PART 371
    371.101 Statutory Authority
    371.102 Purpose
    371.103 Definitions
    371.120 Introduction
    371.140 General Requirements for Preparing Plans of Operation
    371.160 Introduction
    371.161 Chronological Summary of Required Actions
    371.162 Staffing and Training
    371.163 Records, Reports, and Laboratory Control
    371.164 Process Control and Start-up Procedures
    371.165 Safety
    371.166 Emergency Operating and Response Plan
    371.167 Maintenance Management
    371.168 Operation and Maintenance Manual
    371.169 Operations Budget and Revenue Program

    371.170 Other Actions
    371.180 Submission of Plans of Operation
    371.200 Introduction
    371.220 General Requirements for Preparing Operation and Maintenance
    Manuals for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities
    371.221 Chapter I - Introduction
    371.222 Chapter II - Permits and Standards
    371.223 Chapter III - Description, Operation and Control of Wastewater
    Treatment Facilities
    371.224 Chapter IV - Description, Operation and Control of Sludge
    Handling Facilities
    371.225 Chapter V - Personnel
    371.226 Chapter VI - Laboratory
    371.227 Chapter VII - Records
    371.228 Chapter VIII - Maintenance
    371.229 Chapter IX - Emergency Operating and Response Program
    371.230 Chapter X - Safety
    371.231 Chapter XI - Utilities
    371.232 Chapter XII - Electrical System
    371.233 Appendices
    371.240 Other Items Available At Municipal Wastewater Treatment

    371.260 General Requirements for Preparing Operation and Maintenance
    Manuals for Municipal Wastewater Pumping Stations and Collection
    371.261 Chapter I - Introduction
    371.262 Chapter II - Permits
    371.263 Chapter III - Description, Operation and Control of Pumping
    Stations and Collection Systems
    371.264 Chapter IV - Personnel
    371.265 Chapter V - Records
    371.266 Chapter VI - Maintenance
    371.267 Chapter VII - Emergency Operating and Response Program
    371.268 Chapter VIII - Safety
    371.269 Chapter IX - Utilities
    371.270 Chapter X - Electrical System
    371.271 Appendices
    371.280 Other Items Available at Municipal Wastewater Pumping Stations
    and Collection Systems
    371.300 Submission of Operation and Maintenance Manuals
    Old Section Numbers Referenced
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 4(1), 4(m) and 12(b) and authorized by
    Section 4(1) and (m) of the Environmental Protection Act (Ill. Rev. Stat.
    1981, ch. 111 1/2, pars. 1004(1), 1004(m), 1012(b), and 1004(1) and (m)).
    SOURCE: Adopted at 5 Ill, Reg. 7843, effective October 1, 1981; codified
    at 7 Ill. Reg. 6920.

    <BSection 371.101 Statutory Authority>>
    These rules are adopted by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    (Agency) pursuant to Section 4(1) and (m) of the Environmental Protection
    Act (Illinois Revised Statutes 1981, Chapter 111 1/2, par. 1004), (Act) and
    implement 40 CFR 35.935-12.
    <BSection 371.102 Purpose>>
    The Agency administers federal and state grant programs for the
    construction of wastewater treatment works for which Plans of Operation
    (PO) and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals must be prepared under the
    grant agreement. These rules state the requirements for preparing these
    documents and submitting them to the Agency. These rules are subject to
    interpretation by the Agency in accordance with the Delegation Agreement
    between the Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency
    and applicable federal guidance documents.
    <BSection 371.103 Definitions>>
    Terms used in these rules are defined as in the Clean Water Act, (33 U.S.C.
    1251 et seq.), the Environmental Protection Act, and applicable regulations
    adopted pursuant to each statute.
    <BSection 371.120 Introduction>>
    a) A PO identifies specific actions, related start and completion
    dates, and other supportive information necessary to assure that
    the wastewater treatment facility and all associated personnel are
    properly prepared for start-up and continued operation. Actions
    identified will fulfill technical and administrative requirements
    for efficient and reliable performance.
    b) A PO is required for all federal grant projects which started
    construction after November 29, 1976. A PO is required for all
    state grant projects which started construction after August 18,
    c) Plans of Operation shall be submitted as follows:

    1) One copy of the preliminary PO must be submitted with the
    plans and specifications for the project during Step 2 of the
    construction grants process.
    2) Two copies of the final PO must be submitted with the draft
    O&M Manual for the project before 50% of the grant payment of
    a Step 3 grant can be made. One copy of the approved final
    PO will be retained by the Agency.
    3) All POs must be submitted for review to:
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Water Pollution Control
    Grant Administration Section
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    d) In preparing the PO, grantees are encouraged to use their own
    operations staff, with input as necessary from consulting
    engineers and other appropriate sources. The PO is as important
    to facility operation as construction scheduling is for
    construction. Grantees will be expected to keep the PO current.
    <BSection 371.140 General Requirements for Preparing Plans of Operation>>
    a) Since the PO is prepared as a part of a grant contract approved by
    the Agency, the schedules provided as a part of the PO are legally
    enforceable. These schedules in the PO must conform to the
    schedules provided in the grantee's NPDES permit, the grantee's
    grant offer, and any applicable orders, whether the result of an
    enforcement action or variance petition, issued by the Pollution
    Control Board. For the preliminary PO, tentative dates may be
    used in implementation schedules and may be expressed as "percent
    completion of construction" or "days before operational start-up."
    Specific dates must be used for implementation schedules included
    in the final PO.
    b) Municipal wastewater treatment projects vary considerably in size
    and complexity and the degree of detail in the PO must reflect
    this variation. The information included in the PO must be
    tailored to the specific needs of each individual project.

    <BSection 371.160 Introduction>>
    a) The introduction shall state the purpose and use of the PO.
    b) The introduction must briefly describe the scope of the
    construction grant project and the wastewater treatment facilities
    being constructed, modified or expanded.
    <BSection 371.161 Chronological Summary of Required Actions>>
    The PO must contain a summary of all actions which are necessary to assure
    efficient and reliable start-up and continued operation of the wastewater
    treatment facilities. The summary must list the actions in chronological
    order and reference the portions of the PO where each action is discussed
    in detail. Related implementation dates must be included for each action
    listed. All applicable actions from the following list, along with any
    necessary additional actions, must he listed in the chronological summary
    and discussed in subsequent sections of the PO.
    Prepare and submit the Start-Up
    Services proposal to the Agency.
    Construct the treatment facilities.
    Submit the draft O&M Manual to the
    Submit the final PO to the Agency.
    Publish the new sewer use ordinance
    to accommodate industrial
    Publish the industrial pretreatment
    Employ Chief Operator

    Review user charge and industrial
    cost recovery systems.
    Employ Senior Operator.
    Employ Chief Chemist.
    Review budget considerations for
    initial operation.
    Begin influent sampling program.
    Begin development of a detailed
    emergency procedures plan.
    Begin development of detailed
    guidance on the employee safety
    training program.
    Identify all of the unusual waste
    Finalize the system and procedures
    for notification of unusual
    industrial waste discharges.
    Identify actions and assignments to
    be accomplished by other city
    departments. Coordinate the action
    Identify and begin acquiring
    equipment and materials to
    implement the emergency operation
    Finalize cooperative assistance
    agreements with other agencies.
    Assemble manufacturers' manuals and

    other equipment literature.
    Begin development of the action
    plan for process control and "fine
    Employ shift operators.
    Employ maintenance crew.
    Conduct training on equipment
    Begin acquiring inventory of tools
    and spare parts.
    Begin acquiring lubricants for new
    Review and update the operating
    budget and revenue program.
    Begin acquiring laboratory supply
    inventory including test reagents.
    Begin employee training in
    emergency procedures.
    Finalize O&M Manual.
    Start review of laboratory
    analytical and reporting
    requirements with operators and
    laboratory staff.
    Conduct training in heavy metals
    sample collection and analysis with
    laboratory staff.
    Start safety training program.

