3. I. BACKGROUND
      4. II. TESTIMONY
      6. Background
      7. Influent and Effluent Quality
      8. Receiving Water Way Description
      9. Mixing Zone
      10. Historical Relief Sought
      11. Receiving Water Impacts
      12. Illinois EPA Recommendations
      13. Cost Effectiveness
      14. Derivation of Effluent Limits
      15. Summary
      16. REFERENCES
      19. TABLE 1
      22. BAT Guidelines Lemont Refinery System
      23. TABLE 2
      25. Parameter Optimum Range Lemont Refinery
      26. Operation
      28. TABLE 3
      30. AEI JOB NO. N356-01
      31. Refinery
      32. System Conoco
      33. Phillips
      34. Exxon Mobil
      35. Lemont Marathon

) AS 08-08
) (Adjusted Standard - Water)
Dorothy Gunn
of the Board
Illinois Pollution Control Board
100 West Randolph Street - Suite 11-500
Chicago, IL 60601
R. Boltz
Illinois EPA
1021 N. Grand Ave. East
Springfield, IL 62794
Bradley Halloran, Hearing Officer
Illinois Pollution Control Board
R. Thompson
W. Randolph, Suite 11-500
Chicago, IL 60601-3218
Please take notice that on August 1,2008, we filed electronically with the Office
of the
of the Illinois Pollution Control Board the attached Pre-filed Testimony of Brigitte Postel,
Huff and Bob Stein, and accompanying Exhibits, a copy of which is served upon you.
PDV MIDWEST, LLC, Petitioners
One of Its Attorneys
C. Fort
J. Tesher
Sonnenschein Nath
Rosenthal LLP
7800 Sears Tower
S. Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606-6404
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

) AS 08-08
) (Adjusted Standard - Water)
My name is Brigitte Postel. I have been employed by CITGO Petroleum Corporation
("CITGO") at the Lemont Refinery since October, 2003. At the Lemont Refinery, I have held
the position
of Environmental Engineer, Water Coordinator. I received a Bachelor of Science in
Chemistry from the University
of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, and a Masters of Science in
Environmental Engineering from Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas. Prior to my time at the
Lemont Refinery, I held various environmental positions in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and
power industries.
PDV Midwest Refining, L.L.C. ("The Refinery") owns a petroleum refinery
located on an 860-acre tract in Will County near Lemont, Illinois. The Refinery was formerly
owned and operated by the Union Oil Company
of California ("Union") and then operated by the
UNO-VEN Company. On May
1, 1997, PDV became the owner of the Refinery and CITGO
was contracted to operate the Refinery.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Despite extensive improvements and other efforts, the Refinery is not able to
consistently meet the ammonia nitrogen effluent limits contained in Section 304. 122(b)
Subpart B of Part 304 of Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code (ammonia nitrogen rule). I
want to emphasize that "consistently" meeting the rule is the focus
of our Petition. The general
ammonia nitrogen discharge rule would apply to the Refinery, but for site specific rule changes
granted in 1987, 1993 and 1998. Despite steady improvements during the last twenty years,
Petitioner and its predecessors have been unable to consistently achieve the effluent limits
of the
ammonia nitrogen rule. The Refinery has been successful in lowering the ammonia nitrogen
concentration in its effluent and has achieved this success even though the plant throughput has
increased and wastewater usage has decreased. The Refinery
is prepared to continue efforts to
reduce its ammonia nitrogen discharge, but it cannot commit to continuously meet the general
effluent limit in
35 Ill. Admin. Code 304.122(b). Additional information requested by the
Board'shearing officer, Bradley Halloran, may be found in
Exhibit 1
to this testimony.
We have attempted to work with the Agency on this matter and initiated meetings
with the Agency last November. As suggested by the Agency then, we agreed to separate the
Total Dissolved Solids issues from the ammonia nitrogen issues - and further agreed to use the
adjusted standard approach rather than the site-specific rule change - in order to meet the
ofD.S.EPA in reviewing Illinois'swater quality standards. We are disappointed
that the Agency did not engage in any technical discussions on the content
of our proposal and
filed the Recommendation it has. We disagree with the Agency's statements
in its
Recommendation, which we believe mis-characterize the Petition and are not based on facts.
One thing we could agree with is to continue to improve our existing biological treatment
processes, solids handling processes, and the desalter. Indeed,
as will be shown by other
presented testimony, the Refinery is currently discharging, on an average basis, less ammonia
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

nitrogen than is in its raw water supply. Of course, that is because the Refinery is on an "effluent
dominated water," the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, as the Agency has testified to in the
UAA rulemaking proceeding.
The Refinery was constructed during the period 1967 through 1970.
operational in late fall
of 1969. The Refinery employs approximately 530 people.
Approximately twenty-five different products are produced at the Refinery,
including gasolines, turbine fuels, diesel fuels, furnace oils, petroleum coke and various specialty
naphthas which can be manufactured into many intermediate products, including antifreeze,
dacron, detergent, industrial alcohols, plastics and synthetic rubber. Ninety percent
of the
Refinery's output goes into making gasolines, diesel fuels, home heating oils and turbine fuels
for use in Illinois and throughout the Midwest.
The Refinery currently discharges to the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal
("Canal") which is a tributary
of the Illinois River. The discharge is quickly dispersed in the
Canal and assimilated by the receiving stream. The dilution pattern
of the effluent is rapid and
immediate under the criteria
of 35 Ill. Admin. Code Subtitle C, Chapter I, Section 302.1 02.
The primary treatment portion of the current plant consists of four sour water
strippers for ammonia and sulfide removal, oil/water separators for free oil removal, stormwater
impoundment, equalization, and emulsified oil removal using organic polymers.
The effluent from the primary clarifier flows to the Induced Gas Flotation ("IGF")
vessel and then to the secondary treatment portion
of the wastewater plant which consists of a
single stage activated sludge treatment system. The system includes three aeration basins
operated in parallel with a total aeration basin volume
of 1.92 million gallons. Aeration is
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

provided by a fine-bubble diffused aeration system. Activated sludge is settled in two 100-ft.
diameter secondary clarifiers. Within the aeration basin, phosphorous is added as a nutrient for
biological organisms. During the winter, steam is injected to the equalization tank to maintain
operating temperatures at a minimum
of 70° F in the aeration basin effluent.
The tertiary system consists of a 16 million gallon polishing lagoon. The purpose
of the lagoon is to remove any carryover solids from the secondary clarifier. The lagoon also
serves as a water supply for fire protection.
The Refinery draws from and discharges to the Canal. The Refinery takes
approximately 5.0 million gallons
of water daily from the Canal, and discharges approximately
4.5 million gallons to the Canal, the difference being cooling tower evaporation and steam
losses. The wastewater effluent contains ammonia as nitrogen derived from compounds present
in crude oil that are removed from the crude by various Refinery operations, as well as the
ammonia already present in the intake water from the Canal.
The Refinery operates under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
("NPDES") permit (No. lL 0001589), issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
("IEPA," or "the Agency"). The most recent NPDES permit was issued as modified June 22,
2007 and expires July 31, 2011. The NPDES permit includes outfall
001 at the Refinery at river
mile 296.5 on the Canal (Latitude
41 °38'58", Longitude 88°03 '31"). The current NPDES permit
includes ammonia nitrogen limits in the existing
35 lAC 304.213.
The U.S. EPA has established effluent guidelines for wastewater discharges by
industry category. The petroleum refining industry is divided into five subcategories based on
the processes utilized and the products produced. The Refinery is classified as a Subcategory-B
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

