September 13, 1989
35 ILL. ADM. CODE 304.123
This rulemaking was initiated by the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency (Agency) on March 20, 1987; the Agency filed an
amended proposal on July 13, 1987. Merit hearings on the
Agency’s proposal were held in Chicago on May 18, 1987 and in
Springfield on July 21, 1987. Participants at those hearings
beside the Agency were the Northeastern Illinois Planning
Commission (NIPC), the Department of Energy and Natural Resources
(DENR), the Urbana and Champaign~SanitaryDistrict (U-C Sanitary
District) and members of the public.
Following completion of the merit hearing, DENR, with the
concurrence of the Economic Technical Advisory Committee (ETAC),
determined that an Economic Impact Study (EcIS) was warranted in
this proceeding. On March 31, 1988, an EcIS report prepared on
behalf of DENR by Blaser, Zeni and Co., a management consulting
firm, was filed with the Board (Exh. 40). On April 7, 1988, the
Board adopted the Agency’s proposal for first notice. This first
notice appeared in the Illinois Register on April 29, 1988.
Upon receipt of the EcIS report, the Board scheduled and
conducted two additional public hearings to consider the EcIS.
Present at these hearings were DENR, the Agency and William L.
Blaser, President of Blaser, Zeni and Co. and the principal
author of the EcIS report. Some other members of the EcIS
drafting team were also present. Hearings were held on June 7,
1988 in Springfield, and on June 21, 1988 in Chicago.
On December 15, 1988, the Board adopted for Second Notice a
Proposed Opinion and Order in the matter. Since the Second
Notice proposal differed in certain respects from the Agency—
drafted First Notice proposal, the Board deferred filing of the
proposal to allow interested participants opportunity to
comment. On January 5, 1989 in order to correct a drafting error
in the December 15, 1988 Order, the Board adopted a Correction of
Proposed Order of the Board.
Five public comments (Nos. 12—16) were received in response
to the Board’s Second Notice proposal. Public Comment #15 was
filed by the Agency. In response to questions from the Board’s
staff requesting clarification of the intent and effect of
certain of the Agency’s comments, the Agency on March 9, 1989
filed Supplemental Agency Final Comments (Public Comment #17).
Since, pursuant to Section 5.01(d) of the Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1987, Ch. 127, par.
1001 et seq., par. 1005.01(d)). no rule can be adopted more than
one year after the date of publication of First Notice, it was
obviously necessary to return this proceeding to First Notice.
On May 11, 1989, the Board adopted a Second First Notice proposed
Opinion and Order, which was subsequently corrected on May 25,
1989. The Board also utilized the necessity for a Second First
Notice period to afford the participants additional time to
consider this rulemaking in light of the changes proposed by the
Board (see following). Additionally, the Board concluded that at
least one more hearing in this docket would be advisable in view
of the continuing problems posed by the record.
The Second First Notice embodied the Agency’s original
proposal together with the modifications proposed by the Board in
its deferred Second Notice proposal of December 15, 1988 as more
fully set forth below. A merit hearing to consider the modified
proposal was held in Chicago on June 23, 1989. Participants at
this third merit hearing (fifth overall), besides the Agency were
DENR, the City of Charleston (Charleston), Dr. Harish Rao, Chief
of the Board’s Scientific and Technical Section (STS), and Mr.
Robert Kirschner, Manager of the NIPC lakes program, who appeared
on behalf of the Illinois Lake Management Association (ILMA) as
its vice—president and the North American Lake Management Society
(NALMS) as its secretary. At the hearing, ten additional
exhibits (Exhs. 50-58 and 60) were received into evidence.*
The Board’s Modified Proposal (Second First Notice)
As more fully described in the Board’s Opinion of May 11,
1989, the Board, after consideration of the record then available
to it, found sufficient support for the Agency’s proposal to the
extent that it would impose a 1.0 mg/l effluent phosphorus as P
standard upon all point sources of 2500 population equivalents
(P.E.) or more located within 25 miles of a 20-acre or larger
lake or reservoir. Current requirements impose this effluent
standard upon somewhat smaller (1500 P.E. or larger) sources
which discharge within the Fox River Basin or which (without
utilizing a third-stage lagoon treatment system) discharge
One other exhibits (Exh. 59), consisting of the Illinois Water
Quality Report for 1980—1987 (also known as the 305B report) was
to have been submitted, but has not been received.
