December 3, 1992
    (Identical in Substance Rules)
    (6—1—91 through 12—31—91)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by J. Anderson):
    The Board has decided to adjust the time frame of dockets
    R91-15 and R92-3 so we can handle both sets of federal amendments
    in the single docket, R92-3. The time frame of docket R92-3 will
    therefore include the period from June 1, 1991 through December
    31, 1991.
    Previously, the federal rulemaking period covered by docket
    R91-15 was February 1, 1991 through June 30, 1991. During this
    period, USEPA promulgated the Lead and Copper rules as follows:
    56 Fed. Reg. 26547
    June 7, 1991
    Previously, the period for docket R92-3 was July 1, 1991
    through December 31, 1991. During this period, USEPA promulgated
    the Phase IIB rules and corrections to the Phase II rules as
    56 Fed. Reg. 30266
    July 1, 1991
    The Board incorporated the Phase II corrections and certain
    elements of the Phase IIB rules into docket R91-3 and adopted
    amendments based on those corrections on November 19, 1992.
    Certain, limited, core Phase IIB amendments remain outstanding.
    The Board has decided to deal with both sets of federal
    amendments in the same rulemaking. There are important reasons
    for doing so. Initially, very little time elapsed between the
    federal amendments of June 7, 1991 and July 1, 1991. Second,
    only limited, yet important, elements of the Phase 113 rules
    remain outstanding after the amendments of docket R91-3.
    Finally, there appears some possible overlap between these
    amendments in that the Phase IIB rules implement new maximum
    contaminant levels (NCLs), and the Lead and Copper rules repeal
    an MCL in favor of a different approach.
    Further, USEPA imposed an administrative stay on the certain
    of the Phase 113 rules during the time-frame of docket R92-12.
    The USEPA stay appeared as follows:

    57 Fed. Reg. 22178
    May 27, 1992
    Since that stay affects only certain of the Phase IIB rules
    involved in this docket, the Board includes that action in this
    The federal rulemaking period covered by docket R92-3
    presently June 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991.
    During this
    period, USEPA promulgated the Lead and Copper rules and the Phase
    IIB rules as follows:
    56 Fed. Reg. 26547
    June 7, 1991
    56 Fed. Reg. 30266
    July 1, 1991
    57 Fed. Reg. 22178
    May 27, 1992
    The Board incorporated the Phase II corrections and certain
    elements of the Phase IIB rules into docket R91-3 and adopted
    amendments based on those corrections on November 19, 1992.
    Certain, limited, core Phase IIB amendments remain outstanding.
    Section 17.5 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act)
    requires the Board to adopt regulations that are “identical in
    substance’ with USEPA drinking water rules adopted pursuant to
    Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the Safe
    Drinking Water Act (P.L. 93-523), as amended (SDWA). The term
    “identical in substance” has been defined in Section 7.2 of the
    Act. Section 7.2(b) of the Act requires the Board to adopt a
    rule within one year of adoption of federal rule, unless the
    Board extends the time based on a finding that the time is
    insufficient and stating the reasons. It appears that adoption
    of the regulations in this docket, is already delayed (as
    explained below). The Board is therefore entering this order to
    extend the time.
    The USEPA SDWA rules are located at 40 CFR 141 through 143.
    These have been the subject of two recent amendments, discussed
    above. The federal amendments of June 7, 1991 (docket R91-15)
    were due on or before June 7, 1992. Those of July 1, 1991 were
    due July 1, 1992.
    The Board hereby that necessary delays in adopting the
    amendments involved in R91-3 have resulted in unavoidable delay
    in proceeding with the amendments of dockets R91-15 and R92-3.
    The amendments involved in both dockets interrelate with those of
    docket R9l—3 in such a way that it was impossible to proceed with
    the R92-3 amendments until the R91-3 amendments were adopted.
    Many of the same Sections are involved in both proceedings, and,
    in fact, docket R9l-3 included many amendments nominally within
    the present time-frame of docket R92—3. It was even impossible
    until completion of the R91-3 amendments to predict when the

    Board could complete the R92-3 amendments.
    Further, USEPA did
    not release the guidance documentation relating to Lead and
    Copper rules until November, 1992. We find tlis guidance
    information important to deciding how to approach various issues
    raised by
    the federal rules. Therefore, we find that an
    extension of time is warranted and necessary and enter this order
    at this time.
    We presently anticipate completion of a proposal for public
    comment on or before our regularly—scheduled meeting of February
    25, 1993. After allowing Board staff a brief, but sufficient,
    time to obtain publication in the Illinois Register, and
    at least 45 days for public comment, the Board believes that we
    will conclude this rulemaking on or before our regularly-
    scheduled meeting of June 3, 1993.
    Pursuant to Section 7.2(b)
    of the Act, the Board will submit
    a copy of the text of this order for publication in the Illinois
    Register as expeditiously as possible.
    I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, d? hereby certify that the above order was adopted on the
    day of
    4~ -~-~/
    1992, by a vote of
    Thorothy M. 9~nn, Clerk
    Illinois PoUution Control Board

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