request for variance is made to December 31, 1972, no equipment
for Phase Three has yet been ordered, and that because of the
abaence of a firm control program, the Agency is not able to
evaluate the amended petition, but believes the December 31, 1972
completion date to be optimistic.
With some degree of reluctance, we grant the extension of
variance to November 30, 1972. Petitioner has compounded its prob-
lem by failing to apply for the extension until the end of the
original variance period and is accordingly not now protected
against prosecution by the Agency. However, we are satisfied that
petitioner has pursued its program although perhaps not with the
diligence we would have expected and no useful purpose would be
served by denying
the small additional period of time. We
will retain jurisdiction of this matter. If petitioner is unable
to complete its program, within this time, it will file with this
Board a new petition for variance prior to November 1, 1972,
stating the exact status of its program, what, if anything, remains
to be done and the date on which completion can be anticipated.
We will enter such further and additional orders, including a
possible penalty as may be appropriate in the premises in the
event a further variance period is sought. This variance exten-
sion is also conditional upon all of the matters originally pro-
vided in the earlier variance, including the filing of reports,
the conduct of stack tests, the limitation on production activity,
and the filing of a bond.
This opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclu-
sions of law of the Board.
IT IS THE ORDER of the Pollution Control Board that Petitioner,
Imperial Smelting Corporation, be granted a variance from the pro-
visions of Rule 3.3-111 of the Rules and Regulations Governing the
Control of Air Pollution until November 30, 1972, subject to the
following terms and conditions:
Imperial shall diligently pursue the installation
of the control equipment outlined in its petition
for variance and the record in this cause.
2. Imperial shall operate at a reduced rate of production
as described in its petition and the record in this
cause, until the operation of the above—described
control equipment.
3. Imperial shall submit written reports to the Agency
each month until the above-described control equipment
is installed and operating. The first report shall be
filed within twenty (20) days of the date of this order.
In addition, Imperial shall submit a final report to
the Agency within thirty (30) days after the described
control equipment is operable.
4. Imperial shall perform stack tests on each piece of
control equipment after said equipment is operable.
The results of said tests shall be certified by an
independent testing firm and shall be made a part of
the final report referred to in paragraph 3 of this
5. Imperial shall file with the Environmental Protection
Agency a performance bond or such oth~rsecurity as the
Environmental Protection Agency may deem appropriate
in the sum of $10,000 to guarantee installation and
performance of its control equipment in compliance
with this Order. The bond shall be mailed to:
Fiscal Services Division, Illinois Environmental Pro-
tection Agency, 2200 Churchill Drive, Springfield,
Illinois 62706.
6. If petitioner concludes that it will be unable
to complete its abatement control program, as
modified, prior to the termination of this variance
it will file a status report with the Board and peti-
tion for extension of variance prior to November 1,
1972. The Board retains jurisdiction of this cause
for such other and further orders, including the
imposition of a penalty as shall be appropriate in the
I, Christan Moffett, Clerk of the Pollution Control Board, certify
that the above Opinion and Order was entered on the
Day of
September, 1972, by a vote of