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March 23, 2007
Dorothy Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board
James R . Thompson Center
100 W
. Randolph, Ste 11-500
Chicago, Illinois 60601 (Via COOL)
American Bottom Conservancy-Sierra Club
MAR 2 3 2007
. Box 4242 Felnllow Heights, IL 62208
Re: R 07-8 Proposed Amendments to Solid Waste Landfill Rules
Dear Clerk Gunn :
American Bottom Conservancy and Sierra Club participated in the first hearing on this
rulemaking, but we were unable to participate in the second
. Some of our concerns from tie first
hearing have been alleviated, but others remain
. This rulemaking still appears to lower the
frequency of monitoring, the number of wells to be monitored annually, and the munber of
constituents for which monitoring is required
. While we understand the financial constraints on
the Agency, protection of our water quality-both surface and groundwater-should be
paramount importance
. Delaying detection of contamination can multiply the costs of
remediating the situation many times over . It could also result in contamination that is beyond
remediation . Our water is too precious a resource .
The National Solid Waste Management Assn . provided figures indicating savings to the industry
should the rulemaking proceed in its current form
. By dropping total organic carbon from the
indicator list, there is a savings of $96 per well. By changing quarterly sampling of phenols to
scmi-annual, the savings would be $44 per well per year . That would result in a total savings,
according to NSWMA, of $2800 per year per facility, or S 143,000 for the 51 actively permitted
operating landfills in the state . The proposed rulemaking's total savings to the industry,
according to the Assn., would be
$52,500 per year per facility . Given that more frequent
monitoring of more wells and constituents would undoubtedly result in earlier detection of
contamination, that cost should be borne by the industry and passed on to its customers as the cost
of doing business
. That could raise waste collection bills by a few cents per month-a small
price to pay for protection of water quality . The state and counties-taxpayers-could well have
to pick up the cost of cleaning up contaminated sites should companies go out of business, such
as has happened in the Metro East and elsewhere. More frequent monitoring of all wells (not on
a rotating basis, which could allow for faster migration of undetected contaminants) could be
viewed as an insurance policy to protect water quality, residents and taxpayers
The timeline of 180 days for alternate source determination is too long and should be shortened .
We also strongly urge the Board to require that the alternate source determination assessment
report be submitted to the Agency in all cases so that the public is informed that there is
contanunation and can evaluate and comment on the report and the probable source

We appreciate Board Member Andrea Moore's request to put the rulemaking in language
understandable by the public
. We were unable to review the changes submitted in the last errata
sheet, but understand there will be an additional comment period and look forward to
commenting with more particularity
Thank you for your consideration of our comments .
xathy Anrfria
Kathy Andrea
Chair, Illinois Sierra Club Waste & Recycling
President, American Bottom Conservancy
cc Timothy Fox, Hearing Officer

Washington University School of Law
Campus Box 1120
One Brookings Drive
. Louis, NIO 63130 .4899
See `,LL.
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Environmental Clinic
MAR 2 3 2007
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D Urgent 13
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