directly to a lake or reservoir which does not comply with the
general use water quality standard for phosphorus (35 Ill. Adm.
Code 302.205), and to somewhat larger (5000 P.E. or larger)
sources elsewhere (separate standards for the Lake Michigan basin
are not affected). The Board also accepted the Agency’s proposal
to the extent that the effluent phosphorus standard would not
apply to sources tributary to so—called “riverine” lakes or
reservoirs (e.g., Lake Decatur) whose very low retention times
appear to limit growth of nuisance plants and algae regardless of
phosphorus concentrations. However, the Board noted (on page 13)
that it was not satisfied that the record supported that aspect
of the Agency’s proposal that removed control requirements from
all point sources of phosphorus which happen to be located more
than 25 miles from a lake. The Board noted that some of the
lakes and reservoirs potentially impacted by the Agency’s 25 mile
cut—off were, according to the EcIS, in a transitional or
balancing condition between mesotrophy and eutrophy. Finally, in
this regard, the Board noted that the Agency, DENR and other
commenters agreed that internal regeneration of phosphorus into
the dissolved form from lake sediments can be a “significant
factor” in lake eutrophication (Id., citing Exh. 1, pgs. 6—8, 34—
38 and 54).
The Board’s Second First Notice proposal (which was
identical to its December 15, 1988 deferred Second Notice
proposal as corrected) attempted to supply the element it viewed
as missing from the Agency’s proposal, namely, a measure of
control over those point sources of phosphorus located more than
25 miles upstream from the receiving lake or reservoir. The
proposal approached the problem by, in effect, defining what
constituted a “significant” source. Based on testimony and
exhibits in the record, particularly the EcIS, the Board’s
proposal exempted from the effluent phosphorus standard only such
point sources whose effluent, if untreated for removal of
phosphorus, would contribute less than 3 of the point and non—
point source phosphorus loading of all tributaries to the
receiving lake or reservoir. Phosphorus loading was to be
estimated utilizing the National Eutrophication Surveys, Working
Paper Series, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, June 1975
At the June 23, 1989, hearing and in comments and exhibits
submitted by various participants, the Board’s choice of the 3
cutoff, as well as the use of the NES, were attacked as
unreliable and founded upon suspect dated methodology (R. 81—82,
85—87, 101—102, lsl_l52)*. The Agency submitted an exhibit (Exh.
57) suggesting that there was very little (3.3 on average)
difference in sedimentary phosphorus levels as between lakes
All references to transcript pages relate to the hearing of
June 23, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
103—14 1
with, and lakes without, upstream point sources of phosphorus (R.
113—114). The Agency essentially urged the Board to ignore point
sources of sedimentary phosphorus as being insignificant or
negligible when compared to non—point sources (R. 82—83, 114—115
and 117). The Agency suggested that the NES data was dated and
unreliable (R. 152). The Agency stated that there was not enough
data presently available upon which to base a statewide rule (R.
86—88), and that diagnosis of lake problems would be necessarily
lake—specific (R. 90). Further, although the Agency and other
participants indicated that specific studies are underway in some
areas of the State (e.g., Lake Charleston
see R. 15, 25—26, 45—
46, and Exh. 51), the Agency suggested that future research
dollars would likely be directed at toxins rather than phosphorus
(R. 90—91).
