May 3, 1972
This Opinion is pursuant
to Order of the Board entered in this
cause on April 25, 1972 approving a Stipulation and Agreement between
the parties disposing of the complaint and providing for the installa-
tion of air pollution abatement equipment and the adoption of operation-
al procedures designed to control the emission of particulate matter
resulting from the operation of an integrated steel mill operated
by the Granite City Steel Company located in Granite City, Illinois.
Complaint (later amended) was filed against Granite City Steel
Company (“The Company”) by the Environmental Protection Agency (“The
Agency1’) on November 9, 1970, asserting that from June 1, 1967 to
the date of the filing of the amended complaint, Granite City Steel
Company had operated its by-product coke plant, quenching tower,
sintering plant, basic oxygen furnaces, blooming plant, rolling mill
and blast furnaces in violation of the Rules and Regulations Governing
the Control of Air Pollution with particular respect to particulate
emissions, Section 3 of the Air Pollution Control Act (Ill. Rev. Stat.,
Ch. 111—1/2, Par. 240.3 (1969) and Sections 9(a) and 9(b) o~the En-
vironmental Protection Act, (Ill. Rev. Stat., Ch. 111—1/2, Par. 1009(a)
and (b) (1970).
Answer was filed by the Company. Extensive discovery proceedings,
by way of depositions and Interrogatories, were pursued by both sides
and a series of pre-trial conferences was conducted by the Hearing
Officer to resolve various issues raised with respect to interroga—
tories and to establish procedures for the conduct of the hearing. A
motion to dismiss the complaint was filed by the Company alleging
constitutional and statutory grounds. The Clean Air Coordinating Coun-
cil and the League of Women Voters of Illinois were permitted to inter—
vene for the limited purpose of challenging the Company’s motion
to dismiss. By Opinion and Order of the Board entered on March 17,
1971, the Company’s Motion to Dismiss was denied.
Subsequent thereto, approximately thirty hearings were conducted
in the trial of the cause, principally in Granite City, with several
hearings in Chicago beginning in May and suspending in September,
1971. The Agency’s case in chief in support of the complaint was
substantially completed but
interrupted in order to permit the
testimony of Dr. Werner Eisenhut, a witness introduced on behalf of
the Company from Essen, Germany, who, because of personal problems
was permitted by agreement to testify out of sequence. The Agency’s
presentation, to the extent completed, consisted principally of testi-
mony of various Agency employees, who testified as to their observations
with respect to particulate emissions and Ringelmann violations eminating
from the various facilities of the Company alleged to be in violation.
A substantial number of photographs were offered into evidence.
Officials of the Granite City Air Pollution Control Board and
several neighbors in the vi~nityof the coke ovens and basic oxygen
furnace also testified on behalf of the Agency to the alleged impact
on the community resulting from the operation o~ these facilities.
Several officials of Granite City Steel Company were called by the
Agency as adverse witnesses. The testimony of Dr. Eisenhut, on be-
half of the Company, related to the state of the arts of various abate-
ment facilities being employed throughout the world in regard to charging,
pushing and quenching inherent in the coking operation, which aspects
of his testimony will be considered in more detail below.
In the fall of 1971, both sides represented to the Hearing
Officer that they were in the process of formulating a settlement
proposal pursuant to the terms of which the Company’s steel—making
processes would be brought into ccmpiiance with the relevant statutory
and regulatory provisions relating to air pollution. Request was made
that the hearings be suspended so that the prospect of settlement could
be more fully explored.
A proposed stipulation and agreement was thereafter submitted
to the Board, which, because of certain procedural aspects was not
deemed acceptable, These objections were later removed by modifica-
tion of the agreement which, as modified, was resubmitted ~o the Board.