cracking refinery under the federal regulations. Effluent limits under the federal regulations are
based on production and are computed on a pounds-per-day basis.
U.S. EPA has promulgated categorical limits on various industries, including the
petroleum refining industry. While these regulations, found in 40 CFR 419, do specify limits for
ammonia nitrogen, these are less stringent than the limits in the existing site-specific rule. The
Board has previously found that the wastewater treatment system goes beyond Best Available
Technology ("BAT") requirements.
The Board has adopted Title 35, Section 304.122 to control ammonia discharges
to the Illinois River System, originally Rule 406, adopted Jan
6, 1972. Rule 304.122(b) limits
larger industrial discharges (greater than 100 Ibs/day ammonia) to an effluent discharge
of 3.0 mg/l NH
-N. Historically, the refinery has achieved compliance with the
federal effluent regulations; however, the 3.0 mg/l effluent limit has not been attainable on a
consistent basis.
From 1977 through 1984, Union operated the Refinery under several variances
from the Board for the ammonia nitrogen discharge. In 1982, the Board granted Union a
variance, contingent that by May
of 1984, Union would submit a program to ensure compliance
with Rule 304.122 or prepare a proposal for a site specific rule change. In December
of 1984,
Union petitioned the Board for a site specific rule change. The Board granted Union site specific
effluent limits set at the U.S.
EPA'sbest available technology (BAT) pursuant to 40 CFR 419.23
(1985). This site specific rule change terminated on December 31,1993. In 1993, UNO-VEN
petitioned the Board for a site specific rule change. The Board granted UNO-VEN's request and
set effluent limits for ammonia nitrogen
of9.4 mg/l monthly average and 26.0 mg/l daily
maXImum. By final order dated December
17, 1998, the Board made only two changes to the
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

rule as adopted in 1993: a change of the name to reflect the sale to PDV Midwest Refining,
LLC, and an extension of the termination date by 9 years to December 31, 2008.
The Refinery has improved its performance
of ammonia removal despite higher
crude throughput and a decrease in wastewater volume. Wastewater volumes have decreased
since 1984 through the exercise
of sound water management practices. Despite these factors that
would tend to increase ammonia concentration, the Refinery has maintained and improved its
performance in ammonia removal.
The limits for ammonia nitrogen proposed here are based on a statistical analysis
using the 95th percentile of the standard deviation over historical and representative time periods
to calculate the effluent limits. The daily and monthly limit is based on the 95th percentile based
on the last five years
of effluent data. The limits proposed demonstrate the commitment to
improvement in nitrification, a reduction in the daily limit of 59 percent and in the monthly limit
of27 percent. Jim Huff will explain these calculations in his testimony.
Over the last several years, Lemont Refinery has been processing an increased
of heavy crudes and can expect the trend in feedstocks over the course of this petition
to continue. The uncertainty associated with this issue justifies the Board choosing to set daily
and monthly limits that take into account this uncertainty. Moreover, this analysis indicates that
the proposed limits represent a continued emphasis on improvement in wastewater controls and
achieving nitrification in the wastewater treatment plant even with more difficult wastewater
streams to be treated. Over the last 5 years, on a net basis, the Refinery has exceeded 100
pounds on a monthly daily average for ammonia only 33 percent of the time, and exceeded 200
pounds per day for ammonia only 17 percent of the time.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

At this point, Petitioner and its predecessors have expended significant resources
in improving the wastewater treatment system at the Refinery. Petitioner and its predecessors
have spent nearly $75,000,000 to upgrade and improve the wastewater treatment facilities at the
Refinery; approximately $45,000,000
of that was spent just in the last 10 years. While some of
that was not done for the specific purpose of improving nitrification, approximately one quarter
of that investment had, as a substantial component, improving the ability of the wastewater
treatment process to provide nitrification. Even investments that did not primarily target
nitrification were done to benefit the nitrification process. For example, the Purge Treatment
Unit ("PTU") that was installed as part of the FCC consent decree was required in large part to
ensure consistent ammonia nitrogen removal. The testimony of Bob Stein provides more detail
on this matter.
Under the site specific rule change granted in 1987, the Refinery was required to
continue its efforts to reduce the concentration
of ammonia nitrogen in its wastewaters. The
Refinery met this requirement through continuous upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant.
After petitioning for the 1987 site specific rule change, the Refinery:
Added a third aeration basin, increasing the total aeration volume from 1.38
million gallons to 1.92 million gallons;
Upgraded the aeration system by replacing the existing mechanical surface
aerators with a fine-bubble diffused aeration system; and
Added the second 100-ft. diameter secondary clarifier, doubling the secondary
clarifier capacity.
These improvements were designed to increase ammonia oxidation, increase available
dissolved oxygen and increase hydraulic throughput.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

While the site specific rule change was granted in 1993, the Refinery continued its
efforts to reduce the concentration
of ammonia nitrogen in its wastewaters. From 1992 until
1998, the Refinery:
Installed a new chemical feed facility at the WWTP;
Eliminated discharge
of process wastewater to the stormwater basin and provided
tankage for equalization/oil separation
of process wastewater;
Converted the WWTP control system to new DCS control
Modified the sour water stripper charge tanks inlet line for better oil/water
Performed a clean closure
of the stormwater basin; and
Na1co dried bacteria and conducted nitrifier inhibition testing.
Since 1998, the Refinery has continued to make improvements to its wastewater
treatment system. Those measures have included:
In 2000 installed induced gas flotation system with polymer addition;
In 2003, added additional strippers in the sour water system for ammonia
Also in 2003, upgraded diffused aerators to improve oxygen transfer;
In 2006, upgraded phosphoric acid feed system and the aerators to improve
oxygen transfer;
In 2007, installed purge treatment unit to treat the discharge from the FCC
scrubber; and
Also in 2007, upgraded diffused aerators to improve oxygen transfer.
The total cost
of these improvements was approximately $45,000,000.
While there has been success in reducing the effluent ammonia nitrogen
concentration, the Refinery is unaware
of proven means to comply with the ammonia nitrogen
rule on a continuous basis. The options available to Lemont are 20-68 times more expensive, on
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

a unit cost basis, than other available alternatives for ammonia removal. Therefore, it is possible
to spend millions
of dollars in an attempt to implement unproven strategies for potential
ammonia nitrogen reduction even though: (a) the present level
of wastewater treatment at the
Refinery is better than the United States Environmental Protection Agency's ("U.S. EPA")
effluent guideline
of best available technology ("BAT") economically achievable; and (b) the
ammonia nitrogen discharge for the Refinery has no discernable water quality impact on the
receiving stream.
The requested amendment will allow Lemont Refinery to continue to operate
without spending millions
of dollars on unproven technology in an attempt to accomplish further
ammonia nitrogen reductions with little or no environmental benefit. The Refinery will continue
to optimize its treatment facilities, regardless
of the outcome of this Petition. Indeed, the daily
limit requested here represents a 59 percent reduction, substantially below the level authorized
The Lemont Refinery has investigated the available information on the
of other refineries in Illinois to provide nitrification. The conclusions of that
in,restigation are in the 2007
report, but can be SUll1.l'11arized as follov/s: (a) the other
refineries were using similar technological approaches as used by the Lemont refinery design,
and none
of them were using the technologies investigated by Aware as possible additions to the
Lemont Refinery; (b) there are site specific variations in how the wastewater treatment systems
are designed and operated, as well as some differences in the crude supply; and (c) there are
some differences in these design specifics which may be worth exploring for potential use and
modifications at the Lemont Refinery to further enhance its nitrification capabilities.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Based on evaluations and reports that accompany this Petition, the Refinery will
continue to investigate improvements to its existing wastewater treatment system.
is believed
that focusing on better solids handling from the desalter holds the greatest promise for achieving
improved wastewater treatment performance on a consistent basis. The options that will be
investigated include: an in situ solid removal system, increased tankage to allow brine
segregation; amine management; and adjusting chemical usage to reduce emulsification in the
primary treatment units.
At this point in time, the total ammonia discharge from the Refinery, on an
average basis over the last 5 years, is less than the allowable discharge
of 3
even when
about 25 percent
of that discharge is due to the ammonia nitrogen levels already in the Canal.
Nevertheless, the Refinery will continue to look to improve its treatment for ammonia nitrogen.
Through the first six months
of 2008, the refinery has removed 29 pounds per day
from the Ship Canal, while adding only
17 pounds per day. To date, the 2008 annual average
ammonia concentration is 0.39 mg/L.
This concludes my prepared testimony. Jim
Huff and Bob Stein will provide
further testimony and exhibits in support
of the Petition.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