The foregoing Agency views were generally endorsed or
accepted by other participants; however, no other participants
were willing to accept the Agency’s premise that point source
contributions of sedimentary phosphorus were insignificant or
negligible (R. 50, 123, 139—140). Mr. Kirschner of ILMA and
NALMS, while stating that a case—by-case analysis would be
required to confirm or refute the Agency’s position (R. 143—145),
pointedly disagreed with the concept of deregulation of point
sources of sedimentary phosphorus CR. 147—149). Even the Agency
conceded that the studies upon which it based its conclusions in
this regard could be easily faulted or “ripped apart” (R. 98 and
The other major point of contention at the June 23, 1989
hearing was whether the “riverine” exemption should be extended
to sources tributary to Lake Charleston. Mr. Alan Alford
testified on behalf of Charleston. Mr. Alford testified that the
basic difference between Lake Charleston and Lake Decatur (which
is also a “riverine” lake) is that the former has a side channel
reservoir having a hydraulic retention time approaching two
years, in sharp contrast to Lake Charleston’s retention time of a
few days (R. 22). He expressed concern that an addition to the
already “large amount” of phosphorus in Lake Charleston might
detrimentally affect the side channel reservoir, which serves as
Charleston’s potable water supply; he indicated that studies of
the phosphorus/nitrogen ratios in the lake indicate that
phosphorus may be a limiting factor in terms of causing or
contributing to eutrophication in either the lake or the side
channel reservoir; tests are presently underway to determine
whether phosphorus or nitrogen is the limiting factor (R. 25—
26). Under questioning from the Agency, Mr. Alford agreed that
his purpose regarding the side channel reservoir would be
accomplished if the “riverine” exemption were amended to apply
only “where the lake and any side channel reservoir on an annual
basis exhibits a mean hydraulic retention time of 18 days or
less” (IL 38).
Board Conclusions and Further Modifications (Second Notice)
The Board is persuaded that the “riverine” exemption should
not be extended to lakes having side channel reservoirs where the
side channel reservoirs do not otherwise qualify for the
exemption. Given a chance in the June
23, 1989, hearing to
the obvious confusion in the record regarding the
hydraulic retention time of Lake Charleston and its side—channel
reservoir, Charleston has made its point in this regard. It is
now clear that the side—channel reservoir, which receives some
70 of its influent from the lake, has a retention time
approaching two years, rather than a few days. Accordingly,
subsections (b) and (c)(l) of Section 304.123 of the Second First
Notice proposal will be amended for second notice purposes to
include the phrase “,including any side channel reservoir or
other portion thereof,” immediately preceeding the words “on an
annual basis”. The additional reference to “or other portion
thereof” has been inserted to make clear that the principle
applies irrespective of whether a segment of a lake is
denominated a “side channel reservoir”.
As to the troubling issue of point sources of phosphorus
which are at least 25 miles upstream, the Board remains
unpersuaded that the Agency has made out a case for blanket
deregulation. No participant or comnienter, including the Agency,
argues that such phosphorus discharges will not eventually reach
the receiving lake or reservoir. No participant or commenter,
including the Agency, suggests that such phosphorus as reaches
the receiving lake or reservoir, albeit in sedimentary form,
cannot be a significant factor in cultural eutrophication* of the
receiving lake or reservoir by virtue of internal regeneration of
the phosphorus into its dissolved form and subsequent return to
the euphotic zone wherein it is again readily available for
uptake by biota. Even if one were to accept the Agency’s data
suggesting that, for most Illinois lakes and reservoirs, internal
regeneration of phosphorus is generally not a critical factor in
cultural eutrophication, the record has certainly not shown that
internal regeneration of phosphorus is not a critical factor for
two of the lakes of concern identified in the EcIS, Lakes
Shelbyville and Carlyle. This is no small matter: Lake
Shelbyville is described by the EcIS as a “major recreational
center in downstate Illinois” (p. 63); Lake Carlyle (to which
Lake Shelbyville waters are tributary) is also described by the
EcIS as “part of a major recreational area in downstate Illinois
(p. 75). The combined angler-days for these two lakes (a measure
of their recreational value) is 2,715,486.