The Board directed the Hearing Officer to resume public hearings pursuant
to Pollution Control Board Procedural Rule 333. Two additional days of
hearings were conducted in Granite City limited to the elements of the
proposed stipulation and agreement. After consideration of the tran-
scripts and exhibits the Board, on April 25, 1972, entered its order
approving and adopting the stipulation of settlement as the Order of
the Board. The principal features of the Agreement will be considered
4 —
The Company agrees to establish a scholarship fund payable
to the University of Illinois for studies related to environmental
quality, through undergraduate and graduate college level disciplines,
in the amount of $150,000.00, to be administered by the President
of the University of Illinois; $50,000.00 is to be paid within seven
days of the entry of the Order and an additional $50,000.00 on or
before January 2, 1973 and the balance by July 1, 1973.
The Company agrees to install and operate an AISI coke oven
charging air quality control system on or before thirty months from
the date of the Order, which installation is anticipated to cost
approximately $2,150,000. This facility is represented by various
witnesses who constitute the most advanced state of th~arts in the field
of coke oven charging operations. Dr. Eisenhut testif~~that
.xperimentation was presently being conducted with five t~es of
pollution control devices used in the coke charging proces~. They
were, first, Larry cars with wet scrubbers; second, gravity ea~rs;
third, Larry cars with steam Venturi scrubbers; fourth, the Re~er
Conveyor; and fifth, pipe line charging (R.3444—3491), It was h~e
opinion that for ada~’tatiOn to existing coking faci1ities,nth~gráv~tv
car with the AISI modifications would represent the best technology
available and would abate charging emissions by 96 to 98. Use of
the gravity car would preclude the need for pre-ignitiori of charging
gasses required when wet scrubbers were utilized, and would not
possess the additional weight that has made the addition of other
abatement devices on the car unsuitable, The gravity car would not
employ a scrubber but is designed in a manner so that as the coal is
charged from the car through the charging holes, the gases are sucked
into a collecting main through the employment of steam vapor jets
and at the same time, a temporary seal is formed at the point of en-
trance preventing the escape of gas at this location. The American
car designed for use by the Company is an advanced version of the
German car with improved closure mechanism and valving. Automatic
lid-lifting devices are employed precluding the need for moving of
the car before the lids are replaced. Plans and specifications for the
AISI coal charging car are included in the record as Exhibits 84, 85
and 86. In addition, a leveling bar is utilized which prevents
emissions from the leveling door. The cabin of the operator is
air-conditioned. The entire operation is automatic, eliminating the
need for any manual labor. Donald Cairns on behalf of the Company,
described the operation as follows: (April 12, 1972, R.39).
“We have automatic onespot lidding of the ovens,
that is the car comes up to the oven to be charged
with the drop sleeves in place, the lids are removed
magnetically, the drop sleeves fall into place, the
coal is charged into the oven, and then any off gases
of smoke which might evolve during charging are sucked
over into the by—product main through steam, improved
steam aspiration at the stand pipe. Then the charging
sleeve is withdrawn, and the charging hole lid is replaced
magnetically with this control.”
The agreement provides for improved work rules with respect
to the self—sealing doors on the coke ovens. These doors are self—
closing and according to Dr. Eisenhut (R. 3515-19) there are
presently available that are better able to prevent emissions during
coking. The knife-edged self-sealing doors appear superior to the
back pressure doors that have been employed in Germany which minimize
the amount of cleaning necessary but resulted in cracking of the oven
walls. The work rules provided in the agreement require constant
supervision, continuing door maintenance and prompt repair of any
defective doors. Additional doors and separate alloy steel door seals
will be kept on hand and refractories for lining doors will be main-
The Company agrees to install and operate a quench car water
fogging system and prepare and maintain work rules and procedures re—
lating to the system. This facility will be installed within six
months from the date of the entry of the Order at an estimated cost
of $60,000.00. The fogging system is an interim operation and
will be subject to review by the Board as set forth below. The
evidence received at our recent hearings on control of air contaminant
emissions CR 71-23) indicates that enclosed systems for control
of emissions from pushi~ng are commercially available. The regulation
requires their installation by December 31, 1974 (Rule 203(d) (6)
(B) (ii) (bb)). See opinion in the matter of emission standards,
R 71-23, April 13, 1972, p. 24. Abatement equipment to control