The undersigned, an attorney, certifies that I have served upon the individuals named on
the attached Notice
of Filing true and correct copies of the Pre-filed Testimony of Brigitte Postel,
Jim Huff and Bob Stein, and accompanying Exhibits, via electronic mail, on August 1, 2008
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

) AS 08-08
) (Adjusted Standard - Water)
My name is James E. Huff, and I am Vice President and part owner of Huff & Huff, Inc.,
an environmental consulting firm founded in 1979. I received a Bachelor of Science in Chemical
Engineering in 1970 from Purdue University and was awarded a Masters of Science in
Engineering from the Environmental Engineering Department at Purdue University in 1971. I
am a registered Professional Engineer in Illinois.
My work experience includes two years with Mobil Oil as an Advanced Environmental
Engineer during the construction and start-up of the Joliet Refinery. After leaving Mobil in the
fall of 1973, I was employed for three years at IIT Research Institute in the Chemical
Engineering Department, working on advanced wastewater treatment projects including catalytic
oxidation of cyanide in petroleum wastewaters. I then spent four years with the Armak
Company, now called Akzo Nobel Chemicals, where I was the Corporate Manager of
Environmental Affairs responsible for regulatory compliance and engineering design of
environmental systems at nine manufacturing facilities in the United States and Canada. Three
of these chemical plants were fatty amines manufacturers, where ammonia was utilized as a raw
material and was a major component in the wastewater.
For the last 28 years at Huff & Huff, Inc., I have been involved in over 40 environmental
impact studies associated with the impact of wastewater discharges on receiving streams
throughout the United States. Many of these studies have involved ammonia nitrogen impacts,
including those for the City of Lockport, CITGO Lemont Refinery and its predecessors UNO-
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

VEN and Union Oil, ExxonMobil Oil Corporation, the Galesburg Sanitary District, and Modine
Manufacturing. I was Project Manager on a year long Fox River Ammonia Study on behalf of
most of the municipal discharges on the Fox River below the Chain-of-Lakes. I was an active
participant in the ammonia water quality proceedings (R94-1b), on behalf of six communities
and the Indian Refining Corporation. I am currently working on addressing low dissolved
oxygen levels on the East Branch of the Du Page River and Salt Creek on behalf of the Du Page
River/Salt Creek Work Group. In addition, I have been actively involved in the current UAA
proceedings on the Chicago Waterways on behalf of three industrial clients. I have designed
nitrification facilities for both industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants.
I was retained by CITGO Petroleum Corporation (Lemont Refinery) to evaluate the
environmental impact of the ammonia in the Lemont Refinery’s discharge to the Chicago
Sanitary & Ship Canal. See 2008 report attached as
Exhibit 2
. I have directed previous studies
relating to the same issue for previous site-specific requests for the Lemont Refinery. See 1992
report attached as
Exhibit 3
. A copy of my resume is attached as
Exhibit 4
. In addition,
effluent limits were derived based upon existing effluent quality, BAT, and current water quality
The Lemont Refinery is located southwest of Lemont, Illinois, east of Romeoville, along
the east side of the Chicago Sanitary & Ship Canal (Ship Canal), at River Mile 296.5. Water is
withdrawn from the Ship Canal for refinery use, and the treated wastewater effluent is
discharged to the Ship Canal 5.5 miles upstream of the Lockport Lock and Dam and less than
one mile upstream of Midwest Generation’s Romeoville Power Plant.
The wastewater treatment facilities came on line in 1969, the same time the refinery
began processing crude oil. The treatment plant underwent major changes in 1992, including
new process water storage tanks, a new aeration basin, a new clarifier, and fine bubble diffusers.
Over the past decade, the Lemont Refinery has expended an additional $45 million on capital
projects related to ammonia control and reduction. Over the past five years the processing of
heavier crude oils has increased. These heavier crude oils contain more inert solids and create
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

more stable emulsions in the desalter unit. The result has been not only a significant increase in
chemical addition to remove oil (break the emulsions) and solids in the process water, but a more
variable influent loading on the activated sludge treatment process.
The Ship Canal is classified as Secondary Contact water under Illinois regulations. There
is no total ammonia water quality standard applicable to the Ship Canal. Un-ionized ammonia,
which is a function of the total ammonia, pH, and temperature, is limited by a not-to-exceed
value of 0.1 mg/L. This water quality standard is to be achieved at the edge of the mixing zone.
The Agency has proposed to amend the ammonia water quality standard on the Secondary
Contact Waterways to be the same standard as in the General Use Standards in R08-09, currently
before the Board.
Influent and Effluent Quality
The Lemont Refinery water intake is located approximately 175 feet upstream of the
outfall and is routinely analyzed for ammonia by the refinery. Ammonia quality in the Ship
Canal has steadily improved over the past two decades, from an annual average of 3.77 mg/L in
1987, to 1.28 mg/L in 1996, to 0.56 mg/L in 2007, as depicted in the attached
Exhibit 5, Figure
. This decline is attributed primarily to the reduction in effluent ammonia achieved by the
MWRDGC at its upstream treatment plants over this period of time.
Effluent ammonia quality from the Lemont Refinery is presented in
Exhibit 5, Figure 2
From 1995 until 2005 the annual average ammonia concentration was below 3.0 mg/L. In 2005,
with the increase in the processing of the heavier crude oils and resultant higher loading on the
treatment facilities, the effluent ammonia increased to an annual average of 3.63 mg/L. As the
Lemont Refinery has improved its ability to process these heavier crude oils, the effluent
ammonia levels have continued to improve; to 3.50 mg/L in 2006, 2.45 mg/L in 2007, and
through the first six months of 2008 to an all time low 0.39 mg/L. Clearly overall, the Lemont
Refinery has made progress on consistently nitrifying.
Exhibit 5, Figure 3
depicts the mass of ammonia removed from the Ship Canal
on an annual average compared to the mass discharged. The net discharge (effluent less influent)
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