Cultural eutrophication refers to those eutrophication
processes accelerated by human activities.
103— 143
By the same token, the Board agrees that the 3 cutoff
figure may be irrelevent to a given lake and is based on dated
information which may be of doubtful reliability and relevance at
the present time. The Board is therefore faced with a dilemma:
either it may fashion yet another attempt to deal, with point
sources of phosphorus 25 miles or more upstream of a receiving
lake, or it may, as the Agency has proposed, rely on the presumed
general nature of Illinois lakes and watersheds and provide
regulatory relief generally for the more distant dischargers
until the resource intensive data, gathered on a lake—by—lake
basis, indicates a need for further point source controls.
The Board chooses the former. The Board is simply unwilling
at this juncture to provide regulatory relief, including the
shutdown of several existing phosphorus control facilities and
the termination of a number of phosphorus control construction
projects, where the impact on the State’s valuable water
resources is speculative at best. It agrees with all
participants that further research is needed on a lake and
watershed-specific basis, such as is currently underway at Lake
Charleston. Nevertheless, it recognizes that regulatory relief
for some point sources of phosphorus may be appropriate,
particularly where the phosphorus arrives at the receiving lake
or reservoir in the sedimentary form or where such phosphorus
plays no material role in cultural eutrophication of that lake or
The Board, therefore, proposes for Second Notice a modified
proposal which does not grant outright relief, but rather
provides for adjusted standard (AS) relief pursuant to Section
28.1 of the Act. It conditions regulatory relief for point
sources of phosphorus on the specific dynamics of the affected
watershed and the receiving lake or reservoir. Rather than
resort to the 3 cutoff and the NES study, both of which have
been questioned by commenters, the Board will, in keeping with
the tenor of comments, generally require that justification for
relief from the 1.0 mg/l effluent phosphorus standard be
predicated upon a demonstration that phosphorus is not the
limiting nutrient for purposes of stimulating biological growth
in the receiving lake or reservoir. However, for point sources
at least 25 miles upstream of a eutrophic lake, the Board will
require only that phosphorus from internal regeneration be ruled
out as a limiting nutrient. Thus the AS showing for the more
distant point sources which are tributary to lakes which are
already eutrophic have a somewhat reduced hurdle to overcome to
qualify for relief from the standard. This reduction reflects
the presumption that phosphorus from such sources arrives at the
receiving lake or reservoir in sedimentary form, and is of
negligible concern where internal regeneration of phosphorus
plays no substantial role in keeping the lake or reservoir
eutrophic. In addition, the Board has added definitions of the
key terms, such as “euphotic zone”, “eutrophication” and
“internal regeneration”. Finally, the Board has clarified its
intent that distances between a point source and the receiving
lake or reservoir are to be determined at the normal pool level,
rather than at some seasonal extreme.
The Board recognizes that the near—term effect of these
regulatory changes may be small. Some very small sources
(certain of those between 1500 P.E. and 2500 P.E.) may obtain
relief. Some others sources (certain of those between 2500 P.E.
and 5000 P.E.) will be made subject to the standard for the first
time. Many sources will be unaffected. Yet the possibility of
relief first raised by the Agency remains and the incentive to
truly understand the location—specific dynamics of eutrophication
is, in many cases, enhanced. The Board would expect that owners
and operators of point sources of phosphorus, particularly those
which are more distant from the receiving lake or reservoir, may
wish to enter into cooperative efforts to study the receiving
lake and watershed system as a necessary prerequisite to
regulatory relief.