    Review and approval of final O&M
    Manual by Chief Operator.
    Acquire a stock of laboratory
    records, calculation sheets, and
    reporting sheets.
    Start review of process control and
    detailed start-up procedures with
    facility staff.
    Begin training of facility staff on
    maintenance management system
    Submit final O&M Manual to the
    Begin pre-start-up maintenance
    Conduct "wet" and "dry" testing of
    all equipment.
    Move into new laboratory.
    Inventory new equipment and
    supplies furnished by the
    Test new laboratory apparatus.
    File treatment facility design,
    construction and operations
    records, manufacturers' manuals,
    and as-built drawings.
    Conduct operational start-up of

    Start periodic safety reviews with
    facility staff.
    Conduct the first annual plant
    safety review and modify the safety
    program, if necessary.
    Initiate annual emergency
    procedures update and employee
    training program.
    Complete first annual facility
    operation and maintenance report.
    Update the O&M Manual based on
    first year of operating experience.
    <BSection 371.162 Staffing and Training>>
    This element of the PO must assure that supervisory, operational,
    maintenance, laboratory and administrative personnel are hired and trained
    in a timely manner. Reference must be made to the chapter on personnel in
    the O&M Manual.
    a) List all of the positions and respective job titles of staff
    necessary to assure proper operation and maintenance of the
    facility. This list must correspond with the staffing
    requirements stated in the chapter on personnel in the O&M Manual.
    b) List the names of all personnel currently employed and the job
    position each is to fill.
    c) State sources of personnel which will be used to fill the
    remaining vacancies such as outside hiring, internal transfers,
    d) Provide a timetable for hiring personnel to fill the remaining
    vacancies. The Chief Operator should be hired by the time 50% of
    the facility construction has been completed.
    e) Explain the problems in filling the position if the Chief Operator
    is not hired by the time 50% of the facility construction has
    been completed. The grantee must also include a plan for
    overcoming these problems and a revised timetable for hiring a
    qualified person for Chief Operator.
    f) Discuss special operator training that may be necessary for new
    equipment or laboratory procedures. Personnel responsible for

    training the facility staff must be identified by name and title.
    <BSection 371.163 Records, Reports, and Laboratory Control>>
    This element of the PO must identify specific actions and related
    implementation schedules for establishing an adequate laboratory, record
    keeping, and reporting system which meets NPDES requirements, process
    control and maintenance needs for the facility. Personnel responsible for
    completing each of the actions listed must he identified by name and title.
    Reference must be made to the chapter of the O&M Manual where examples of
    daily log sheets, Discharge Monitoring Report forms, annual reports, etc.,
    are located.
    a) Determine the operations,
    laboratory, NPDES reporting
    and record keeping
    requirements for this
    b) Review the laboratory
    analytical and reporting
    requirements with the
    operators and laboratory
    c) Inventory the laboratory
    supplies and equipment.
    d) Acquire laboratory records,
    calculation sheets, and
    report forms.
    e) Conduct training in heavy
    metals sample collection and
    analysis with the laboratory
    f) Have on file the treatment
    facility design,
    construction and operations

    records, manufacturers'
    manuals, and as-built
    g) Move into the laboratory.
    h) Test new equipment to assure
    that it complies with the
    specifications and to
    demonstrate that the
    equipment is in working
    i) Complete first annual
    facility operation and
    maintenance report.
    <BSection 371.164 Process Control and Start-up Procedures>>
    This element of the PO must identify actions and related implementation
    schedules necessary for facility start-up and process control. Personnel
    responsible for the completion of each action must be identified by name
    and title. Reference must be made to the chapters of the O&M Manual where
    the facility start-up and process control procedures are discussed.
    a) Prepare and submit a
    Start-up Services proposal
    to obtain funding for grant
    eligible portions of the
    training program.
    b) Provide the beginning and
    completion dates for the
    Start-up Services and state
    the total time (person-days)
    to be spent on the services.
    c) Outline a schedule for "wet"

    and "dry" testing and
    calibration of equipment.
    Identify specific units,
    processes, and equipment to
    be tested and calibrated.
    d) Begin the sampling program
    to define the facility
    influent characteristics.
    e) Identify all unusual waste
    f) Develop an action plan for
    process control and "fine
    g) Review process control and
    detailed start-up procedures
    with laboratory and
    operating staff.
    h) Finalize the system and
    procedures for notification
    of unusual industrial waste
    i) Test to determine capacity,
    motor running amps,
    temperature and vibration.
    j) Conduct equipment start-up
    and process control drills.
    <BSection 371.165 Safety>>
    This element of the PO must identify necessary actions and include a
    schedule for implementing an employee safety program. Personnel
    responsible for the completion of each action must be identified by name
    and title. Reference must be made to the chapter on safety in the O&M

    a) Develop detailed guidance on
    an employee safety training
    b) Begin the safety training
    program for all facility
    staff prior to start-up.
    c) Conduct a facility safety
    tour with all staff to
    determine specific facility
    safety hazards.
    d) Start periodic safety
    reviews with all staff.
    e) Conduct first annual
    facility safety review and
    modify the safety program,
    if necessary.
    <BSection 371.166 Emergency Operating and Response Plan>>
    This element of the PO must identify necessary actions and include a
    schedule for implementing an emergency operating and response plan.
    Personnel responsible for the completion of each action must be identified
    by name and title. Reference must be made to the chapter which outlines
    the emergency operating and response plan in the 0&M Manual.
    a) Develop details of the
    emergency procedures plan
    including personnel

    b) Finalize cooperative
    assistance agreements with
    other agencies.
    c) Identify and acquire the
    equipment and materials
    needed to implement the
    emergency operating and
    response plan.
    d) Begin pre-start-up employee
    training on the emergency
    operating and response plan.
    e) Initiate the annual
    procedures update and the
    employee training program.
    <BSection 371.167 Maintenance Management>>
    This element of PO must identify necessary actions and related
    implementation schedules for establishing an adequate maintenance
    management system. Personnel responsible for the completion of each
    action must be identified by name and title. Reference must be made to
    the chapter on maintenance in the O&M Manual.
    a) Complete the inventories for
    spare parts and necessary
    b) Assemble the manufacturers'
    manuals and any other
    equipment literature.
    c) Train the maintenance staff
    on equipment maintenance.
    d) Acquire lubricants for