over the past decade has averaged less than 43 pounds per day, and for 2008 to date, the Lemont
Refinery has removed 29 pounds per day from the Ship Canal, while only discharging an average
17 pounds per day.
Receiving Water Way Description
As noted previously, the Lemont Refinery discharges into the Ship Canal 5.5 miles
upstream of the Lockport Lock and Dam, at River Mile 296.5. The Ship Canal extends 31.1
miles from its confluence with the Des Plaines River to the Damen Avenue Bridge in Chicago
(CDM, 2007). The Ship Canal is typically 200 to 300 ft. wide with depths ranging from 27 to 50
ft. (CDM, 2007). The construction of the Ship Canal includes vertical walls and steep
embankments. The Ship Canal was erected in approximately 1900, to “transport human waste
and industrial pollutants away from Lake Michigan” (CDM, 2007). As part of the Use
Attainability Analyses (UAA), CDM conducted a recreation and navigation survey for 28 days.
No swimming, skiing, tubing, or wading was observed. A single
canoe, sculling or hand
powered boat
was observed within the 28 days. From my own experience in conducting benthic
surveys on the Ship Canal for both the Lemont Refinery and the MWRDGC, the Ship Canal is
not safe for canoes, sculling or other hand powered boating activities. When barges pass, the
wake creates literally a wave machine bouncing off the vertical walls. Where two waves cross,
the amplitude doubles, and waves get progressively larger reaching wave heights in excess of
five feet before gradually subsiding.
The aquatic habitat of the portion of the Ship Canal where the Lemont Refinery is located
was rated as “poor to very poor” (IEPA, 2006). Overall stream use is designated as
for fish consumption and aquatic life. The identified causes of impairment were polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), irons, oil and grease, D.O., total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. Sources
included combined sewer overflows, urban runoff/storm sewers, impacts from hydrostructure
flow regulation/modification, municipal point source discharges, and other unknown sources.
Ammonia concentrations were not identified as a source of impairment, due to the monitored
results achieving the water quality standard.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

In addition to the unique structure, the Ship Canal is home to three coal fired power plants that
provide low cost electricity to the City of Chicago, the remainder of the State of Illinois, and
elsewhere through the electrical power grid. The Ship Canal is effluent dominated with over 70
percent of its flow on an annual bases from municipal effluents (IEPA, 2008). This included
wastewater effluent from the Stickney treatment plant, one of the largest treatment plants in the
world. Essential barge traffic also flows along this critical artery to a wide range of industries
located along the Ship Canal.
Another unique factor on the Ship Canal is the electric barrier installed near the Lockport Locks.
This barrier was installed to prevent invasive bighead carp from migrating into the Great Lakes.
A second electric barrier has been constructed but is yet operational. These electric barriers will
not only prevent the invasive fish from migrating, but will also prevent other fish from migrating
up or down the Ship Canal at Lockport, normally not a desirable outcome, but certainly
necessary in light of the goal to protect the Great Lakes.
The UAA Report (CDM, 2007, page 4-80) notes that habitat ranged from poor to very
poor, and identified the following factors as limiting aquatic potential on the Ship Canal:
Silty substrates
Poor substrate material
Little instream cover
No sinuosity
There are no backwater areas or tributary mouths along the Ship Canal. The lack of habitat
diversity along the Ship Canal clearly limits the diversity of the aquatic biota.
As noted in
Exhibit 5, Figure 1
, the total ammonia concentrations in the Ship Canal are
generally low, below 1 mg/L. Un-ionized ammonia levels from 2000 to 2002 at four stations
along the Ship Canal and Des Plaines River are presented in
Table 4-1
of the 2008 report,
Exhibit 2
Average un-ionized ammonia concentrations at all four stations have been
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

consistently less than 0.010 mg/L. Not only is the un-ionized ammonia levels in the Ship Canal
less than the current water quality standard, the levels also attain the proposed changes in the un-
ionized ammonia water quality proposed as part of the Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) in R08-
Mixing Zone
In 1992, Huff & Huff, Inc. conducted a mixing zone study on the Lemont Refinery
outfall (see
Exhbit 3
). The outfall design is unique in that it is a 15-inch diameter pipe,
extending vertically downward 15 feet below the surface into the Ship Canal. The result is a
turbulent discharge that is strongly buoyant due to the entrained air from the effluent flowing
over the weir from the Treated Water Basin. The Zone of Initial Dilution (ZID) was measured at
10:1 and only occupies 100 square feet of the Ship Canal. There are only 300 gallons of effluent
within the ZID at any one time, with a mean retention time under 7 seconds.
In 1992 the mixing zone achieved a 40:1 dilution within 60 ft. downstream, occupying
only 0.05 acres, compared to the allowable 26 acres. With the lower 7-day, 10-year low flow
due to the MWRDGC’s loss of discretionary diversion from Lake Michigan and the slightly
higher effluent flow today than in 1992, the mixing zone today achieves a 36.7:1 dilution within
the same 0.05 acres.
Historical Relief Sought
In 1987, the Board granted site-specific relief to the Lemont Refinery, allowing the
Agency to establish limits based on a reasonable measure of actual production at the Refinery.
From that order, the Agency set limits of 749 lb/day ammonia (monthly average) and 1,648
lb/day (daily maximum). No concentration limits were imposed in 1987 but at the refinery’s
design average flow of 5.79 MGD, these mass limits equate to:
Monthly Average:
15.5 mg/L
Daily Maximum:
34.1 mg/L
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

The next two rule changes contained the following concentration limits:
Monthly Average:
9.4 mg/L
Daily Maximum:
26.0 mg/L
The current petition is requesting the following concentration limits:
Monthly Average
6.9 mg/L
Daily Average
10.6 mg/L
Clearly, the Lemont Refinery has made progress in reducing its effluent ammonia
discharged, and the requested relief continues to make commitments to future progress. It is
important to remember that this requested relief is for a reduction in pollutant loading from the
current permitted level.
Receiving Water Impacts
Exhibit 5, Figure 1
Tables 4-1
Exhibit 2
present the historical
concentrations of total ammonia and un-ionized ammonia in the Ship Canal. The total ammonia
can be described as relatively low on an annual basis, and the requested relief will further lower
the Lemont Refinery’s contribution to the downstream stations. The permitted monthly average
limit will decline by 27 percent, while the permitted daily maximum will decline by 59 percent.
The un-ionized ammonia in the Ship Canal on an annual basis is less than 10 percent of
the un-ionized water quality standard, and is consistently in compliance with the water quality
standard. This adjusted standard request will further reduce both the total and un-ionized
ammonia levels downstream over the existing conditions.
Concentration limits would apply whenever average discharge exceeds 100 lbs/day.
Daily maximum would apply only when the daily discharge exceeds 200 lbs/day.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

As ammonia is oxidized in the receiving stream, oxygen is consumed. To the extent the
Lemont Refinery’s ammonia is contributing to lower dissolved oxygen (D.O.) levels, the
requested relief will only improve D.O. from the existing levels, with the more restrictive
ammonia effluent limits proposed. According to the UAA Study (CDM, 2007), the MWRDGC
has recorded D.O. levels below the 4.0 mg/L minimum water quality standard at all seven
stations on the Ship Canal. At Romeoville and Lockport, both downstream of the Lemont
Refinery, 19 percent of the time D.O. levels below 4.0 mg/L were recorded, the same percentage
of time as at the upstream location at Cicero Avenue.
The Agency’s proposal is to change the minimum D.O. to 3.5 mg/L in the Ship Canal. It
is my understanding the Ship Canal does not currently achieve this 3.5 mg/L D.O. level during
wet weather combined sewer overflow events.
In 1992, in support of an earlier petition, Huff & Huff used the MWRDGC’s QUAL 2E
model to predict changes in D.O. from the Lemont Refinery’s contribution. At a discharge rate
of 744 pounds per day of ammonia from the Lemont Refinery, the maximum D.O. decline was
0.03 mg/L (maximum loading at low flow conditions.) With the current requested relief, the
maximum reduction in D.O. will be closer to 0.02 mg/L at maximum loading and low flow. The
minor level of change in D.O. is less than can be accuracy of the D.O. test method for streams
(0.1 mg/L). In essence, no change in D.O. could be measured attributed to the Lemont Refinery.
Illinois EPA Recommendations
The Agency has recommended that the Board deny CITGO’s requested Adjusted
Standard relief. Some responses to the Agency’s technical basis are appropriate.
The Agency cites the Board’s 1972 conclusion that a reduction in ammonia is
necessary if the Illinois River is to achieve the D.O. Standard.
While the 36 year old opinion held significant meaning at the time, more recent water
quality data present different stream conditions. The attached
Exhibit 5, Figure 1
shows that
since just 1986, ammonia levels in the Ship Canal have declined from over 3.6 mg/L to between
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