It should be remembered that when the Agency’s proposal was
first filed, the adjusted standards mechanism in Section 28.1 was
in its infancy. Also, in 1988 there were major revisions and
additions to the section, and only recently (in 1989) has the
Board adopted general procedural rules to implement it. We
believe that this more efficient mechanism is particularly
appropriate for providing situation—specific relief from the
phosphorus regulatory requirements. The Board’s revised proposal
invokes this relatively new mechanism and specifies the level of
justification required of a petitioner pursuant to Section
28.1(b). Absent such specification, there would be no criteria
provided in the rule by which to determine the appropriate level
of justification for an adjusted standard; there would also be no
distinction between near point sources and more distant point
Most importantly, this proposal will protect the environment
and the public welfare by assuring that any relief from the
phosphorus effluent standard will not result in the cultural
eutrophication of Illinois lakes and reservoirs. As a related
benefit, this proposal places a premium on possessing knowledge
of the specific dynamics of eutrophication of a given lake or
reservoir. If nothing else, the record of this protracted
proceeding has abundantly demonstrated the need for such
Due to the aforementioned changes made in the proposal, the
filing of Second Notice with the Joint Committee will be deferred
for 14 days to allow participants opportunity to comment on the
changes. Such comments should be directed to the Board in
writing and must be received by the Board no later than Monday,
September 25, 1989.
The Board hereby proposes the following revised proposed
amendment for Second Notice, which is to be filed with the Joint
Committee on Administrative Rules. Such filing shall be deferred
for receipt and consideration of additional comments until no
sooner than September 29, 1989.
PART 304
304. 101
304. 102
304. 103
304 .201
304. 208
304. 209
Background Concentrations
Violation of Water Quality Standards
Offensive Discharges
Deoxygenating Wastes
Nitrogen (STORET number 00610)
Phosphorus (STORET number 00665)
Additional Contaminants
Delays in Upgrading (Repealed)
NPDES Effluent Standards
New Source Performance Standards (Repealed)
Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges of the
Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago
Chlor—alkali Mercury Discharges in St. Clair County
Copper Discharges by Olin Corporation
Schoenberger Creek: Groundwater Discharges
John Deere Foundry Discharges
Alton Water Company Treatment Plant Discharges
Galesburg Sanitary District Deoxygenating Wastes
City of Lockport Treatment Plant Discharges
Wood River Station Total Suspended Solids
Alton Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges
Sanitary District of Decatur Discharges
Union Oil Refinery Ammonia Discharge
Mobil Oil Refinery Ammonia Discharge
City of Tuscola Wastewater Treatmeat Facility
Newton Station Suspended Solids Discharges
North Shore Sanitary District Phosphorus Discharges
East St. Louis Treatment Facility, Illinois—
American Water Company
Exception for Ammonia Nitrogen Water Quality
City of Joliet East Side Wastewater Treatment Plant
APPENDIX A References to Previous Rules
AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 13 and authorized by Section 27
of the Environmental Protection Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1987, ch.
111 1/2 pars. 1013 and 1027).
SOURCE: Filed with the Secretary of State January 1, 1978;
amended at 2 Ill. Reg. 30, p. 343, effective July 27, 1978;
amended at 2 Ill. Reg. 44, p. 151, effective November 2, 1978;
amended at 3 Ill. Reg. 20, p. 95, effective May 17, 1979; amended
at 3 Ill. Reg. 25, p. 190, effective June 21, 1979; amended at 4
Ill. Reg. 20, p. 53, effective May 7, 1980; amended at 6 Ill.
Reg. 563, effective December 24, 1981; codified at 6 Ill. Reg.
7818; amended at 6 Ill. Reg. 11161, effective September 7, 1982;
amended at 6 Ill. Reg. 13750, effective October 26, 1982; amended
at 7 Ill. Reg. 3020, effective March 4, 1983; amended at 7 Iii.