    e) Begin the pre-start-up
    maintenance schedule.
    f) Review the maintenance
    management program with the
    maintenance staff.
    <BSection 371.168 Operation and Maintenance Manual>>
    This element of the PO identifies necessary actions and related
    implementation schedules for the preparation and submission of the facility
    O&M Manual. Personnel responsible for completing each action must be
    identified by name and title. The submission date of the final O&M Manual
    must allow sufficient lead time for the manual to be reviewed 30 days prior
    to facility start-up.
    a) Prepare the draft of the O&M
    b) Submit the draft O&M Manual
    to the Agency for review and
    c) Order and compile the O&M
    library references.
    d) Obtain the Chief Operator's
    comments and input for
    inclusion in the final O&M
    e) Submit the completed O&M
    library to the treatment
    f) Finalize the O&M Manual.
    g) Submit final O&M Manual for.
    review to the Chief

    h) Submit final O&M Manual and
    the Chief Operator's review
    checklist to the Agency for
    i) Update the O&M Manual and,
    if necessary, add materials
    to the O&M library based on
    the first year of operating
    <BSection 371.169 Operations Budget and Revenue Program>>
    This element of the PO must identify necessary actions and related
    implementation schedules for establishing an adequate operations budget and
    revenue program. Personnel responsible for completing each action must be
    identified by name and title.
    a) Develop an operations budget
    and an adequate revenue
    program that provides for
    costs of salaries and wages,
    utilities, chemicals,
    supplies, staff training,
    and other costs of operation
    and maintenance.
    b) Review and update the
    operations budget and
    revenue program.
    <BSection 371.170 Other Actions>>
    The PO must identify any other actions and related implementation schedules
    which are necessary to assure the timely and efficient start-up and
    continued operation of the facility. Personnel responsible for completing
    each action must be identified by name and title. Other actions may
    include, but are not limited to, the following:

    a) Publish the new sewer use
    ordinance to accommodate the
    industrial discharges.
    b) Publish the industrial
    pretreatment ordinance.
    c) Hire an industrial
    d) Identify the industrial
    e) Characterize discharges as
    to flow, BOD, and suspended
    f) Monitor certain industrial
    wastes for toxic discharges.
    g) Notify the industries of
    pretreatment requirements.
    <BSection 371.180 Submission of Plans of Operation>>
    a) The preliminary PO must substantially address the requirements of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 371: Subparts C and D. References to chapters
    of the O&M Manual, as required in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 371.162
    through 371.167, are not required in the preliminary PO.
    1) Actions which are necessary to ensure compliance with 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 371: Subpart D must be clearly outlined with no
    significant omissions.
    2) Implementation schedules must reflect what can realistically
    be accomplished by the grantee, considering available
    resources and the facility's history.
    b) The final PO must show that substantial progress has been made to
    implement the preliminary PO and that the grantee can be expected

    to accomplish the remaining tasks on schedule. The final PO must
    1) Updated information on "Staffing and Training" including all
    personnel hired since the submission of the preliminary PO.
    2) Updated timetables for the hiring of personnel to fill
    3) Updated implementation schedules with finalized dates that
    reflect actions completed and actions yet to be taken to
    fulfill the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 371: Subpart
    <BSection 371.200 Introduction>>
    a) An O&M Manual provides long term, facility-specific guidance for
    all persons responsible for facility operation and maintenance.
    b) An O&M Manual is required for all Step 3 state and federal
    construction grant projects.
    c) O&M Manuals shall be submitted as follows:
    1) One draft copy of the O&M Manual must be submitted to the
    Agency and approved before 50% of the grant payment of a Step
    3 grant can be made.
    2) Two final copies of the O&M Manual must be submitted to the
    Agency and approved before 90% of the grant payment of a Step
    3 grant can be made.
    3) All O&M Manuals must be sent for review to:
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Water Pollution Control
    Grant Administration Section
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    <BSection 371.220 General Requirements for Preparing Operation and
    Maintenance Manuals for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities>>
    a) A minimum of four copies of the O&M Manual must be prepared for

    each Step 3 construction grant project. The following format
    shall be used.
    1) The text of the O&M Manual must be placed in a bound volume.
    A notebook binder with a minimum of three rings is preferred.
    2) Individual chapters must be clearly identified by a tab
    system. Chapters which discuss units or processes
    individually must use a tab to locate the discussion for each
    unit or process.
    3) All drawings, diagrams, figures, worksheets, tables,
    illustrations, schematics, etc., must be legible, easily
    understandable, and must not exceed 11 inches by 17 inches in
    b) O&M Manuals prepared for municipal wastewater treatment facilities
    must address each of the following items within 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    371.221 through 371.233 which are applicable to the facility.
    <BSection 371.221 Chapter I - Introduction>>
    a) Discuss how to use and update the O&M Manual and the O&M library.
    b) List and discuss operator responsibilities and the importance of
    items such as:
    1) Knowing proper operational procedures;
    2) Keeping accurate records;
    3) Managing operating funds properly;
    4) Keeping supervisors informed;
    5) Keeping informed of current operation and maintenance
    6) Other areas of operational importance.
    c) List and discuss managerial responsibilities and the importance of
    items such as:
    1) Maintaining efficient plant operation and maintenance;
    2) Maintaining adequate records;
    3) Establishing staff requirements, preparing job descriptions
    and assigning personnel;
    4) Providing good working conditions;
    5) Implementing an ongoing operator training program;
    6) Providing incentives for employees:
    7) Maintaining good public relations;
    8) Preparing budgets and reports;
    9) Planning for future facility needs;
    10) Developing standard operating procedures;
    11) Other areas of managerial or supervisory importance.
    d) Briefly describe the facility and the individual units.