0.47 and 0.81 mg/L. There is no longer an ammonia issue on the Illinois River. The Agency
also overlooks the fact that the requested relief will further reduce ammonia concentrations over
existing levels in the Ship Canal.
At this point, CITGO is the only refinery discharging to the Ship Canal that has
yet to meet the ammonia nitrogen standard at 35 III. Adm. Code 304.122(b).
This statement is misleading as the Lemont Refinery is the sole refinery on the Ship Canal.
However, the waterway receives effluent from one of the largest municipal wastewater treatment
plants in the world, which contributes significantly more ammonia on a pounds per day basis
than the Lemont Refinery contributes. Over the past four years, the ship canal upstream of the
Lemont Refinery has contained an average 0.66 mg/L total ammonia. Even at the 7-day, 10-year
low flow, this translates into 4,640 pounds per day of ammonia passing by the Lemont Refinery.
The Lemont Refinery over the past decade has contributed an average 43 pounds per day of
ammonia on a net basis, or less than one percent of the overall ammonia loading under low flow
conditions. (The contribution from the Lemont Refinery would be even less at higher Ship Canal
CITGO further claims that the discharge from the refinery doesn’t pose any threat
to human health or the environment and is not significantly greater than the
environmental impact that the Board was trying to control when it adopted the
ammonia nitrogen rule. Since Section 304.122(b) is a technology based standard,
not a water quality standard, CITGO’s assertion is irrelevant to the issue at hand
as there exist removal technologies that are economically reasonable and
technically feasible.
The economically reasonable and technically feasible determination by the Board was based on
treating municipal wastewater. The Agency has supported since the late 1980s, for both the
Lemont Refinery and Mobil Oil relief from this rule, in part based on the absence of
environmental impact. The Agency’s current response addresses environmental impact,
including citing the Board’s 1972 opinion on the D.O. concern, yet claims such concerns are
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

“irrelevant”. The Lemont Refinery continues to make progress in reducing its ammonia
discharge. The requested relief will reduce the permitted daily maximum by 59 percent.
Conoco-Phillips Refinery does not have water quality based limits due to its
location on the Mississippi River, however nitrification is known to occur on a
regular basis given the ammonia levels measured in the effluent and the results of
whole effluent toxicity testing.
This statement is also misleading. The Lemont Refinery nitrifies a high percentage of the
time and its effluent also passes the whole effluent toxicity testing. From information in the
Agency files, the following could have been provided to the Board by the Agency:
Maximum Monthly Average,
Daily Maximum,
From 2002 to 2007, the ConocoPhillips Wood River Refinery has discharged an average 67
pounds of ammonia per day. As the intake water is groundwater, this 67 pounds per day can be
considered a net discharge, as compared to the Lemont Refinery net 43 pounds per day ammonia
discharged. It would seem that the Agency’s use of this other refinery as an example is totally
consistent with the Lemont Refinery’s performance.
It is clear Conoco-Phillips does not meet a 3.0 mg/L monthly average or a 6.0 mg/L daily
maximum all the time. In fact, the results look very similar to the Lemont Refinery’s
performance. Simply comparing concentrations discharged from petroleum refineries can be
misleading, as water conservation practices vary. The more modern refineries like the Lemont
Refinery discharge less water per barrel of crude processed than older refineries.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

By seeking relief from Section 304.122 ammonia standard, CITGO is subjecting a
portion of the Ship Canal to experience much higher ammonia concentrations, 6.9
mg/L as a monthly average and 10.61 mg/L as a daily maximum.
This statement does not offer an accurate representation of the relief sought. The
requested relief will result in lower ammonia concentrations in the Ship Canal than result from
the existed permitted levels, which the Agency supported in the previous site specific rule
change. The Agency also seems to imply that ZIDs and mixing zones are inappropriate. Within
the ZID, where a 10:1 dilution occurs within 7 seconds. Assuming the Lemont Refinery is
discharging at the requested
daily maximum
limit of 10.61 mg/L, the ammonia concentration at
the edge of the ZID will be 1.63 mg/L, and at the edge of the mixing zone, the ammonia
concentration will be 0.91 mg/L. At the 7-day, 10-year low flow, the increase in ammonia will
be from 0.634 mg/L upstream to 0.701 mg/L once complete mixing has occurred when the
refinery is discharging at its proposed daily maximum 10.61 mg/L and its design average flow.
Again, all of these values are reductions from the current permitted levels.
The Lemont Refinery is seeking an adjusted standard from ammonia effluent limits that
were adopted by the Board solely because of the elevated ammonia/low dissolved oxygen in the
Illinois River over 36 years ago. No other large water body in Illinois has effluent ammonia
standards. The conditions that lead to these unique Illinois River Basin effluent standards no
longer exist today.
The Ship Canal will thus have an area that is effectively unavailable as habitat for
sensitive forms of aquatic life.
The Agency should identify which “sensitive forms of aquatic life” it is referring to. The
Agency in its pre-filed testimony in R08-09, described the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index
on the Ship Canal as “generally below 22, which are to be expected in waters with
very poor to
poor habitual attributions
” (R. Sulski, 2007, page 17, emphasis added). If the habitat is
controlling the aquatic potential, it is misleading to state sensitive forms would enter into the
turbulent ZID and mixing zone. In Adjusted Standard AS96-10, the Board’s opinion noted that
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