Reg. 8111, effective June 23, 1983~ amended at 7 Ill. Reg. 14515,
effective October 14, 1983; amended at 7 Ill. Reg. 14910,
effective November 14, 1983; amended at 8 Ill. Reg. 1600,
effective January 18, 1984; amended at 8 Ill. Reg. 3687,
effective March 14, 1984; amended at 8 Ill. Reg. 8237, effective
June 8, 1984; amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 1379, effective January 21,
1985; amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 4510, effective March 22, 1985;
peremptory amendment at 10 Ill. Reg. 456, effective December 23,
1985; amended at 11 Ill. Reg. 3117, effective January 28, 1987;
amended in R84—l3 at 11 Ill. Reg. 7291, effective April 3, 1987;
amended in R86—l7(A) at 11 Ill. Reg. 14748, effective August 24,
1987; amended in R84—l6 at 12 Ill. Reg. 2445, effective January
15, 1988; amended in R83—23 at 12 Ill. Reg. 8658, effective May
10, 1988; amended in R87—27 at 12 Ill. Reg. 9905, effective May
27, 1988; amended in R82—7 at 12 Ill. Reg. 10712, effective June
9, 1988; amended in R85—29 at 12 Ill. Reg. 12064, effective July
12, 1988; amended in R87—22 at 12 Ill. Reg. 13966, effective
August 23, 1988; amended in R86—3 at 12 Ill. Reg. 20126,
effective November 16, 1988; amended in R84—20 at 13 Ill. Reg.
851, effective January 9, 1989; amended in R85—il at 13 Ill. Reg.
2060, effective February 6, 1989, amended in R88—l at 13 Ill.
Reg. 5976, effective April 18, 19897; amended in R86—l7B at 13
Ill. Reg. 7754, effective May 4, 1989; amended in R87—6 at
Ill. Reg.
________ ,
effective __________________________
Section 304.123 Phosphorus (STORET number 00665)
a) No effluent discharge within the Lake Michigan Basin
shall contain more than 1.0 mg/i of phosphorus as P.
b~ No eff~ttentfrom any aot~reewhi~eh diaehargea within the
Fox River Baa~n above and e~t2ding P~takee I~ake and
whoae t~ntreatedwaate ‘oad ~a ~S98 or more
eqva3ent~ ahaU eontain more than 1’~8mg/i
phosphert~a aa
e’)’ No eff3~entfrom any aot~ree wh4eh d4aehargea to a ~a~e
or reservoir with a attrfaee area of 8~’i heetarea ~ê
aerea~or more or to any tr~btttaryto aueh a ‘ake or
reaervo4r and whose entreated waate 3oad ia 5988 or more
po~atien e~ttiva3ents ahafl eonta4n more than
of pho~phort~aa P--
dl- No eff3:uent from any aot~reewh4eh diaeharge to a 3:&te or
reaervo~rw4th a atirfaee area of 873: heetarea ~-~8aereal-
or more wh’3:eh does not eomp3:y w4th Seetion 392~8S or to
any tr~butaryto atteh a 3:ake or reaervoir and wheae
t1ntreated waate 3:oad ~ 3:589 or more popt~3:ation
etiiva3:enta arid whieh ~a not governed by Seetiona
3847 Bt-al- or 384--3:2e~-el- aha3:3: eonta~nmore than ~9
mg/3: of phoaphorti~aa P7
No effluent from any source which discharges to a lake
or reservoir with a surface area of 8.1 hectares (20
acres) or more, or to any tributary of such a lake or
reservoir whose untreated waste load is 2500 or more
population equivalents, and which does not utilize a
third—stage lagoon treatment system as specified in
Sections 304.120(a) and
shall exceed 1.0 mg/i of
phosphorus as P; however, this subsection (b) shall not
apply where the lake or reservoir, including any side
channel reservoir or other portion thereof, on an annual
basis exhibits a mean hydraulic retention time of 0.05
years (18 days) or less.
