(Chronomus tentans)
and clam
Obviously, these lethal temperatures,
that are in the range shown on Figure 2.44, reflect only on the two test organisms.
The results of these studies pertinent to establishing the temperature limits are:
The test amphipod and fish were the more sensitive species to thermal effects. In seven days
exposure to water temperature of 33°C (91.4 °F) or greater, significant amphipod mortality
occurred; however, fish survival was only slightly effected. A temperature of 34°C (93.2 °F)
lasting for seven days; however, was lethal to both amphipod and fish. The authors
concluded that "it would appear that the 33°C to 34°C temperature is the critical range if
exposures extend for a period of at least 7 days.
The current Secondary Contact and
Indigenous Aquatic Life temperature standard allows high temperatures exceeding this
lethal threshold to last more than 18 days.
We are aware of the fact that the objective and purpose of the Wright University study was not to
establish thermal limits but to document the impact of contaminated sediments (see also Chapter 3).
Nevertheless, the experiment did show significant lethal effects of high temperatures when compared
to sediment effects at temperatures at or lower than 30°C.
Figures 2.44 and 2.45 and the above discussion document the Secondary Contact Indigenous
Aquatic Life temperature standardis at or above the lethal temperature ofall warmwater fish species.
These reported lethal limits are mostly for adult fishes. The lethal temperature limits are generally
less for ju venil es. In defending this secondary use temperature standard, arguments were made that
the fish can escape from the regions of high temperature. This may be correct for adult fish. As a
matter of fact, Jones (1964) stated in his treatise on fish and thermal pollution that: " Whether fish
are killed in significant numbers by thermal discharges is doubtful, but they may disappear from
heated regions of rivers, at least during the warm months of the year." However, the same argument
can be used for some other pollutants such as dissolved oxygen, yet, the standards ofDO are strictly
enforced and no one would suggest downgrading the DO standard into the lethal zone based on the
argument that fish could escape. Hence, the outcome of the current high temperatures in the Upper
Dresden pool is most likely a summer migration of fish to colder waters. Similar effect was observed
on the Delaware River. Trembley (1960) studied the effect of heated discharges into an otherwise
unpolluted stretch of the Delaware
which resulted in summer maximum temperatures
exceeding 38 °C (100 °F) in the river 1500 feet downstream of the heated discharge.
found that
most species were eliminated from the zone of maximum temperature during the warmer months.
However, during the colder months, fish returned to the heated waters. The disappearance of fish
from heated zones obviously affects the Indices of Biotic Integrity. Only adult fish are known to
escape the impact of high temperatures. The effect on juvenile fish that may migrate from upstream
after spawning during spring colder months is not certain. Other organisms (e.g., benthic
macroinvertebrates) cannot escape.
Comparison with thermal standards of other states.
We have also surveyed the temperature
standards of all states in the nation. Forty-seven states do not allow the temperature to exceed 32°C
(90°F) even in marginal waters, including southern states (USEPA, 1988). Two states (Nebraska and
Idaho) allow 34 and 33°C, respectively; however, only in the lowest quality marginal streams to
prevent a nuisance. Nineteen states have the maximum temperature standard of 32°C. The maximum
temperature standard in the remaining states (excluding Illinois) is less than 32°C. This standard (i.e.,
32°C or 90°F) does provide protection from lethal effects, as shown on Figures 2.44 and 2.45. In
our Water Body Assessment throughout this chapter and this UAA, we have presented evidence that
the Lower Des Plaines River is a recovering stream with some ecological potential and cannot have
standards that in other states would be classified as"margin al" or "nuisance". This is the main
difference between the current situation and the situation almost thirty years ago when the Lower Des
Plaines River appeared to be hopelessly polluted and installation of cooling systems was deemed to
have no ecological benefits.
In the current context of the standards development for aquatic life protection and propagation, a
standard must be developed so that the organisms not only survive, it must provide for fish
propagation and the well being of organisms that could potentially reside in the reach. The lack of
this protection and allowing the standard to be in the lethal zone is a problem with the Illinois
Secondary Contact and Indigenous Aquatic Life standard for temperature (and also for other
parameters, see Table 2.1 and evaluation in Chapter 8). It does not provide for fish and other
organisms propagation and does not protect the potentiallyindigenous organisms from lethal effects.
Because the magnitude of the Secondary Contact and Indigenous Aquatic Life Use temperature
standard in Illinois is beyond the lethal effect, it only provides illusionarycompliance with a number
that does not have much meaning and provides no protection.
