August 13, 1971
    PCB 71β€”190
    Opinion of the Board (by Mr. Aldrich):
    Park Manor filed a petition for variance seeking relief from the
    Board~sOrder of March 31, 1971, in the case of League of Women
    Voters of Illinois, et al. v. North Shore Sanitary District, PCB 70-7,
    70-12, 70-13, and 70-14. That Order prohibited any new connections
    to the District~s sanitary sewage facilities until adequate treat-
    ment is demonstrated. Petitioner plans to construct a nursing home
    on its lot in Zion, Illinois. Permission i~sought to tie the new
    nursing home in to existing sewer lines.
    In December of 1969, petitioner employed an architectural firm to
    prepare plans for the nursing home. To date this service has cost
    petitioner $36,000.00. The sum of ~,709.60 was paid to FHA as fees
    on a mortgage loan of $903,200.00. Contracts were signed on
    February 8, 1971, However, on learning of the ban on new sewer conβ€”
    nectio-ns, the lenders refused to close the loan until a letter is
    received from the Board stating that the nursing home can be tied in
    to existing sewer lines.
    The nursing home is to be built on a site now occupied by a building
    which, until recently, was used as a funeral home. Plans for the
    nursing home have been approved by the State Fire Marshall and by the
    State ~epartment of Health. A building permit has been issued and
    the City has granted its permission to utilize the sewer connection
    formerly used by the funeral home.
    The statute requires that the Board, in deciding variance cases,
    balance the hardship which would result should the variance be denied
    against the harm done to the environment should it be granted. In
    the instant case, petitioner had already spent in excess of $60,000.00
    in preparations for constructing the nursing home before our sewer
    ban was imposed. Denial of a variance would~ at the very least,
    delay a project which the pepartment of Health, by issuing a Certifi-
    cate of Necessity, has indicated the City needs. Such a delay might
    increase costs sufficiently to make the project unattractive to
    investors, thereby causing it to fail,

    Petitioner claims that wastes from the nursing home will not reach
    the amount disposed of by the funeral home for approximately 1 3/4
    years. Moreover, petitioner states that these wastes will place
    considerably less burden on treatment facilities than did the largely
    chemical wastes of the funeral home. Thus to deny the variance would
    impose an arbitrary and unreasonable hardship on petitioner without
    sufficient offsetting benefits to the environment. (The effects on
    the environment of additional wastes are fully discussed in the Board
    Opinion in League of Women Voters of Illinois, et al. v. North Shore
    Sanitary ~
    request for a variance.
    The variance is hereby granted conditioned upon receipt of an affidavit
    verifying the statements in the petition. This opinion constitutes
    the Board1s findings of fact and conclusions of law,
    I concur
    I dissent
    I, Regina E. Ryan, Clerk of the Pollution Control Board, hereby
    certify that the Board adopted the above opinion this /3~day of
    August, 1971

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