Pursuant to Section 28.1 of the Act, the owner or
operator of any source subject to paragraph (b) may
apply for an adjusted standard. Such application shall,
at a minimum, contain adequate proof that the effluent
resulting from grant of the adjusted standard will not
contribute to cultural eutrophication, unnatural plant
or algal growth or dissolved oxygen deficiencies in the
receiving lake or reservoir. For purposes of this
subsection, such effluent shall be deemed to contribute
to such conditions if phosphorus is the limiting
nutrient for biological growth in the lake or reservoir,
taking into account the lake or reservoir limnology,
morphological, physical and chemical characteristics,
and sediment transport. However, if the effluent
discharge enters a tributary at least 40.25 kilometers
(25 miles) upstream of the point at which the tributary
enters the lake or reservoir at normal pool level, such
effluent shall not be deemed to contribute to such
conditions if the receiving lake or reservoir is
eutrophic and phosphorus from internal regeneration is
not a limiting nutrient.
el-d) For the purpose of this Section the term “lake or
reservoir” shall not include low level pools constructed
in free flowing streams or any body of water which is an
integral part of an operation which includes the
application of sludge on land.
eomp3:ianee with the 3:~m4tat4on~of paragraph fel- ~ha3:3:
be aeh~eved by the fo3:3:ewing datea~
New aetireea aha3:3: eomp3:y on the effeetive date of
th~a regtt3:at~onT and
2l- Ex~at~ngaotireea aha3:3: eomp~y by Beeember 93:’r 3:9897
or atteh other date a~reqtiired by NPBES permit7 or
aa ordered by the Board under P~t3:eV~3:3: or P~t3:e
of the Aet7
g,). eemp3:~anee
with the 34m~tat~enaof paragraph ‘(‘dl- ~ha3:+
be aeh~evedby December 33:~3:9857 or atieh other date aa
reqttired by NPBES permit7 or aa ordered by the Board
Tit3:e V3:~or T~t3:e ~X of the Aet7
de) Compliance with the limitations of paragraph (b) shall
be achieved by the following dates:
Sources with the present capability to comply shall
do so on the effective date of this regulation
All other sources shall comply as required by NPDES
For purposes of this Section, the following terms shall
have the meanings specified:
“Dissolved oxygen deficiencies” means the
occurrence of a violation of the dissolved oxygen
standard applicable to a lake or reservoir.
(BOARD NOTE: Dissolved Oxygen standards for general
use waters are set forth at 35 Iii. Adm. Code
302.206; Dissolved Oxygen standards for secondary
contact or indigenous aquatic life waters are set
forth at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.405.)
II “Euphotic
zone” means that region of a lake or
reservoir extending from the water surface to a
depth at which 99 of the surface light has
disappeared or such lesser depth below which
photosynthesis does not occur.
3) “Eutrophic” means a condition of a lake or
reservoir in which there is an abundant supply of
nutrients, including phosphorus, accounting for a
high concentration of Biomass.
~j “Eutrophication” means the process of increasing or
accumulating plant nutrients in the water of a lake
or reservoir. Cultural eutrophication is
eutrophication attributable to human activities.
5) “Internal regeneration” means the process of
conversion of phosphorus or other nutrients in
sediments of a lake or reservoir from the
particulate to the dissolved form and the
subsequent return of such dissolved forms to the
euphotic zone.
6) “Limiting nutrient” means a substance which is
limiting to biological growth in a lake or
reservoir due to its short supply or unavailability
with respect to other substances necessary for the
growth of organisms.
“Unnatural plant or algal growth” means the
occurrence of a violation of the unnatural sludge
standard applicable to a lake or reservoir with
respect to such growth.
(BOARD NOTE: Unnatural sludge standards for general
use waters are set forth at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
302.203; unnatural sludge standards for secondary
and indigenous aquatic life waters are set forth at
35 Ill. Mm. Code 302.403.)
B. Forcade dissented.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify that the above Correction to Pr~osed
Opinion and Order was adopted on the
/i~ day of
1989, by a vote of
Dorothy M. G)a/ln, Clerk
Illinois Pol~utionControl Board
103—15 1