the Agency’s opinion was that the costs of installing additional cooling “may not be
economically reasonable
when compared to the likelihood of no improvement in the aquatic
community of the UIW.”
(AS96-10, Opinion and Order at page 7). The Agency’s position in
this ammonia proceeding is inconsistent with the position it has taken historically along the
waterway as well as its current position on the limitations of habitat in the UAA proceedings.
Adding higher
ammonia discharge levels would only further prevent attainment of
dissolved oxygen standard (emphasis added).
Again, the Agency is confusing the Lemont Refinery’s request, which is a reduction in
ammonia levels over the current permitted levels. Attainment of the dissolved oxygen standard
on the Ship Canal will depend on the elimination of CSO events, not on the Lemont Refinery’s
minor ammonia contribution.
Cost Effectiveness
As presented in
Exhibit 5, Figure 3
, the Lemont Refinery has achieved an average
annual total ammonia effluent level of 75 pounds per day over the past decade while the existing
Site Specific Rule Change was in effect. The ammonia removed from the Ship Canal by the
Lemont Refinery over this same period has averaged 32 pounds per day, so the net contribution
has been 43 pounds per day. Assuming that the lowest cost upgrade identified in the Aware
Report (February 2008) will remove the 43 pounds per day contributed (the refinery becomes
ammonia neutral
to the Ship Canal), the annualized cost would be $3,220,000, or a cost of $205
per additional pound removed.
The Lemont Refinery would also increase its carbon footprint from the additional energy
consumed with the add-on equipment, should the adjusted standard be denied. The operating
horsepower for the added equipment will be 144 HP. Assuming the additional energy consumed
is derived from coal, the additional pounds per year of carbon dioxide emitted will be 1,976,000.
UIW-Upper Illinois Waterway
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Or for every additional pound of ammonia oxidized, 126 pounds of carbon dioxide will be
emitted. Remember, that ammonia oxidation occurs naturally within the receiving stream,
without carbon dioxide generation.
The $205 per pound of ammonia removal for the incremental 43 pounds per day can be
compared to the cost for ammonia removal at the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant of
approximately $3.00 per pound, and the addition of five side-stream aeration systems that
provide sufficient oxygen to remove a pound of ammonia at approximately $10.00 per pound.
The above unit cost is 68-times higher for the Lemont Refinery than the ammonia removal costs
required for the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant, and is clearly not cost effective.
Derivation of Effluent Limits
The Lemont Refinery is currently operating under a site-specific rule change that expires
on December 31, 2008. The existing limits include both load limits based on Best Available
Treatment under the federal categorical limits and concentration limits. The existing limits are
as follows:
Ammonia Concentration
Monthly Average
9.4 mg/L
Daily Maximum
26.0 mg/L
Using five years of effluent data from June 2002 to May 2007, and the U.S. EPA
Technical Support Document for Water Quality-based Toxics Control (1985) procedure, at the
percentile the calculated ammonia limits are 6.9 mg/L monthly average and 10.6 mg/L daily
maximum. As noted previously, these are significant reductions from the current limits, 27
percent on the monthly and 59 percent on the daily maximum. However, Section 304.122(b)
only applies to dischargers that discharge more than an average 100 pounds per day on a monthly
average, and 200 pounds per day on a daily basis, and the Lemont Refinery is asking that the
See Environmental Assessment of Ammonia Concentrations in the Wastewater Discharge of Union Oil Company, Chicago
Refinery, by L.L. Huff and J.E. Huff, 1983, updated to 2008 dollars and testimony of J. E. Huff in the Matter of Petition of Uno-
Ven to Amend Regulations Pertaining to Water Pollution, R93-8.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

above concentration limits only apply when these mass limits are exceeded. This is particularly
important from a compliance perspective. If nitrification is lost or inhibited, ammonia
concentrations increase, and there is minimal corrective action that can be accomplished in the
short term to lower concentrations. However, the Lemont Refinery does have the ability to limit
the volume of discharge for a period of time, and could reduce its discharge rate during periods
when the nitrification process is upset to stay under the mass limits. From an environmental
perspective, this is a good approach to minimizing any increase in ammonia in the Ship Canal,
and allows for a proactive method for refinery personnel to respond to upsets without violating
an effluent limit.
The Lemont Refinery has consistently achieved the Best Available Treatment ammonia
limits since 1987. The average net ammonia discharged by the refinery to the Ship Canal since
1999 has been 43 lbs/day, and in 2008 through June the refinery has removed 29 pounds per day
from the Ship Canal, while adding only 17 pounds per day.
The site-specific relief is not required to achieve the calculated BAT limits, but rather for
the unique Illinois River Basin regulations that were based on river conditions that existed in the
early 1970s, but no longer exist today. The Lemont Refinery has been unable to consistently
achieve the ammonia effluent limits due to the complex nature of petroleum refining as well as
the sensitive nature of the nitrification process itself. The Lemont Refinery has expended over
$45,000,000 since 1998, to attempt to further reduce effluent ammonia levels. The increase in the
processing of heavier crude oils in 2005 clearly set back the refinery’s progress. However, the
steady improvement since 2006 and the record low effluent ammonia levels through the first six
months of 2008 suggest that the Lemont Refinery is close to achieving the 3/6 mg/L limits, and a
five year period to fine tune and demonstrate performance is reasonable. The environment will
benefit from the significant reductions in ammonia permitted to be discharge while consumers
may benefit from less expensive petroleum products in Illinois and a reduced carbon footprint
associated with add-on nitrification equipment at the Lemont Refinery.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Given that the proposed effluent limits are lower than the limits determined from the
water quality-based derivation, the requested effluent limits will be protective of the Ship
Canal’s water quality. The overall declining ammonia loading on the Illinois River System and
the onset of nitrification within the Ship Canal itself (due to higher dissolved oxygen levels) have
virtually eliminated un-ioinized ammonia exceedances downstream of the Lemont Refinery.
Dramatic improvements in the dissolved oxygen level within the Ship Canal have also occurred
over the past twenty years. These factors support the Lemont Refinery’s request for site-specific
relief, as no environmental impacts from the requested relief have been identified.
Chicago Area Waterway System Use Attainability Analysis,
August 2007.
Huff, J. E. and M. A. Panatera,
Environmental Assessment & Effluent Limit Derivation Report
for the Ammonia Discharge from the CITGO Lemont Refinery,
February 2008
Illinois EPA, Statement of Reason, R08-09, 2008.
R. Sulski,
Pre-filed Testimony in the Matter of R08-09
, December 21, 2007, page 17.
U. S. EPA,
Technical Support Document for Water Quality-based Toxics Control,
85-032, September 1985.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

My name is Robert M. Stein and I am affiliated with AWARE Environmental Inc. (AEI). I have
been evaluating the Citgo Lemont Refinery’s (Lemont Refinery) wastewater treatment plant with
regard to achieving the State of Illinois ammonia nitrogen discharge limitations for over 30 years.
A summary of the AWARE Environmental Inc. professional capabilities, as well as the vitae for
those persons participating in this evaluation are attached and are designated as follows:
Description of AWARE Environmental Inc.
Exhibit 6
Robert M. Stein Vitae
Exhibit 7
George Tyrian Vitae
Exhibit 8
I have specialized in the area of industrial water pollution control and I have worked with
numerous industries with regard to biological nitrification and nitrogen control. I have consulted
on over 10 refinery and 30 nitrogen control projects. A detailed list of projects is included in the
attached vitae.
I have been a contributing author to one of the standard texts in the environmental engineering
field, have been an adjunct professor at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, I was
appointed by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission to serve on the
Champion/Pigeon River Water Quality Variance Review Committee and I was awarded the
TAPPI Roy F. Weston award for outstanding contributions in environmental technology. I have
authored numerous articles on industrial environmental control. A list of publications is included
with my vitae. Several of these were in the area of nitrogen control.
AEI, in addition to extensive experience in refinery and nitrogen removal systems in general, has
a detailed understanding of the Lemont Refinery. The refinery produces gasoline, a variety of
other fuels, coke, and solvents from crude oil. AEI personnel have been working with the
Lemont Refinery treatment system for approximately thirty (30) years.
Process wastewater and stormwater from the refinery are treated in the refinery’s wastewater
treatment facility. The wastewater facility includes oil and solids removal, flow equalization,
clarification, single-stage activated sludge treatment and final polishing.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