    <BSection 371.222 Chapter II - Permits and Standards>>
    a) Discuss in detail the NPDES permit and requirements and
    regulations to include the following:
    1) State the NPDES permit number, date of issuance, and
    expiration date. Outline procedures for NPDES permit
    2) Discuss effluent requirements and parameter limitations.
    3) Discuss possible penalties for permit violations.
    4) Discuss the importance of the conditions of the NPDES permit.
    5) Include a copy of the Discharge Monitoring Report with the
    permit conditions completed on the form. Include the
    instructions for completing Discharge Monitoring Reports.
    6) Summarize all reporting requirements contained in the NPDES
    permit such as:
    A) Notices of non-compliance
    B) Discharge Monitoring Reports
    C) Semi-annual analyses for heavy metals
    D) Progress reports
    E) Alternate power source report
    F) Industrial user reports
    G) Industrial pretreatment reports
    H) Industrial pretreatment requirement report
    I) Federal or state pretreatment requirements
    J) Industrial waste ordinance
    K) Deep well injection
    L) Any other special reports which may be required
    b) Include legible copies of the current NPDES, construction, and
    operating permits in the appendices of the O&M Manual.
    c) Include the telephone number for the Agency regional office.
    d) Include the telephone number for the Agency Compliance Assurance
    Section: (217)782-9720.
    e) Include the telephone number for the reporting of spills of oil
    and other hazardous materials to the Agency Emergency Action
    Center: (217)782-3637.
    <BSection 371.223 Chapter III - Description, Operation and Control of
    Wastewater Treatment Facilities>>
    a) Include a facility layout illustration that clearly shows the
    1) Location of all buildings and other structures;

    2) Location of all equipment, units, and processes;
    3) Location of all major bypasses and alternate flow paths.
    b) Discuss the basis of design and the design criteria for this
    treatment facility. Discuss the anticipated raw wastewater
    characteristics with respect to:
    1) Composition
    2) Loadings
    3) Industrial contributors
    4) Flow variations
    c) Trace the wastewater flow through the treatment facility and
    describe the operation of each unit in detail. The following
    information must be provided for each unit:
    1) Purpose
    2) Equipment
    A) Manufacturer
    B) Model number
    C) Number of units
    D) Description of equipment
    3) Unit illustration - individual unit drawings, diagrams, etc.,
    which clearly illustrate the following:
    A) Piping layout
    B) Numbered valves, stop gates, slide gates, etc.
    C) Unit bypasses and alternate flow paths
    4) Relationship to other units
    5) Operation
    A) Initial start-up
    B) Normal operation
    C) Alternate modes of operation
    D) Bypassing, shut-down, and drainage
    E) Emergency operation
    6) Controls
    A) Flow controls
    B) Electrical controls
    C) Laboratory and other process control techniques
    7) Operational problems
    A) Unit problems
    B) Mechanical problems
    C) Troubleshooting guide
    8) Routine maintenance considerations
    A) Schedule the inspection, cleaning, lubrication,
    adjustment, calibration, painting, and any other routine
    maintenance activities recommended by the equipment
    manufacturer. Maintenance tasks must be scheduled on a

    daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and
    annual basis. If appropriate, use "hours of operation"
    to schedule preventive maintenance for equipment.
    B) List the materials, including paints and lubricants,
    needed to maintain each unit.
    d) Include a valve index with the following information.
    1) Number all valves, stop gates, slide gates, etc., as shown in
    the unit illustrations required in subparagraph (c)(3) above.
    2) Identify the size and type of all valves, stop gates, slide
    gates, etc.
    3) Indicate the normal operation setting, i.e. open, closed,
    etc., for each structure listed.
    e) Discuss the importance of numbering and tagging the treatment
    facility valves in accordance with the valve index.
    f) List the references in the O&M library that supplement discussions
    1) Operation
    2) Laboratory and other process control techniques
    3) Operational problems and troubleshooting
    4) Maintenance
    <BSection 371.224 Chapter IV - Description, Operation and Control of Sludge
    Handling Facilities>>
    a) Include a layout illustration of the sludge handling facilities
    which clearly shows the following:
    1) Location of all buildings and other structures;
    2) Location of all equipment, units, and processes;
    3) Location of all major bypasses and alternate flow paths.
    b) Trace the sludge flow through the sludge handling facilities and
    describe the operation of each unit in detail. The following
    information must be provided for each unit:
    1) Purpose
    2) Equipment
    A) Manufacturer
    B) Model number
    C) Number of units
    D) Description of equipment
    3) Unit illustration - individual unit drawings, diagrams, etc.,
    which clearly illustrate the following:
    A) Piping layout
    B) Numbered valves, stop gates, slide gates, etc.
    C) Unit bypasses and alternate flow paths

    4) Relationship to other units
    5) Operation
    A) Initial start-up
    B) Normal operation
    C) Alternate modes of operation
    D) Bypassing, shut-down and drainage
    E) Emergency operation
    6) Controls
    A) Flow controls
    B) Electrical controls
    C) Laboratory and other process control techniques
    7) Operational problems
    A) Unit problems
    B) Mechanical problems
    C) Troubleshooting guide
    8) Routine maintenance considerations
    A) Schedule the inspection, cleaning, lubrication,
    adjustment, calibration, painting, and any other routine
    maintenance activities recommended by the equipment
    manufacturer. Maintenance tasks must be scheduled on a
    daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and
    annual basis. If appropriate, use "hours of operation"
    to schedule preventive maintenance for equipment.
    B) List materials, including paints and lubricants, needed
    to maintain each unit.
    c) Include a valve index with the following information:
    1) Number all valves as shown in the unit illustrations required
    in subparagraph (b)(3) above.
    2) Identify the size and type of all valves.
    3) Indicate the normal operational setting, i.e., open, closed,
    etc. for each structure listed.
    d) Discuss the importance of numbering and tagging the facility
    valves in accordance with the valve index.
    e) Outline a comprehensive plan for sludge handling and disposal for
    this facility. The plan must consider seasonal variations, wet
    and dry weather conditions, weekend operation, and any other
    conditions that may affect sludge handling and disposal.
    f) List the references in the O&M library that supplement discussions
    1) Operation
    2) Laboratory and other process control techniques
    3) Operational problems
    4) Maintenance

    <BSection 371.225 Chapter V - Personnel>>
    a) List all of the positions and respective job titles of staff
    necessary to assure the proper operation and maintenance of the
    facility such as:
    1) Supervisory/Managerial
    2) Administrative
    3) Operational
    4) Maintenance
    b) Provide an organizational chart of personnel who will be
    responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facility.
    c) List all qualifications necessary for each position. Use the
    following categories of qualifications:
    1) Certification
    2) Education
    A) Level
    B) Type
    C) Special training required
    3) Wastewater experience
    A) Time
    B) Experience operating specific units, processes, and
    types of wastewater treatment facilities
    4) Non-wastewater experience
    A) Time
    B) Type
    5) Specific skills required
    6) Other necessary qualifications
    d) Discuss the operator certification requirements for this
    facility: Reference the material maintained in the O&M library
    for additional information concerning certification procedures.
    e) Outline a staffing plan for this facility which includes the
    following information:
    1) State the number of shifts to be manned per day and the
    number of personnel per shift for normal, weekend, and
    holiday operations.
    2) Discuss staffing during personnel absences due to sickness,
    vacation, off-site training, etc.
    3) Discuss any anticipated seasonal staffing variations.
    f) List and discuss the sources of training which are available to
    the operators.
    g) State who will be responsible for timekeeping and personnel record
    keeping. Discuss the types of personnel records to be kept and

