October 20, 1994
    (35 ILL. ADM. CODE PART 232)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by N. McFawn):
    The Board on June 23, 1994 ordered the participants to file
    an additional status report with the Clerk of the Board and the
    Hearing Officer on or before September 30, 1994 identifying the
    progress of the negotiations in this matter; the Board also
    extended the stay until October 6, 1994. On October 11, 1994 the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) and the
    Illinois Regulatory Group (IREG) filed a joint status report and
    a motion to file instanter. No other participant filed a status
    The status report states that the participants held two
    meetings since June 23, 1994, concerning the reporting
    requirements. As stated in the last status report, the Agency
    expects to submit a revised draft of the proposal to the members
    of the outreach group within the next several months. Also, the
    status report requests an extension of the stay in this matter
    until March 31, 1995. The Agency and IERG state that the time is
    necessary in order for the outreach group to review the revised
    The Sierra Club, Illinois Chapter, and the American Lung
    Association of Metropolitan Chicago (Association) filed a
    response to the previous status report that stated that they
    understand that the Agency is nearing completion of the proposal
    and in light of this do not oppose an extension of the stay in
    this matter. However, Sierra Club and the Association also
    stated that agreement on some areas of concern may never be
    reached and that they look forward to a full discussion of the
    issues before the Board. Neither Sierra Club nor the
    Association, as of the date of this order, has filed a response
    to the joint status report and extension of the stay.
    The Board understands the Agency’s and IERG’s position and
    will grant an extension of the stay in this matter; however, the
    Board will extend the continuance in this matter only until
    January 12, 1995. The Agency and IERG are hereby directed to
    file an additional status report with the Clerk of the Board and
    the hearing officer, on or before December 23, 1994 identifying
    the progress of the negotiations in this matter. The Hearing
    Officer and the Board will determine the timing and sequence of
    further action upon the receipt of the next status report.

    Questions on this proceeding should be directed to the
    Hearing Officer, Charles Feinen, at 217/524—8500 in the
    Springfield office of the Board located at 600 S. Second St.,
    Suite 402, Springfield, Illinois 62704.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby 9ertify that the above order was adopted on the
    .~-~2O~*day of
    1994, by a vote of
    Dorothy N. Gui~, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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