October 21, 1993
    232 APPENDIX A)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by C.A. Manning):
    On September 10, 1993, the Illinois Pollution Control Board
    First Notice proposal (Notice) of R90-1(D) “Toxic Air Contaminants
    List, Styrene”; 35 Ill. Adm. Code 232.Appendix A, was published in
    the Illinois Register. (17 Ill. Reg. 14540 (September 10, 1993).)
    This amendment is being filed pursuant to Sections 9.5 and 27 of
    the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (Act). (415 ILCS 5/9.5
    and 5/27 (1992).)
    On September 23, 1993, the Styrene Information and Research
    Center (SIRC) requested a hearing pursuant to Section 5-40 of the
    Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (IAPA). (5 ILCS 100/5-40
    (1992).) The Chemical Industry Council of Illinois (CICI) filed a
    request for hearing in this matter on September 24, 1993 pursuant
    to Section 5-40 of the IAPA. Section 5-40(5) of the IAPA states in
    relevant part:
    The agency shall hold a public hearing on the proposed
    rulemaking during the first notice period if:
    . ..
    (ii) the
    agency receives a request for a public hearing, within 14
    days after the publication of the proposed rulemaking in
    the Illinois Register, from 25 interested persons, an
    association representing at least 100 interested
    Both the SIRC and CICI requests were received by the Board
    within the 14 days as required. SIRC states in its request for a
    hearing that it is an association that represents 100 interested
    members. CICI also states in its request tha~tit is an association
    that represents over 250 interested members. Under the IAPA if the
    hearing requests meet the requirements, the Board must hold a
    hearing. The requests filed in this matter meet the requirements;
    therefore, the Board is granting the parties’ request for hearing.
    On October 15, 1993, SIRC filed a motion for additional time
    to file public comments pursuant to the Board’s First Notice
    proposal. Publication of the Notice was on September 10, 1993. As
    established in the Notice the public comment period is for forty-
    five (45) days which ends October 25, 1993. SIRC requests an
    additional two (2) weeks, until November 8, 1993, or alternatively,
    until a date established by a hearing officer after any hearing
    scheduled by the Board to file its public comments. As the Board

    has granted the hearing request, it will also grant the requested
    extension of the comment period until November 8, 1993. Pursuant
    to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 102.320 another comment period will be
    established at the end of the hearings.
    The Board directs the Hearing Officer, Charles M. Feinen, to
    take the necessary actions to expeditiously bring this matter to
    I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above order was adopted on the
    day of
    1993, by a vote of
    Control Board

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