    the importance of these records. The discussion must include but
    is not limited to:
    1) Employment application
    2) Payroll information
    3) Vacation and sick day records
    4) Training received by an individual
    5) Personnel evaluation records
    6) Promotion or demotion records
    7) Other personnel information or records
    <BSection 371.226 Chapter VI - Laboratory>>
    a) Discuss the laboratory in general, stressing the importance of
    laboratory testing. Discuss the purposes of laboratory testing
    which include:
    1) Process control
    2) Effluent monitoring
    3) Historic data collection
    b) Define composite and grab sampling.
    c) List and define the process control tests required for this
    facility. Cite specific pages and sections in the references
    maintained in the O&M library for thorough procedures for each
    d) Include sample worksheets for these process control tests with
    instructions for completing these sheets.
    e) Interpret these process control test results and give the
    operational application of each. Discuss the anticipated ranges
    of results for each test.
    f) List and define all tests required in the NPDES permit.
    g) Cite specific pages and sections in the laboratory references
    maintained in the O&M library for thorough procedures for each
    h) Include sample laboratory worksheets, which meet NPDES
    requirements for record keeping, for all NPDES analyses and
    instructions for completing them.
    i) Locate all sampling points for NPDES and process control testing
    and show these points on a drawing.
    j) Outline a comprehensive sampling program for NPDES and process
    control testing.
    k) Outline a quality assurance program that ensures the accuracy of
    the test results.
    l) Discuss laboratory records including the following information:
    1) Discuss what laboratory records are to be kept such as:

    A) Discharge Monitoring Reports;
    B) Laboratory worksheets and records of raw data;
    C) Calibration records for flow metering and laboratory
    D) Quality assurance records;
    E) Strip charts, flow charts, or any other records from
    continuous monitoring equipment;
    F) Effluent non-compliance and by-pass reports;
    G) Records of major contributing industries which use the
    treatment works;
    H) Any other laboratory records necessary for this
    2) Discuss how the records are to be kept.
    3) State for how long the records must be kept.
    4) Discuss trend charts and other similar visual operational
    m) Schedule the periodic updating of the page numbers of approved lab
    procedures which are referenced in the O&M Manual.
    n) List the laboratory references maintained in the O&M library.
    <BSection 371.227 Chapter VII - Records>>
    a) For thorough discussions of personnel, laboratory, and maintenance
    records, cross reference the discussions to their respective
    b) Discuss the Process Operations/Daily Operating Log. Provide a
    sample format with instructions for completing the log.
    c) Discuss the Annual Report, including a sample form with
    instructions for completing the report.
    d) Discuss the Operating Costs Record. Discuss all of the categories
    of operating costs for this facility.
    e) Discuss records which should be kept when emergency conditions
    arise such as:
    1) Entry in Daily Operating Log;
    2) Effluent non-compliance report;
    3) Records of accelerated sampling programs, receiving stream
    sampling, and other requirements.
    <BSection 371.228 Chapter VIII - Maintenance>>
    a) Discuss the purpose and importance of the maintenance program.
    b) Outline an equipment maintenance record system for this facility
    which must include but is not limited to:
    1) An equipment numbering system;

    2) Equipment maintenance record forms and the equipment data to
    be kept on these forms;
    3) Instructions for completing and filing the equipment
    maintenance record forms;
    4) Procedures to follow for retrieving information stored in the
    equipment maintenance record system.
    c) Provide daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual
    summaries of the routine maintenance activities for each unit of
    the facility. These summaries may be prepared by reviewing and
    reorganizing the information in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 371.223(c)(8)
    and 371.224(b)(8) of the preparation requirements. Identify
    materials, including paints and lubricants needed to maintain each
    d) Outline a work order system and describe a work order log.
    Include a sample work order form.
    e) Outline a stockroom and inventory system. Provide a list of spare
    parts to be maintained for each item of equipment at the facility.
    Discuss procedures for ordering parts which meet the
    municipality's purchasing ordinances.
    f) Discuss costs and budgets for maintenance operations.
    g) Discuss housekeeping activities.
    h) Discuss piping color coding for the facility.
    i) Discuss the use of special tools and equipment and the maintenance
    skills required to use the tools.
    j) Discuss tool room procedures and the use of tool boards.
    k) Discuss applicable warranties for all guaranteed equipment.
    l) Discuss contract maintenance jobs.
    <BSection 371.229 Chapter IX - Emergency Operation and Response Program>>
    a) Analyze facility vulnerability to emergency situations including:
    1) Equipment failures
    2) Natural disasters
    3) Strikes
    4) Civil disorders
    b) Discuss methods to reduce facility vulnerability to such
    c) List any mutual aid agreements with other organizations.
    d) Include a complete emergency equipment inventory and discuss
    updating it on a routine basis.
    e) Provide for preserving facility records, drawings, etc.
    f) Provide a complete industrial waste inventory and monitoring
    system and discuss updating it on a routine basis. The system

    must include for each industry:
    1) The name and location of the discharging industry;
    2) A description of the industrial waste;
    3) The names and telephone numbers of the industry's key
    personnel for emergency contact.
    g) Provide written coordinating instructions for local police and
    fire departments.
    h) Outline the responsibilities of facility personnel for various
    emergency situations.
    i) Designate an emergency response center.
    j) Discuss sources of auxiliary personnel.
    k) List emergency telephone numbers for hospital, fire station,
    ambulance, chlorine supplier, etc., on a form.
    l) Discuss plans for keeping the emergency operating and response
    plan current.
    <BSection 371.230 Chapter X - Safety>>
    a) Discuss management's safety responsibilities including legal
    ramifications upon failure to provide a safe work environment.
    b) Discuss any unusual safety considerations including any hazards
    which are due to unique conditions at the project.
    c) Discuss the hazards involved with sewer maintenance including the
    1) The use of gas testing equipment
    2) The use of non-sparking tools
    3) Work site protection and the use of barricades
    4) The use of a safety line and safety harness
    5) The use of ventilation equipment
    6) The use of oxygen masks or similar gear
    7) The use of communication equipment for prompt contact with
    emergency medical services.
    8) Other necessary precautions
    d) Discuss electrical safety including:
    1) Grounding of electric tools and ground fault interruption
    2) Lock-out procedures on electrical equipment
    3) Using rubber floor mats
    4) Testing of circuits
    5) Designating personnel to perform electrical repairs
    6) Other electrical safety precautions
    e) Discuss the mechanical equipment hazards and the use of equipment
    f) Discuss explosion and fire hazards including:

