February 14, 1972
In the Matter of the Application
for a Permit for Dresden Unit 3
at Dresden Nuclear Power Station
Mr. William E. Eaken appeared for the Illinois Pollution Control
Messrs. Arthur C. Gehr and John Rowe appeared for Commonwealth
Edison Company
Messrs. Lawrence D. Spears and Alan Sugarman appeared for the
Environmental Law Society
Opinion of the Board (by Mr. R.J. Kissel):
On November 23, 1971, the Board revised the Permit previously
granted to Edison to operate Dresden Unit 3. One of the provisions
of the revised Permit required that Edison complete the installation
of a catalytic recombiner and eight charcoal beds, as outlined in
the record of the proceedings, by April 1, 1973. See Paragraph 4(a)
of the revised Permit, dated November 23, 1971. On February 2, 1972
Edison filed a motion to clarify the November 23 order by changing
the date on which the catalytic recombiner and eight charcoal beds
had to be completed to June 1, 1973. Edison points out that the
basis of the Board’s order on November 23 was the Company’s advanced
anticipated completion date, which was testified to in the record
as being June 1, 1973. See the testimony of Mr. Roveke, page 186,
transcript of October 19, 1971.
While we would like Edison to expedite the completion of the
control equipment, we must agree with them that the testimony in the
record supports the position taken in their motion to clarify the
Board1s order. The insertion of the April 1, 1973 date was merely
a clerical error in drafting of the order, and therefore, we will
modify the order by deleting the April 1 date in Paragraph 4(a) and
inserting the June 1 date.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Pollution Control Board,
certify that the Board adopted t~’ie above Opinion this /j/ day of
February, 1972, by a vote of 4-1.
Mr. Dumelle dissents.
February 14, 1972
In the Matter of the Application
PCB 70-21
for a Permit for Dresden Unit 3
at Dresden Nuclear Power Station
Dissenting Opinion of Mr. Dumelle
My dissent on the modifica1E~ionof the permit is based on the
ground that it is really both moot and premature.
It is moot because the transmittal letter spoke of oral
arguments before the Appellate Court on February 8 and that date
was past when this was granted. It is premature because it
logically follows after a determination by this Board on whether
or not to hear from Dr. Edward Radford on the General Electric
nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Morris, Illinois. Dr. Radford
has alleged people dosages of 680 mr per year now being inflicted
upon those residents within one mile of the three Dresden reactors.
If he is even partially correct in his radiation estimates then
this Board should immediately order a speedup of the off-gas
system construction not from the 27 months now lengthened to 30
months) of the permit but to a much shorter period. And a power
reduction, in my view, is also called for, if Dr. Radford is
right, especially at the ancient Dresden I plant with its short
stack and consequently more potent radiation effects.
I would point out that my Board-approved amendment (December 9,
1971) to the Quad-Cities permit changed the date for completion of
the off—gas system there to conform to the 27—month period now
scrapped for Dresden. See permit (p. 12, November 15, 1971 “Sep-
tember 1, 1973” compared to opinion of same date, p. 2 “December
1973” and minutes of motions made at November 15, 1971 Board meeting.)
Will the Board now change the completion dates for the sister
units at Quad-Cities to give them a 30 month period also? I hope
These off—gas treatment systems were available and in use
in Germany some five years before the Board’s December 1970 Dresden
hearings. Had Edison been following the AEC stricture on radia-
tion dosages of ‘as low as practicable” these treatment systems
would have been designed, ordered constructed and on—line today.
The people around Dresden and around Quad—Cities (if it operates
before off—gas treatment is on-line) are paying or may pay the
price for Edison’s delay.
The newspaper story today (February 24, 1972) telling of
Governor Richard B. Ogilvie’s February 14 (the date of this
action) request to the Illinois Commerce Commission to investi-
gate the “incidents” at the Dresden reactors is recognition of
the great dangers to the public which may result from improper
design or operation of Dresden. The off-gas treatment system
adds a measure of safety to these nuclear plants and ought to be
built and installed just as fast as humanly possible.
Jacob D. Dumelle
Board Member
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board, hereby certify the above Dissenting Opinion was
submitted on the 24th day of February, 1972.
/ /
‘Christan L. Moffett,~CIer1~
Illinois Pollution Control Board
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