March 28, 1972
In the matter of
PCB 71-20
Preliminary Opinion and Order of the Board on Petition to Modify
Permit (by Jacob D. Dumelle)
Commonwealth Edison Co. and Iowa—Illinois Gas & Electric
Company (hereafter “Utilities”) petitioned the Board on March 1,
1972 to modify the Permit issued on November 16, 1971 with respect
to Paragraph 5 which dealt with the operation of the power generating
station~s cooling waters discharge to the Mississippi River. Para-
graph 5(b) of the permit prohibits operation of the station after
April 1, 1972 in violation of the Mississippi River Thermal Standard
adopted on November 23, 1971 (R70-l6). At the time of the issuance
of the Permit it was thought that the diffuser discharge system wouid
be in operation by April 1, 1972 and that the station would be opera-
ting within the thermal standard. On March 7, 1972 we voted to hold
a hearing on the Utilities request for variance to be able to exceed
the temperature limits in the Mississippi River Therma.l Standard,
Since the filing of the petition the U.S. Atomic Energy
Commission has issued its Draft Detailed Statement on Environmental
Considerations (draft impact statement) for the station (March 6,
1972). Several inconsistencies between the draft impact state ent
and the record on which the Permit was based are apparent. Aim~ng
the inconsistencies are the site boundary dose to people, the sta-
tion release rate of radioactive gaseous emissions, the quantity of
liquid radioactive releases and the anticipated date of operation of
the station with the diffuser discharge system. Rather than
initiate a separate hearing on the questions raised with the publi-
cation of the impact statement we shall order that the subject be
dealt with in the previously authorized hearing.
4 — 99
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Utilities in addition to ore-
senting evidence in support of their Petition to Modify Peri~:it
address themselves to the apparent inconsistencies between
the draft impact statement and the previous record in this ~
on which the issuance of the Permit was based and show the Board
why the Permit issuance should not be re-examined.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify the Board adopted the above Preliminary Opinion
and Order on the 28th day of March by a 5-0 vote.
Christan L. Moffett~, Clerk
Illinois Pollution ~ôntrol Board