    1) Storage of flammable materials
    2) Type and location of fire extinguishers
    3) Hazards of digester gases
    4) Use of flammable vapor detectors
    5) Other explosion or fire hazards
    g) Discuss bacterial infections and health hazards.
    1) Discuss immunization programs.
    2) Outline personal hygiene considerations.
    h) Discuss chlorine hazards and the handling of chlorine cylinders.
    i) Discuss oxygen deficiency and the hazards of noxious gases.
    j) List common gases encountered near wastewater treatment systems
    and discuss properties of each.
    k) Discuss laboratory hazards and prevention techniques.
    l) List the safety equipment to be kept at the facility.
    m) Discuss the importance of conducting routine training sessions on
    the use of the safety equipment.
    n) Discuss the handling of process chemicals used at this facility.
    o) List safety references maintained in the O&M library.
    <BSection 371.231 Chapter XI - Utilities>>
    a) Give the name, address and telephone number of the electrical
    power company. If possible, identify contact persons and
    telephone numbers for routine and emergency contact.
    b) For additional information on the electrical system, cross
    reference this material to that in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 371.232.
    c) Give the name and address of the telephone company.
    d) Give the name, address and telephone number of the natural gas
    supplier. If possible, identify contact persons and telephone
    numbers for routine and emergency contact.
    e) Give the exact location of the natural gas shut-off valve and
    discuss its operation.
    f) Discuss the use of natural gas as a supplement to digester gas, if
    applicable and not previously discussed in Chapter IV (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 371.224).
    g) Identify the owner of the water company which provides water to
    this facility. If possible, identify contact persons and
    telephone numbers for routine and emergency contact.
    h) Give the exact location of the main water shut-off valve and
    discuss its operation.
    i) Give the name, address and telephone number of the fuel oil
    supplier. If possible, identify contact persons and telephone
    numbers for routine and emergency contact. State the size of the

    storage tanks and provide a Spill Prevention Containment and
    Control Plan (SPCC) if the storage tanks are above grade.
    <BSection 371.232 Chapter XII - Electrical System>>
    a) Discuss the characteristics of the primary electrical distribution
    b) Discuss the system's protective devices such as:
    1) Fuses
    2) Circuit breakers
    3) Ground fault interruption
    c) Describe all motor control centers and panels, including the
    following information:
    1) For each motor control center and panel, list the types of
    controls present and process equipment involved.
    2) Include schematic diagrams and simplified drawings for each
    motor control center and panel.
    d) Discuss the operation and maintenance of the electrical equipment.
    e) Discuss the alternate power source(s) in detail and how to
    implement the system(s) during loss of the primary power source.
    <BSection 371.233 Appendices>>
    a) Schematics
    b) Valve Indexes
    c) Copies of all forms needed to operate the facility efficiently
    d) Process chemicals used at the facility and the names and addresses
    of the suppliers
    e) Design criteria for the facility in tabular form
    f) Equipment supplier's information and a list of the sources for
    service and parts
    g) The municipality's sewer use ordinance
    h) At a minimum, the references specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    371.240(e) shall be acquired or included in the O&M library. A
    complete list of the O&M library references must be included in
    the appendices to the O&M Manual. Indicate which references
    should be periodically replaced or updated.
    <BSection 371.240 Other Items Available At Municipal Wastewater Treatment

    In addition to the O&M Manual, the following items must be available at the
    a) Warranties for all equipment
    b) Construction photos, if applicable
    c) Approved shop drawings
    d) As-built drawings
    e) A complete O&M library which must include, but is not limited to,
    the following references:
    1) American Society for Testing and Materials. Annual Book of
    Standards "Part 31: Water," latest edition.
    APHA, AWWA, and WPCF. Standard Methods for the Examination
    of Water and Wastewater latest edition.
    USEPA. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste,
    latest edition.
    2) Current Agency rules and regulations for operator
    3) Illinois Pollution Control Board. 35 Ill. Adm. Code Subtitle
    C, Chapter I (previously uncodified as Chapter 3: Water
    Pollution), IEPA, Springfield, Illinois.
    4) Manufacturers' manuals for all equipment including motor
    control centers and electrical panels.
    5) The Chlorine Institute, Inc. Chlorine Manual, latest
    edition, New York.
    USEPA. Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and
    Wasterwater Laboratories, latest edition.
    7) Water Pollution Control Federation. Safety in Wastewater
    Works, Manual of Practice No.1, Washington,D.C.
    8) Water Pollution Control Federation. Operation of Wastewater
    Treatment Plants, Manual of Practice No.11, Washington, D.C.
    9) Water Pollution Control Federation. Paints and Protective
    Coatings for Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Manual of
    Practice No.17, Washington,D.C.
    <BSection 371.260 General Requirements for Preparing Operation and
    Maintenance Manuals for Municipal Wastewater Pumping Stations and

    Collection Systems>>
    a) A minimum of four copies of the O&M Manual must be prepared for
    each Step 3 construction grant project. The following format
    shall be used:
    1) The text of the O&M Manual must be placed in a bound volume.
    A notebook binder with a minimum of three rings is preferred.
    2) Individual chapters must be clearly identified by a tab
    system. Chapters which discuss units or processes
    individually must use a tab to locate the discussion for each
    unit or process.
    3) All drawings, diagrams, figures, worksheets, tables,
    illustrations, schematics, etc., must be legible, easily
    understandable, and must not exceed 11 inches by 17 inches in
    b) O&M Manuals prepared for municipal wastewater pumping stations and
    collection systems must address each of the following items within
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 371.261 through 371.271 which are applicable to
    the project.
    <BSection 371.261 Chapter I - Introduction>>
    a) Discuss how to use and update the O&M Manual and the O&M library.
    b) List and discuss operator responsibilities and the importance of
    items such as:
    1) Knowing proper operational procedures;
    2) Keeping accurate records;
    3) Managing operating funds properly;
    4) Keeping supervisors informed;
    5) Keeping informed of current operation and maintenance
    6) Other areas of operational importance.
    c) List and discuss managerial responsibilities and the importance of
    items such as:
    1) Maintaining efficient facility operation and maintenance;
    2) Maintaining adequate records;
    3) Establishing staff requirements, preparing job descriptions
    and assigning personnel;
    4) Providing good working conditions;
    5) Implementing an ongoing operator training program;
    6) Providing incentives for employees;
    7) Maintaining good public relations;
    8) Preparing budgets and reports;

    9) Planning for future facility needs;
    10) Developing standard operating procedures;
    11) Other areas of managerial or supervisory importance.
    d) Briefly describe the pumping station type and capacity.
    e) Describe the chlorination facilities.
    f) Describe the collection system type and size.
    g) Discuss the collection system's appurtenances and special
    structures such as:
    1) Manholes
    2) Check valves and relief overflows
    3) Siphons
    4) Flap gates
    5) Metering stations
    6) Air relief valves
    7) Any other appurtenances or special structures
    <BSection 371.262 Chapter II - Permits>>
    a) Include legible copies of the construction permit and operating
    permit, or of the joint construction and operating permit.
    b) State the design average flow, design maximum flow, and the design
    population served.
    c) Include the telephone number of the Agency regional office.
    d) Include the telephone number of the Agency Compliance Assurance
    Section: (217)782-9720.
    e) Include the telephone number for the reporting of spills of oil
    and other hazardous materials to the Agency Emergency Action
    Center: (217)782-3637.
    <BSection 371.263 Chapter III - Description, Operation and Control of
    Pumping Stations and Collection Systems>>
    a) Include a layout illustration that clearly shows the following:
    1) The layout of the collection system;
    2) The locations of the collection system appurtenances with all
    manholes numbered;
    3) The locations of all pumping stations, force mains, and air
    relief valves;
    4) The locations of standby generators or pumping equipment;
    5) The locations of any bypasses or alternate flow paths.
    b) Trace the wastewater flow through the pumping stations and
    collection system and describe the operation of each unit or
    appurtenance in detail. The following information for each unit