emissions from the pushing of coke is still in the developmental
stage. Various types of hoods, both stationary and moveable,
have been under experimentation in Germany, Japan and to some extent,
in the United States CR. 3588—3635), Some metallurgical and wind
problems have developed which must be resolved in the use of this
facility. Also weight of the unit has created problems when attached
to a moving charge car. The fogging system to be employed by the
Company pursuant to the agreement is considered to be the best interim
method for minimizing emissions from the pushing operation pending the
improvement in the technology and reexamination by the Board. The
system to be employed is similar to that used by the Zoliverein Coke
Plant in Essen (R. 3632—3635). Water is sprayed out of two sides of the
quenching ear onto the coke. The unit is considered to have a 50
efficiency and is considered more effective than the hood particularly
since the system remains in operation during the movement of the car
from the pushing position to the quench station. The fogging system
is proposed as an interim method pending improved technology in this
field. Paragraph 6 of the
agreement, page 11, provides as follows:
“At the end of twelve and twenty-four months from
date of an Order of the Pollution Control Board
approving this Stipulation, the Environmental Protection
Agency shall, in consultation with Granite City Steel
Company, evaluate (1) the effectiveness of the Water
Fogging System, and (2) the state of technology of control
of emissions from pushing of coke from coke ovens~ The
evaluation shall include a specific determination of the
of any alternative method of control, if
4 —
any, based on the state of technology, econoi~ic
reasonableness and the emissions to be controlled.-
If at the end of either twelve month period, the
Environmental Protection Agency shall determine that
the Fogging System is not as effective a control of
pushing the coke from coke ovens as an alternative
system or systems, based on the state of technology,
economic reasonableness, and the emissions to be con-
trolled, then the Environmental Protection Agency shall
inform Granite City Steel Company and shall report to the
Pollution Control Board the system or alternative systems
which it determines should be installed and suggest a
reasonable time schedule for installation. Determinations
and evaluations of the Environmental Protection Agency
may be submitted to the Pollution Control Board by either
party for review and appropriate orders at the end of
twelve or twenty-four months.
During said twelve month periods, the Environmental Pro-
tection Agency and Granite City Steel Company shall inform
each other of improvement-s in the state of technology and
may request discussions and exchange of information related
to said improvements in the state of technology.”
It will be seen from the foregoing that the Board reserves jurisdiction
for such further orders as are appropriate in consideration of alter-
native systems which may develop over the next two-year period. Exhi-
bit 87 in the record is a review of the state of the art on control
of emissions from pushing coke, reviewing the various methods under
experimentation including forms of hoods and continuous movement de-
vices being developed throughout the world.
The Company agrees to install a quenching station baffle system
within six months from the date of the entry of the Order at an esti-
mated cost of $130,000.00 which again is represented to be the most ad-
vanced state of the arts for this particular facility. Two systems
have been used to abate emissions during the quenching operation. These
have been the use of water jets and the use of baffles (R.35l0—35l2).
The baffle system is considered a better form of emission control. The
quenching tower designed for Granite City Steel Company is divided into
three parts. A baffle consisting of wooden bars will be built into each
part. Steam produced during the quenching will be unable to emit direct-
ly into the atmosphere but will be changed in direction by the bars in
the baffle. As the dust-laden steam hits the baffles, the dust is re-
moved from the steam. Water jets are installed to force soot downward,
which is then flushed away into a settling basin.
The Company has already installed a smokeless excess blast fur-
nace gas bleeder burner stack at an approximate cost of $35,000,which pre-
vents the emission of carbon monoxide built up in the blast furnace from
entering the atmosphere and assures its burning without creating smoke
in the process.
With respect to the sinter operation, the Company will in--
stall a Venturi Scrubber System on the Main Windbox, within 19-1/2
months from the date of the Order at a cost of $1,200,000 designed to
meet specified process weight rate values and in the alternative,
if the operation cannot be controlled to meet the standards set forth,
the sinter operation will be suspended until the standards specified
are met. Control of the Main Windbox emissions as proposed will
meet the recently adopted particulate emission standards for this
facility (Sec.203(a) and 203(d) (2)).
