November 15, 1971
in the matter of
PCB 71-20
Dissenting opinion by Mr. Duinelle:
The Board, by a 3-1 vote on this date has granted the permit
for the Quad-Cities reactors to operate. I dissented for the following
reasons in this order of importance.
The lack
to adequately assess
the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) testi-
mony received only eight working hours previous
to the decisi’on,
2. The excessive and unnecessary radiation dosage
to the public
in the vicinity of the Quad-Cities
nuclear plant under
The opinion that the jet diffuser
serve as
a barrier to the passage of fish in the Mississippi
I. The
Emergency Core Cooling System
On Thursday, Novereber 11, the Board heard Dr.
the Union of Concerned Scientists,
and a physicist
Massachusetts institute of Technology, tell why
his group
that present Emergency Core
System design is not
His testimony, which
well researched and
detailed the
ECCS failure.
If a Loss of Coolant Accident occurs, the uncovered
fuel rods
in the core
distort, rupture
block coolant
flow into the hot spots of the core.
Metal—water reactions will
add to
embrittlement ot the cladding
and eutectic alloys will form. All of this could lead to an
reaction-—a molten core at 3,090F. to 5,000Ff which
would rupture both the inner and outer contaminant vessels and
release clouds cf radioactive
gases to the atmosphere.
upon the winds at the time, these lethal clouds could travel over
highly populated areas and cause lethal doses of radiation within
a 60-70 mile radius. Hundreds of thousands of people might be
killed if such a sequence occurred at either Quad—Cities or its
twin at Dresden (R. 2467—8, 2527—30).
Commonwealth Edison Company and Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric
(the Utilities) and their vendor, General Electric Company,
point to the several core cooling or feedwater systems which would
energize and cool the core before the fatal 60 seconds of uncovered
core has passed. Accepting as true the uncontroverted testimony
after the initiation of an incident requiring Emergency Core
Cooling, 30 seconds elapse before the core sprays are activated,
leaving only another 30 seconds for the ECCS to do its job
(R,2475, 2491)
the import of Dr. Kendall~s
Dr. Kendall tells us that even if the ECCS system functions
it may not
the excursion and ~
disaster. The ECCS
system is like the emergency brake system on our cars. We may
put it on and the brakes may engage
just as the mechanical
momentum impels the car forward so too may the reaction in the
core be unstoppable and proceed to total core meltdown. That is
meaning of
the testimony by Dr. Kendall about test results
and computer codes and blithe assumptions that are not realistic.
The next logical question is “What are the chances of a
Loss-of-Coolant-Accident?” Dr. Kendall puts them at being very
high when he says “1 expect an incident (of core uncovering) in
the next few years” CR. 2532)
If we take a “few years” as
being three years and compare the seven existing power reactors
in Illinois soon to be on line (Dresden 3, Quad—Cities 2, Zion 2)
with the 121 reactors listed by Dr. Kendall (Bd, Ex. ~2 Supp. 2 p.l)
the chances are simply 7 in 121 that this incident will occur
in Illinois or a 1:17 chance. These are very high odds. And if
the “brake” does not work then monumental tragedy may ensue.
The short time left after Dr. Kendall~s testimony was finished
was simply not enough to read the Final Safety Analysis Report or
the Edison report to the Atomic Energy Commission of the previously
not publicly known ECCS
incident at Dresden 2 on
June 5, 1970. From these documents, at the very least, a fuller
picture would have emerged that might have resulted in some core
temperature restriction or, a speedup in the sensor testing program,
or both, I had asked to defer consideration of the permit application
until the next Board meeting a week hence and that motion, by a
vote was lost. With so much at stake the Board should have granted
the additional study time.
II. Excessive Radiation Doses to the Public
The permit as passed by the Board will permit dosages to the
public living nearby of 80 millirems when full power on both reactors
is achieved, supposedly after April 1, 1972, From this date, until
September 1973, the amended date at which the gas cleaning system
is to be operative, an approximate 120 millirems dose will be
delivered to the
living nearby. In other words, these
people will receive an unnecessary dose of radiation equal to a
year’s normal background
Put another way, in the year—
a half of full power, the
public will receive two and
one half years of radiation. Since most scientists hold that no
acceptable threshold values exist for unnecessary radiation
exposure, it follows that
is some unnecessary risk of induc-
tion of leukemia, other cancers and genetic defects.