    must be provided:
    1) Purpose
    2) Equipment
    A) Manufacturer
    B) Model number
    C) Number of units
    D) Description of equipment
    3) Unit illustration - individual unit drawings, diagrams, etc.,
    which clearly illustrate the following:
    A) Piping layout
    B) Numbered valves, check valves, flap gates, etc.
    C) Pumping equipment
    D) Any bypasses and alternate flow paths
    4) Relationship to other units
    5) Operation
    A) Initial start-up
    B) Normal operation
    C) Alternate modes of operation
    D) Bypassing, shut-down, and drainage
    E) Emergency operation
    6) Controls
    A) Flow controls
    B) Electrical controls
    C) Laboratory and other process control techniques, if
    7) Operational problems
    A) Unit problems
    B) Mechanical problems
    C) Troubleshooting guides
    8) Routine maintenance considerations
    A) Schedule for inspection, cleaning, lubrication,
    adjustment, calibration, painting, and any other routine
    maintenance activities. Maintenance tasks must be
    scheduled on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly,
    semi-annual, and annual basis. If appropriate, use
    "hours of operation" to schedule preventive maintenance
    for equipment.
    B) List the materials, including paints and lubricants,
    needed to maintain each unit.
    c) Provide illustrations of manholes, drop manholes, and house
    connections typical for this project.
    d) Include a valve index with the following information:
    1) Number all valves as shown in the unit illustrations required

    in subparagraph (b)(3) above.
    2) Identify the size and type of all valves.
    3) Indicate the normal operational setting, i.e., open, closed,
    etc. for each valve listed.
    e) Discuss the importance of numbering and tagging the valves in
    accordance with the valve index.
    f) List the references in the O&M library that supplement discussions
    1) Operation
    2) Maintenance
    3) Operational problems and troubleshooting
    4) Laboratory and other process control techniques
    <BSection 371.264 Chapter IV - Personnel>>
    a) List all of the positions and respective job titles of staff
    necessary to assure the proper operation and maintenance of the
    pumping stations and collection system, such as:
    1) Supervisory/Managerial
    2) Administrative
    3) Operational
    4) Maintenance
    b) Provide an organizational chart of personnel who will be
    responsible for the operation and maintenance of the pumping
    stations and collection system.
    c) List all qualifications necessary for each position. Use the
    following categories of qualifications: .
    1) Education
    A) Level
    B) Type
    C) Special training required
    2) Pumping station and collection system experience
    A) Time
    B) Type
    3) Non-related experience
    A) Time
    B) Type
    4) Specific skills required
    5) Other necessary qualifications
    d) Outline a staffing plan for this pumping station and collection
    system which includes the following information:
    1) State the number of shifts to be manned per day and the
    number of personnel per shift for normal, weekend, and

    holiday operations.
    2) Discuss staffing during personnel absences due to sickness,
    vacation, off-site training, etc.
    3) Discuss any anticipated seasonal staffing variations.
    e) List and discuss the sources of training which are available to
    the operators.
    f) State who will be responsible for timekeeping and personnel record
    keeping. Discuss the types of personnel records to be kept and
    the importance of these records. The discussion must include but
    is not limited to:
    1) Employment applications
    2) Payroll information
    3) Vacation and sick day records
    4) Training received by an individual
    5) Personnel evaluation records
    6) Promotion or demotion records
    7) Other personnel information or records
    <BSection 371.265 Chapter V - Records>>
    a) For thorough discussions of personnel and maintenance records,
    cross reference the discussions to their respective chapters.
    b) Discuss the Process Operations/Daily Operating Log. Provide a
    sample format with instructions for completing the log.
    c) Discuss the Annual Report, including a sample form with
    instructions for completing the report.
    d) Discuss the Operating Costs Record. Discuss all of the categories
    of operating costs for this facility.
    e) Discuss records which should be kept when emergency conditions
    arise such as:
    1) Entry in Daily Operating Log
    2) Other emergency records
    <BSection 371.266 Chapter VI - Maintenance>>
    a) Discuss the purpose and importance of the maintenance program.
    b) Outline an equipment maintenance record system for the pumping
    stations and collection system which must include but is not
    limited to:
    1) An equipment numbering system;
    2) A manhole numbering system;
    3) Equipment maintenance record forms and the equipment data to
    be kept on these forms;

    4) Instructions for completing and filing the equipment
    maintenance record forms;
    5) Procedures to follow for retrieving information stored in the
    equipment maintenance record system.
    c) Provide daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual
    summaries of the routine maintenance activities for each unit of
    the pumping station and collection system. These summaries may be
    prepared by reviewing and reorganizing the information in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 371.263(b)(8) of the preparation requirements. Identify
    materials, including paints and lubricants, needed to maintain
    each unit.
    d) Outline a work order system and describe a work order log. Include
    a sample work order form.
    e) Outline a stockroom and inventory system. Provide a list of spare
    parts to be maintained for each item of equipment. Discuss
    procedures for ordering parts which meet the municipality's
    purchasing ordinances.
    f) Discuss costs and budgets for maintenance operations.
    g) Discuss housekeeping activities.
    h) Discuss piping color coding.
    i) Discuss the use of special tools and equipment and the maintenance
    skills required to use the tools.
    j) Discuss tool room procedures and the use of tool boards.
    k) Discuss applicable warranties for all guaranteed equipment.
    l) Discuss contract maintenance jobs.
    <BSection 371.267 Chapter VII - Emergency Operating and Response Program>>
    a) Analyze the pumping station's and collection system's
    vulnerability to emergency situations including:
    1) Equipment failures
    2) Natural disasters
    3) Strikes
    4) Civil disorders
    b) Discuss methods to reduce vulnerability to such situations.
    c) List any mutual aid agreements with other organizations.
    d) Include a complete emergency equipment inventory and discuss
    updating it on a routine basis.
    e) Provide for preserving all records, drawings, etc.
    f) Provide a complete industrial waste inventory and monitoring
    system and discuss updating it on a routine basis. The system
    must include for each industry:
    1) The name and location of the discharging industry;