The Company further agrees to install and operate a bag house
cleaner on the sinter breaker process to be installed within sixty
days from the later of the date of theentry of the order or the date
the sinter process is next operated after the entry of the Order.
This will likewise bring the breaker process into compliance with the
new particulate regulation 203(a).
Surety bonds, each in the amount of the installation cost of
each facility, respectively, in accordance with the terms of the
agreement and payable on forfeiture to the Environmental Protection
Agency are to be furnished, guaranteeing installation and performance
of all of the facilities above provided. Forfeiture shall take place
upon non—compliance with the terms of the agreement. The forms of
bonds are incorporated in the stipulation and order of the Board.
Provision is made for inspection of all of the eouiprnent and
installations covered by the agreement. Compliance with particulate
regulations shall be determined by procedures described in ASNE Power
Test Code 27-1957 and results submitted to the Environmental Protection
The AISI Coke Oven Air Quality Control System shall be operated
at the best attainable effectiveness using the best available technology
and methods within its basic design capabilities as fabricated and
installed in accordance with basic design drawings within 30 months.
Determination of whether such operation does, in fact, meet these stan-
dards shall be determined in a proceeding before the Pollution Control
Board. Provision is made in the Stipulation and Order for
ization for inspection and investigation by the Agency and notification
to the Company. The Company, during the entire period of the Agreement,
shall continue a research and development program evaluating existing
in-house pollution control equipment, investigate new technology and pro-
cesses and program the installation of improved control equipment to
comply with higher emission standards as required by law.
The Agreement further provides that during the time specified
for the completion of the program, for each named facility,
no enforcement
action shall be brought pursuant to Sections 31(a) and Cc) of the
Environmental Protection Act for particulate air contaminant emissions
beyond the limitations of the regulation applied to each facility, pro-
viding a variance of the Board or bond is then in effect.
4 —
Variances are provided for the following operations for
the periods indicated:
Coke oven operation, including transporting coke to quench
tower (except charging) for twelve months;
Quenching operations
six months;
Sinter breaker process stack
60 days from the date
of the Order or date of operation after Order, whichever
is later;
Charging and any operation of which charging is considered
a part
one year, with completion anticipated in thirty
Sinter process
main windbox
one year, with completion
anticipated in 19-1/2 months.
The Company shall make application to the Board for desired extensions
of variance beyond the original one—year allowance.
If the Company shows satisfactory progress to the Agency, ex-
tension of the variance shall be recommended by the Agency to the
Board. For purposes of extending variance “satisfactory progress” as
used in the Environme,ntal Protection Act shall be substantial compliance
with the program of installation as set forth in the Stipulation.
Attached to the Stipulation as an exhibit is the proposed compliance
program for each facility, respectively, together with work rules and
operational procedures to be employed to assure compliance with all
provisions of the Order.
In addition to the above facilities covered by variation with
respect to which specific installations are to be made, work rDles
and operational procedures are embodied in the agreement for the basic
oxygen furnace, the blooming mill, the hot strip mill and the steam
generating facility for which no new installations are provided nor
variances granted. Procedures to be employed in the event of upset
and breakdown are included and details as to research development and
reports are provided. Expenditures totaling in excess of $4,000,000
will be made for installation of equipment to implement the abatement
program and should be completed within thirty months from the date
The testimony of witnesses for the Environmental Protection
Agency and the Company support the view that the proposed installations
represent the most advanced state of the arts for abatement equipment
and control of particulate emissions for each facility involved. Coxm-
parison between the specifics of emission control
to be achieved by
the equipment to be installed compared with the regulations for air
4 —
contaminant emissions recently adopted by the Board sustains the view
that the Granite City Steel Company will be in compliance with the new
regulations upon completion of contemplated installation program, ai-
though by reason of the variances allowed and anticipated, the dates
of actual compliance may, in some instances, go beyond those expressly
specified in the regulations. The testimony of Dr. Werner Eisenhut
(R. pp. 3416—3912) supporiE the view that the installations proposed
with respect to the coking operation and specifically, as to the
charging by the AISI Larry car, the fogging mechanism to be employed
during pushing, and the baffle system to be installed in the tower for
quenching, represent the most advanced abatement facilities in the world
at the present time.