The Lemont Refinery has been unable to consistently and reliably meet the State of Illinois
effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration standard of 3.0 mg/L. The Illinois Pollution Control
Board granted the refinery a site specific rule change, effective through December 31, 2008,
which allows the refinery to meet the U.S. EPA Best Available Technology Economically
Achievable (BAT) effluent limitations. The refinery has consistently achieved compliance with
the U.S. EPA BAT effluent limitations.
AWARE Environmental Inc. (AEI) of Charlotte, North Carolina was retained by the Lemont
Refinery to evaluate current conditions and potential alternatives for upgrading the treatment
system to meet a 3 mg/l ammonia nitrogen limit. AEI conducted a conceptual evaluation of the
Lemont Refinery wastewater treatment system, and the available alternatives to achieve
ammonia removal for a refinery wastewater. The details of this evaluation are presented in our
report entitled “Technical Review of Ammonia Treatment at the Wastewater Treatment Plant –
Citgo Petroleum Corporation, Lemont Refinery,” attached to this testimony as
Exhibit 9
. The
primary objectives of this evaluation were to:
1. Determine if the present wastewater treatment system is consistent with U.S. EPA BAT
2. Determine if the wastewater treatment system operating conditions are conducive to
biological nitrification; and
3. Evaluate alternative ammonia removal technologies and the cost of those technologies to
determine if changes in the present wastewater treatment system are warranted as part of
a program to achieve compliance with the 3 mg/l ammonia nitrogen criteria.
The results of this evaluation indicate that Lemont Refinery has a wastewater treatment system
which exceeds BAT criteria and which allows the refinery to comply with U.S. EPA refinery
discharge regulations. The long term performance data has demonstrated that the refinery
wastewater treatment facility has achieved compliance with the current mass based limitations
for ammonia nitrogen contained in the NPDES permit, but that the refinery has not been able to
consistently meet a 3.0 mg/l ammonia nitrogen limit as per the Illinois regulations.
A review of the wastewater treatment technologies employed at the other Illinois Refineries was
conducted. These refineries were Conoco-Phillips, Roxana, IL; Exxon-Mobil, Joliet, IL; and
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Marathon, Robinson, IL. The wastewater treatment processes employed by these Refineries are
very similar to those utilized at the Lemont Refinery.
A review of the activated sludge treatment plant was performed with regard to factors which
control the ability of a biological treatment facility to achieve nitrification. These factors include
food to microorganisms ratio (F/M), sludge age, dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature,
pH, and alkalinity. The review indicates that these parameters have been maintained in the
ranges favorable to nitrification. However, in spite of this, the refinery treatment facility has
been unable to meet the 3.0 mg/l ammonia nitrogen standard on a consistent basis.
We found that Lemont Refinery has maintained an ongoing optimization program and this
program has resulted in improved ammonia nitrogen removal. The program has been expanded
to address changes in the petroleum refinery industry. The refinery has spent over $45,000,000
over the last ten years on capital projects related to ammonia control and reduction.
As a result of changes in the crude quality, Lemont refinery has experienced a five-fold increase
in wastewater treatment chemical addition costs over the last 4 years. Lemont refinery has and is
continuing to conduct research which addresses the environmental impacts caused by crude
quality fluctuations. Crude quality fluctuations confirm AEI’s previous analysis which indicated
that the capability of the wastewater treatment system is limited, in large part, due to the inherent
variability of refinery wastewater.
There are a large number of treatment technologies which can be utilized for ammonia removal.
These include biological treatment technologies, land treatment, wetlands polishing, and
physical/chemical treatment. As part of my review of treatment alternatives for upgrade of the
Lemont Refinery wastewater treatment plant to achieve increased ammonia removal I considered
our experience in design and operation of nitrogen technologies along with a detailed review of
published data on technologies for ammonia removal. The most commonly used approach for
ammonia nitrogen removal is biological nitrification.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Biological nitrification is typically a two step process as follows:
2 NH
+ 3O
2 NO
+ 4H
+ 2 H
2 NO
+ O
Total Reaction
+ 2O
+ 2H
+ H
It is in the biological nitrification process where refineries have experienced problems in
providing consistent ammonia nitrogen removal. This is because biological nitrification is a
very sensitive process. The cell growth rate is much lower for the ammonia nitrogen organisms
(nitrifers) than for carbonaceous degradation (COD) organisms. In a typical activated sludge
aeration basin, nitrifies represent only 2-5% of the aeration tank biomass. The nitrification
growth rate is more sensitive to temperature changes than carbonaceous organism and nitrifers
are more susceptible to chemicals discharges. This can occur in a number of ways:
1. Inhibition – Nitrifers continue to grow but at a slower rate
2. Toxicity – Loss of nitrifers
EPA has published a listing of organics and metals which inhibit the organic activated sludge
process and which affect nitrification (EPA-430/9-76-017a). This document indicates there are
significantly more compounds which affect nitrification than carbonaceous organisms and where
a compound affects both it typically affects nitrifers at a much lower dosage (I.E. phenol affects
carbonaceous organisms at 200 mg/l and nitrifers at 4-10 mg/l).
Because of the sensitivity of the nitrifying organisms in the degradation of refinery wastewaters
and the long term variability which has occurred in achieving ammonia removal at the Lemont
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Refinery, process technologies considerations were based on approaches which could minimize
potential upsets and provide the best mechanism for biological nitrogen removal. This included
single stage activated sludge (an increase in the activated sludge aeration basin size or addition
of a media to the existing aeration basin to obtain additional biomass). Some of the media
applications include Kaldnes, Linpor, Hydroxyl or Agar or the addition of supplemental
specialized bacteria to a single stage basin. However, these alternatives were rejected because of
the sensitivity of nitrifers to the refinery wastewater. Since the existing treatment plant has been
experiencing problems with loss of nitrification and the fixed media type organisms are subject
to sluffing, the addition of fixed media or increased retention time does not provide the best
alternative to minimize potential upsets.
An alternative approach could be providing a fixed bed type system ahead of the activated sludge
system as a pretreatment. However, this still presents a problem since the fixed bed bacteria
would be more sensitive to upsets and would not do as good as job of removing the carboneous
materials. There is a very high probability of sluffing of the organisms which could upset the
activated sludge process.
In reviewing alternatives for upgrading a single activated sludge system, we felt that the two
most promising alternatives were a single stage activated sludge with a powered activated carbon
supplement or a single stage activated sludge membrane bioreactor. The powered activated
carbon supplement includes the advantage of the plastic type media in that it provides a location
where additional bacteria can grow however the powdered activated carbon also adsorbs
materials that may be toxic or inhibitory to the nitrifying organisms. This process allows
concentration of trace nutrients at the carbon surface and provides bulk addition to improve
sludge settling properties.
The membrane bioreactor technology is one of the newest approaches for improving biological
nitrification. With the membrane there can be improved solids liquids separation and the
treatment plant is able to operate at significantly higher MLSS levels than in a conventional
treatment plant (typically twice the normal MLSS levels). Specifically this allows:
1) the retention time of the biomass can be increased to create favorable conditions for
normal growth of the nitrifying organisms;
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