Existing Use - Compliance With the General Use Standard
Figure 2.46 presents the temperature chart replotted from the Midwest Generation's presentation
to the biological subcommittee for the period 1999-2000. The plot contains measurements at the 1-55
bridge and at the two discharge channels, Station 29 located on the right bank and Station 9 on the
left bank. No continuous measurements of temperature are carried out in the about 7-mile stretch of
the river itself between the cooling water discharge outlets and the 1-55 bridge (MWRD93 grab
sampling location is the only monitoring point in this stretch). At the meeting on June 6, 2003
between the consultants, IEPA and Midwest Generation, it was revealed that the high temperatures
in the discharge canal of Station 29 exceeding 100°F were measured at the condenser discharge
location. The flow in the canal was then cooled down by the operation side stream cooling towers
on the canal; however, no measurements were made at the canal outlet into the river. Midwest
Generation calculated the discharge canal temperature at the confluence with the river based on the
number of towers in operation, reported condensed circulation water flow and 14°F delta T across
the cooling tower. These calculated maximum daily temperatures for the period July - August 1999
ranged between 93 and 98°F. A violation of the maximum Secondary Use and Indigenous Aquatic
Life maximum temperaturestandard cannotbe alleged. Midwest Generation consultants periodically
conduct survey of the river. Figure 2.47 shows a plot of ranges of the temperatures in the Lower Des
Plaines River in 2001 ( a warm year) measured by the EA Engineering, Science and Technology in
the river. Data were provided after the request made at the June 6
2003 meeting between the
consultants and Midwest Generation. The highest temperatures near 37.8 °C (100 °F) were measured
in the zone near the discharge canal.
Secondary use standard
sten clatx
The hourly temperature data measurement during the 1999 at the 1-55 period reported by EA
Engineering Science and Technology (2000) and Midwest Generation show that the original
(statewide) General Use standard would not have been met because at the 1-55 location:
the maximum temperature reached 93°F (permitted under the present adjusted v and
the statewide General use standards); however,
the total number of hours during which the temperature exceeded 90°F was about 200, which
is about 2.3% while only 1% would have been allowed if the original general standard had
been in force.
Figure 2.46
Maximum monthly temperatures at the condenser
outlets into the discharge canals of the Joliet power
plant units and at the 1-55 bridge. Replotted from
the Midwest Generation presentation materials to
the UAA biological subcommittee.
The more lenient adjusted standard for the 1-55 location was met.
\.;?toi? \
279 280 281 282 283
284 285 286
Figure 2.47
Temperatures measured in the Upper Dresden Island Pool
during surveys by the Midwest Generation consultants.
Data courtesy of 1Vlidwest generation and EA Engineering
Science and Technology
We have not directly addressed
the second part of the temperature standard, i.e., the maximum
thermal differential (delta T) of 5°F (3°C) and the effect of thermal discharges on temperature in the
river during very low flows nearing the 7Q10. Again, if the temperature rise (calculated by Holly and
Bradley[1994] assuming no effect of later installed cooling towers on the canal of Station 29 see
Table 1.2) through the condenser of 9.4°F at the river flow of 2850 caused a river temperature
differential of 6.7°F, it is quite likely that at smaller flows (e.g., approaching 7Q10 flow) the
temperature differential would be greater than 6.7°F, approaching the condenser temperature
differential. Since the cooling towers can only effectively cool down only 1/3 to
1/2 of the Station
29 flow, it will be difficult to meet the delta T standard during very low flows. Due to the fact that
no continuous measurements are available for the above and below temperature of the river the delta
T criterion cannot be accurately assessed for the river.
Arguments have been made that this differential is between the river flow and a "natural"
temperature of the river and there is no "natural
"temperature in the Lower
Des Plaines River. This
is due to the confusing wording of the Illinois General Use standard. In many other states, standards
for the temperature differential were introduced to prevent thermal barriers from forming in the river
by thermal discharges so that passage of fish and other biota up and down the river would be
possible. Such thermal differential standard is applied to the upstream and downstream temperatures.
The notion of natural temperature is typically included for cases when the natural temperature itself
may get higher.
Conclusion on Temperature
Temperature is one of the more significant parameters being addressed in this study, particularly
within the Dresden Island pool. Temperature has been repeatedly addressed by the Pollution Control
Board since the original standards were established in 1973 and as recently as 1996. In light of
significant operational and financial impact thermal standards have on Midwest Generation's
facilities; Illinois EPA requested that this analysis addresses two specific issues and defer a
recommendation on proposed future standards such that Midwest Generation and other river users
could contribute to the socio-economic factors. A socio-economic analysis and detennination
whether the impact on the dischargers of heated effluents on the Lower Des Plaines River would
incur a substantial and wide spread adverse socio-economic impact on the utilities and the population
was not performed in this study but is crucial. It is the only reason a departure from the Illinois
General Use standard can be justified. This study has concluded that the first five reasons by
themselves, cannot be applied to downgrade the thermal standard from that specified by the Illinois
General Use standards.
The two specific issues addressed to be addressed in this UAA are:
determination of whether current thermal conditions are detrimentally impacting the
aquatic community that inhabits the study reach; and
determination of whether currently applicable state standard (Secondary Contact and
Indigenous Aquatic Life standards modified for the Dresden Pool) is adequate to
protect the aquatic community otherwise capable of inhabiting the study reach.
If a negative conclusion results in either instance and if it is found that the implementation of the
General Use Standard would cause a substantial and wide spread socio-economic impact, it is
recommended that the Agency collaborates with the stakeholders group, particularly Midwest
Generation, to devise and propose new thermal standard that would be both environmentally
protective and financially and technically attainable.
Through the review presented in this chapter and the underlying data, we concluded the following:
Ammonium chronic toxicity in water and sediments is increased as a result of
temperature. High temperature affects the ammonium toxicity directly by making it
more toxic and, by reducing nitrification in the upper sediment layer, it causes more
release of ammonium from the sediment.