Substantial testimony at the earlier hearings related to alter-
native means both employed e~nd under consideration to control emissions
from these operations,
of which appears to assure abatement in.~amore
suitable form than those which are to be installed by the Company pur-
suant to this Agreement.
The Venturi Scrub1~eron the sinter process Main windbox and the
bag house to be employed in the sinter breaker process again represent
the best technology to achieve abatement from these sources. These
views were confirmed by Adolph Biss, Metallurgical Specialist employed
by the Division of Air Pollution, Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency (R. April 12, 1972, page 85).
Dr. John Roberts, manager of the Air Pollution Control Division
of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency testified as follows:
(R. April 12, 1972, p. 81)
“The improvement in air quality as a consequence of
Granite City’s proposed program is expected to be sub-
stantial. According to the Agency’s calculations, com-
paring total emissions of particulate matter from the
Granite City Steel facilities immediately prior to the
filing of this suit in November of 1970 with emissions
of particulate matter which are expected following com-
pletion of the proposed control program by the end of
1974, and assuming good housekeeping procedures,, particulate
emission can be estimated to decrease by over 90. In
terms of improvements in air quality in the Granite City
area, this reduction in particulate emissions should lead
to a corresponding reduction of approximately 90 micrograms
per cubic meter in the annual geometric mean concentrations.
What this means to the citizen of Granite City is that the
average amount of particulate matter in the air will, after com-
pletion of this program, be cut approximately in half. In
terms of health benefits to the citizen of Granite City
this control program coupled with controls to be effected
by other industries in the Granite City area as a consequence
of their compliance with applicable air pollution con-
trol regulations, will reduce air pollution levels to
a safe margin below the national health—related standard.
In terms of economic benefits, I can cite a study by
I. Michelson and B. Tourin, ‘Comparative Method for
Studying Cost of Air Pollution.’ Public Health Report.
Vol. 81(6), pp. 505-511, June, 1966 concerning Upper.
Ohio River Valley in which a comparative analysis of annual
per capita cleaning costs incurred in two cities (Steuben—
ville with particulate levels comparable to those in
Granite City in 1970 and Uniontown comparable but higher
than those to be attained by 1975 in Granite City) showed
a cost saving of $84.00 per capita per year.”
At the last public hearing in Granite City on the proposed agree-
ment, some testimony was received regarding alleged excessive emissions
from the stack of the basic oxygen furnace. No variation is sought
for these facilities
nor is any new abatement equipment required to
be installed pursuant to the agreement and order. Electrostatic pre—
cipitators have been previously installed on the basic oxygen furnace
and both the Agency and the Company represent that this equipment,
plus the work rules, to be enforced, will assure compliance from this
source. However, if such does not prove to be the case, the Agency is
in no way foreclosed from taking such action as is appropriate to assure
that this portion of the operation be brought into compliance if, in
fact, it is not presently complying.
In the
record are several statements from government officials,
both state and municipal, and Southern Illinois University professors
questioning whether the University of Illinois at Champaign is the
appropriate recipient of the scholarship fund provided in the stipula-
tion. The view expressed by these persons is that since the Metro—East
Region has been the principal victim of
the Company’s past emissions,
the money should be expended in the area affected and more particularly,
at Southern Illinois
While we are not without sympathy
to this expression of attitude, we are satisfied that the University
of Illinois,
with its medical, engineering and law schools, in addition
to its basic Liberal Arts and Science Programs is a suitable entity to
carry out the
objectives of the grant, particularly since the parties
have agreed to this program as part of the overall settlement of the
case ,and we are not disposed to alter this provision.
The agreement in the present case is a milestone in pollution
control and all parties involved are to be commended.
It represents
what is capable of achievement by cooperation between industry and the
State and furnishes a solution which is both technically feasible and
economically reasonable, to the benefit of the immediate community,
the Company itself and the people of the State of Illinois.
I, Christan Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois
Pollution ~trol
certify that the above Opinion was adopted on this
day of May,
1972, by a vote ~