    2) A description of the industrial waste;
    3) The names and telephone numbers of the industry's key
    personnel for emergency contact.
    g) Provide written coordinating instructions for local police and
    fire departments.
    h) Outline the responsibilities of personnel for various emergency
    i) Designate an emergency response center.
    j) Discuss sources of auxiliary personnel.
    k) List emergency telephone numbers for hospital, fire department,
    police, ambulance, etc, on a form.
    l) Discuss plans for keeping the emergency operating and response
    plan current.
    <BSection 371.268 Chapter VIII - Safety>>
    a) Discuss management's safety responsibilities including legal
    ramifications upon failure to provide a safe work environment.
    b) Discuss any unusual safety considerations including any hazards
    which are due to unique conditions at the project.
    c) Discuss the hazards involved with sewer maintenance including the
    1) The use of gas testing equipment
    2) The use of non-sparking tools
    3) Work site protection and the use of barricades
    4) The use of a safety line and safety harness
    5) The use of ventilation equipment
    6) The use of oxygen masks or similar gear
    7) The use of communication equipment for prompt contact with
    emergency medical services
    8) Other necessary precautions
    d) Discuss electrical safety including:
    1) Grounding of electric tools and ground fault interruption
    2) Lock-out procedures on electrical equipment
    3) Using rubber floor mats
    4) Testing of circuits
    5) Designating personnel to perform electrical repairs
    6) Other electrical safety precautions
    e) Discuss the mechanical equipment hazards and the use of equipment
    f) Discuss explosion and fire hazards including:
    1) Storage of flammable materials
    2) Type and location of fire extinguishers

    3) Hazards of explosive gases
    4) Use of flammable vapor detectors
    5) Other explosion or fire hazards
    g) Discuss bacterial infections and health hazards.
    1) Discuss immunization programs.
    2) Outline personal hygiene considerations.
    h) Discuss chlorine hazards and the handling of chlorine cylinders.
    i) Discuss oxygen deficiency and the hazards of noxious gases.
    j) List common gases encountered near wastewater pumping stations and
    collection systems and discuss properties of each.
    k) List the safety equipment to be kept at the facility.
    l) Discuss the importance of conducting routine training sessions on
    the use of the safety equipment.
    m) List safety references maintained in the O&M library.
    <BSection 371.269 Chapter IX - Utilities>>
    a) Give the name, address and telephone number of the electrical
    power company. If possible, identify contact persons and
    telephone numbers for routine and emergency contact.
    b) For additional information on the electrical system, cross
    reference this material to that in 35 Ill. Adm.Code 371.270.
    c) Give the name and address of the telephone company.
    d) Give the name, address and telephone number of the natural gas
    supplier. If possible, identify contact persons and telephone
    numbers for routine and emergency contact.
    e) Give the exact location of the natural gas shut-off valve and
    discuss its operation.
    f) Identify the owner of the water company which provides water to
    this facility. If possible, identify contact persons and
    telephone numbers for routine and emergency contact.
    g) Give the exact location of the main water shut-off valve and
    discuss its operation.
    h) Give the name, address and telephone number of the fuel oil
    supplier. If possible, identify contact persons and telephone
    numbers for routine and emergency contact. State the size of the
    storage tanks and provide a Spill Prevention Containment and
    Control Plan (SPCC) if the storage tanks are above grade.
    <BSection 371.270 Chapter X - Electrical System>>
    a) Discuss the characteristics of the primary electrical distribution

    b) Discuss the system's protective devices such as:
    1) Fuses
    2) Circuit breakers
    3) Ground fault interruption
    c) Describe all motor control centers and panels, including the
    following information:
    1) For each motor control center and panel, list the types of
    controls present and process equipment involved.
    2) Include schematic diagrams and simplified drawings for each
    motor control center and panel.
    d) Discuss the operation and maintenance of the electrical equipment.
    e) Discuss the alternate power source(s) in detail and how to
    implement the system(s) during loss of the primary power source.
    <BSection 371.271 Appendices>>
    a) Schematics
    b) Valve Indexes
    c) Copies of all forms needed to operate the pumping stations and
    collection system efficiently
    d) Chemicals used in the system and the names and addresses of the
    e) Design criteria for the project in tabular form
    f) Equipment supplier's information and a list of the sources for
    service and parts
    g) The municipality's sewer use ordinance
    h) At a minimum, the references specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    371.280(e) shall be acquired or included in the O&M library. A
    complete list of the O&M library references must be included in
    the appendices to the O&M Manual. Indicate which references
    should be periodically replaced or updated.
    <BSection 371.280 Other Items Available at Municipal Wastewater Pumping
    Stations and Collection Systems>>
    In addition to the O&M Manual, the following items must be available at the
    a) Warranties for all equipment
    b) Construction photos, if applicable

    c) Approved shop drawings
    d) As-built drawings
    e) A complete O&M library which must include, but is not limited to,
    the following references:
    1) Illinois Pollution Control Board. 35 Ill. Adm. Code Subtitle
    C, Chapter 1 (previously uncodified as Chapter 3: Water
    Pollution), IEPA, Springfield, Illinois.
    2) Manufacturers' manuals for all equipment including motor
    control centers and electrical panels.
    3) Water Pollution Control Federation. Safety in Wastewater
    Works, Manual of Practice No.1, Washington, D.C.
    4) Water Pollution Control Federation, Sewer Maintenance, Manual
    of Practice No.7, Washington,D.C.
    5) Water Pollution Control Federation. Paints and Protective
    Coating for Wastewater Treatment Facilities; Manual of
    Practice No. 17, Washington, D.C.
    <BSection 371.300 Submission of Operation and Maintenance Manuals>>
    a) A draft O&M Manual must be submitted to the Agency for review.
    The draft should be as complete as possible considering available
    information. Outlines of O&M Manuals will not be approved as
    draft manuals.
    b) Draft manuals must substantially address:
    1) The requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 371.220 through 371.240
    for O&M Manuals prepared for municipal wastewater treatment
    2) The requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 371.260 through 371.280
    for O&M Manuals prepared for municipal wastewater pumping
    stations and collection systems.
    c) When the final O&M Manual is submitted for review, it must be
    accompanied by the review checklist which is provided by the
    Agency. This checklist shall be completed and signed by the Chief
    Operator or a staff person of similar position and training.
    d) In a cover letter submitted with the final O&M Manual, the grantee
    must list the items from the checklist considered not applicable
    to the project.
    e) Final O&M Manuals must substantially address, with no significant
    1) The requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 371.220 through 371.240

    for O&M Manuals prepared for municipal wastewater treatment
    2) The requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 371.260 through 371.280
    for O&M Manuals prepared for municipal wastewater pumping
    stations and collection systems.
    f) If the Agency fails to approve the final O&M Manual, both copies
    shall be returned to the grantee for revisions and corrections.
    g) If the Agency approves the final O&M Manual, one copy will be
    returned to the grantee and one copy will be retained by the
    <BSection 371.APPENDIX A Old Section Numbers Referenced>>
    The following table is provided to aid in referencing old Agency section
    numbers to new section numbers pursuant to codification.
    Old Section Numbers
    35 Ill. Adm. Code
    Part 371
    Old Section Numbers
    35 Ill. Adm. Code
    Part 371
    Chapter I
    Chapter II
    Chapter III
    Chapter IV
    Chapter V

    Chapter VI
    Chapter VII
    Chapter VIII
    Chapter IX
    Chapter X
    Chapter XI
    Chapter XII
    Chapter I
    Chapter II
    Chapter III
    Chapter IV
    Chapter V
    Chapter VI
    Chapter VII
    Chapter VIII
    Chapter IX
    Chapter X

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