If it were necessary that this radiation occur then the balance
might be somewhat easier. The Board could then balance the effects
from the smoke from the Moline power plant and the leukemia-cancer-
genetic defects against the necessity for power. But it is wholly
unnecessary. Edison’s own witness, Mr. Harold Williamson testified
that fuel rods
not deteriorate in storage and could be used
again (Dresden Record, October 19, 1971 p. 75-79)
All that
would be necessary for the Utilities to do would be to refuel
when emissions exceeded 25,000 pCi/sec. per reactor at full load,
retain the “dirty” fuel, load with new fuel, and use the “dirty”
fuel after September 1973 when the off-gas control system would
be operative. The only cost to the Utilities would be the interest
on the fuel rod investment plus the cost of the additional down
time required for refueling. Since we have been told by Edison
that it took the unusual step of completely refueling Dresden 2
after the June 5, 1970 incident,refueling as a precaution is cer-
tainly possible and indeed has been done in the past.
I would have retained the 25,000 pCi/sec. limit on the uncon-
trolled Quad—Cities reactors as a maximum, similar to the limit we
set on the Dresden 3 reactor in March 1971. I think the Board has
now set a precedent, in permitting 80,000 pCi/sec~ for a single
Quad—Cities reactor (more than a 200 increase) that will haunt
the Board.
The Board next week may decide a further order on
Dresden 3 and the pressure will be on to relax the limit in that
permit and to go ~iith the looser (and “dirtier”) Quad-Cities level.
III. The Jet Diffuser as a Barrier to Fish
The Board has given its permission to the Utilities to use a
jet diffuser to dissipate the heat from their operation. The
effluent is permitted to be 23°F. above river temperature. It
has not been proven to me that fish will in fact go through the
diffuser’s considerable turbulence (which is the reason for its
effectiveness as a heat spreader)
Just because there may be
interstices of cool water between the individual hot plumes does
not mean that a fish will seek them out any more than a horse may
willingly run between burning trees in a forest fire. Furthermore,
the jets will create some underwater noise and fish are notoriously
sensitive to noise. What is called for and what is lacking, are
actual experiments with full-width diffusers to determine if
fish will
in fact willingly go through them. The Board should
not permit a barrier to be constructed and then be under
considerable pressure of making worthless this
ment if it is
shown to greatly
impair natural fish movement.
IV. Conclusion
Between the November 11 testimony of Dr. Kendall and the
Board action of Novembet 15 the Chicago Daily News (November 13)
ran a perceptive editorial as follows:
Nuclear power dilemma
From the testimony adduced so far there appears no
reason to deny the Comrnohwealth Edison Co. a permit
to build its projected new Quad Cities nuclear plant
at Cordova, Edison, speaking through Asst. to the
President Byron Lee, told the Illinois Pollution
Control Board that at
time during a pre—operational
accident at the Dresden plant in June, 1970, was there
any hazard to the public. At that time a safety valve
was accidentally opened by a “spurious” electronic
signal. The steam turbine and reactor were shut
down instantly. Had the
water level receded enough
to expose the reactor fuel core, the core could have
overheated and sent radioactive gas clouds over the
adjacent countryside.
Members of the Union of Concerned Scientists have
testified that, while “fail—safe” mechanisms operated
in this case, the sum—total of existing precautions
are not sufficient to ensure such an accident will not
recur and “lead to complete core uncovery”.
questions the feasibility of proceeding with
plants of the Dresden design until and unless greater
safety can be built into the designs.
Corn Ed says that this is the only
time a safety valve
has failed to function properly, and there is no
reason to suppose that if it ever did fail again,
the built—in precautions wouldn’t operate as they
did in this case.
Wrapped up in this single example is the~whole dilemma
facing government, industry and the public: Granting
the deadly potentials of the fuels used in nuclear power
plants, how safe is “safe enough?”
There can hardly be any turning back from the course
of development charted by the power companies. In-
creasingly, the public is bejng locked into absolute
dependency upon the power from the great nuclear
plants that
are mushrooming adjacent to the principal
lakes and rivers. In Illinois the Pollution Control Board
the Atomic Energy Commission have the
job of making as certain as possible that the risk
of contamination is kept
at the
absolute minimum. In
a situation where disasters can result either from too
little or too much caution, the public can only hope
that their judgment is good.
The Board by its Dresden decision in March 1971 and under
Title VI-A of the Environmental Protection Act has responsibilities
in the area
of nuclear plant regulation. With these tesponsibilities
comes the ~job of making as certain
as possible
that the risk of
contamination is kept at the absolute minimum”. I feel that we
have done more in this proceeding to be”certain”.
~~/Jacob D. Dumelle
I, Christan Moffett, Acting Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board, hereby certify that the above Dissenting
was submitted on the/9__day of November, 1971.
Christan Moffett, Aci~’ Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board
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