2) better and more reliable effluent quality as compared to a conventional processes; and
3) easier control and operation of the system since the system would not longer need a
secondary clarifier.
In addition to considering a single stage system we also considered two stage biological
treatment. In a two stage process, carbonaceous removal is achieved in the first stage. This is
normally an activated sludge process. The first stage reduces the concentration of toxic and
inhibitory materials. There are two basic second stage alternatives. One is to have a 2
activated sludge system and the other is use of a fixed media system for the 2
stage. The
reason for selecting a fixed media system for the 2
stage is that the nitrifying organisms tend to
grow slower than carboneous organisms, they do not settle as well and therefore, if the inhibitory
or toxic materials can be reduced in the 1
stage than a 2
stage fixed film system provides a
very good mechanism for biological treatment. The poor settling organisms will attach to the
Based on the analysis of all alternatives, four of the most viable alternatives were selected for
preliminary process design and budgetary cost estimates. The four alternatives selected include
powdered activated carbon addition (PACT), a two stage activated sludge fixed media biological
treatment, membrane bioreactors, and breakpoint chlorination. Addition of a fixed media
biological reactor would be the most cost-effective alternative. The fixed media system would
utilize a rotating biological contractor (RBC) and would have an estimated capital cost of
$13,500,000 and an estimated annual operating cost of $1,220,000. The estimated total
annualized cost for the addition of the fixed media reactor system over a ten (10) year period at 8
percent interest is $3,220,000/year.
Even with the ammonia removal upgrades, the ability of the treatment system to consistently
meet the 3.0 mg/l ammonia nitrogen standard is uncertain. Based on the significant cost of
upgrading the system, and the uncertainty that the upgraded system would achieve consistent
compliance with the 3.0 mg/l ammonia nitrogen standard, upgrading the treatment system with
additional treatment technologies for ammonia removal is not justified.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Our findings indicate that the Lemont refinery has an approach which is properly directed to
improving treatment plant performance, particularly as it relates to ammonia removal. We
recommend that Lemont Refinery continue its ongoing research studies and projects designed to
optimize the existing wastewater treatment system. These efforts should be directed toward
obtaining the maximum possible ammonia removal on a consistent basis. Continued
development of operational data under the varying conditions inherent with refinery wastes will
help to improve the performance of the system, and will allow the maximum ammonia removal
capability of the system to be achieved.
In conjunction with the preparation of testimony I received and reviewed a copy of the June 20,
2008 document entitled “Recommendation of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency”
related to the Lemont Refinery ammonia standard request. I offer the following comments to
information contained in that document:
1. Item #13 on Page 5. In this section it is indicated that many expenditures which were
credited as improvements to the treatment plant were not directly related to ammonia
nitrogen. I feel that this is not true since many of the items noted were implemented to
improve the overall treatment plant performance and the overall treatment plant
performance improvements allowed the treatment plant to provide increased biological
nitrification. For example, gas floatation pretreats and removes oils and solids prior to
the activated sludge system. Oils can inhibit nitrification and the lower levels of these
materials improves biological nitrification. In addition, the cost of the Purge treatment
unit “PTU”, installed as part of the FCC consent decree, were largely caused by the need
to consistently provide ammonia nitrogen removal. Before installation of the FCC unit,
the Refinery was far below BAT treatment standards. The PTU wastewater treatment
processes would likely not have been needed had the ammonia rule - or the ammonia site
specific rule - not been in effect.
2. Item #15 on Page 7. There is a discussion that when the board adopted the provisions of
the ammonia nitrogen standard there was extensive testimony as to the availability of
methods for reducing ammonia in the effluent and it was determined that nitrification can
be satisfactory accomplished for a reasonable price by a second stage of biological
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

treatment. It indicated that the evidence is clear that for too long, oxygen demand exerted
by ammonia in
waste has been overlooked.
We feel that there is adequate demonstration that domestic wastewater treatment plants
can achieve biological nitrification but this is not the case for the treatment of refinery
wastewaters. Two documents which justify this finding are the “Development Document
for Effluent Limitation Guidelines in New Source Performance Standards for the
Petroleum Refinery Point Source Category”, April 1974, developed by the US
Environmental Protection Agency and the “Develop Document for Effluent Guidelines
New Source Performance Standards and Pretreatment Standards for the Petroleum
Refinery Point Source Category”, October 1982, developed by the effluent guidelines
division of the US Environmental Protection Agency. In both of these documents, there
is clear indication that the petroleum refinery industry does not have the technology for
economically achieving a 3 mg/l effluent standard on a consistent basis. In 1974, the
EPA data showed that an activated sludge system for an petroleum refinery can expect to
produce an effluent ammonia of 1 to 100 mg/l and in the 1982 development document the
EPA indicated that for direct dischargers in the petroleum refinery industry (Table 6-1)
that the current BPT for ammonia nitrogen is 6.8 mg/l.
These data indicate that although the board may have had extensive testimony on
methods of removing ammonia nitrogen in domestic effluents the technology was
fundamentally different for ammonia nitrogen in the refining industry.
3. Item #15 on Page 7. It is noted that Citgo is the only refinery discharging to the Ship
Canal that has yet to meet the ammonia nitrogen standard in the Illinois administrative
code. I am not aware of any other refineries that discharge to the ship canal.
4. Items #17 and 18 on Page 8. The board specifically states that nitrification can be
satisfactory accomplished at a reasonable price. We question the use of reasonable price
in light of the specific nitrogen reduction which is proposed to be achieved. Table 3-10
of the AWARE report (
Exhibit 9)
shows that the average effluent ammonia from January
2006 through October 2007 was 122 lbs NH
-N/day. At an average flow of 7.13 MGD
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

and at a 3 mg/l ammonia nitrogen limit, the refinery would be allowed to discharge 178
lbs NH
-N/day. Therefore, the long term ammonia discharge is less than the projected
limit. The technical and economic justification to spend an annual cost in excess of
3,000,000 to achieve very little addition nitrogen removal and a level that is not expected
to consistently achieve the 3 mg/l standard is questionable.
5. Item #19 on Page 9. This notes that Citgo is the only Illinois refinery not meeting the
ammonia limit. Based on a review of the available NPDES data, the Conoco Philips
Refinery is only in compliance with the 3 mg/l limit approximately 90% of the time and
the Exxon Mobil Refinery has been in compliance only since 2005.
6. Item #20 on Page 9. The report questions if the refinery has adequate retention time to
comply with the effluent standards. It should be noted that the retention time at the
Conoco Philips is 1.31 days and that refinery, as previously noted, has only been in
compliance approximately 90% of the time. The F/M as noted in the AEI report at the
Citgo Refinery is adequate for biological nitrification and on a long term basis achieves a
very low effluent ammonia concentration. One item noted in the EPA development
document related to refineries are “the effluent from a properly designed and operated
treatment plant changes continually due to the variety of factors. Changes in production
mix, production rate, and reaction chemistry influence the composition of raw wasteload
and therefore, its treatability. Changes in biological factors influence the efficiency of
the treatment process”. Therefore, we feel that there are a number of factors which effect
the performance of a refinery treatment plant to achieve nitrification and that these have a
direct effect on the ability of the treatment plant to consistently achieve nitrification.
7. Item #20 on Page 10. It was noted that Citgo did not consider additional aeration basin or
additional clarifier to provide longer detention time. It should be noted in the AEI report
(in Table 4-6 of
Exhibit 9
) that the overflow rate in the clarification system is lower than
in the Exxon Mobil and Conoco Philips refineries. Therefore additional clarification
would not necessarily make any significant improvement. We looked at additional
detention time in that one of the processes selected (2-stage biological system where we
used a fixed film system as the second stage). This provides additional detention time
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

and also provides what we feel is one of the best cases for providing good treatment in
that a 2-stage system provides reduction of toxic and inhibitory materials in the 1
and a 2
stage a fixed film type process provides a very good media for growth of
nitrifying organisms.
8. Item #24 on Page 11. The ammonia concentrations in the permit should not affect the
long term average ammonia discharge. As previously noted the long term ammonia
discharge from the refinery in 2006-2007 was 122 lbs/day. This is actually significantly
less on a long term basis than the proposed permitting levels. Therefore, we do not feel
that there is any significant additional effect on aquatic life. This also applies to Item 25
on Page 12 which questions the additional ammonia effecting DO in the ship canal since
on a long term average the ammonia discharge is less than would be permitted under the
3 mg/l regulation.
9. Item #37 on Page 16. The other refineries have not been able to consistently achieve the
3 mg/l level. We disagreed, as previously stated, that the additional ammonia removal
will be cost effective.
I will now summarize our findings which have resulted in these conclusions:
a) The U.S. EPA has developed a model plant for sour water strippers. The Lemont
Refinery has maintained an on-going program with the objective of improving
stripper performance. The sour water stripper data from the last ten years shows that
ammonia removal efficiencies have been observed in excess of 96.8 percent, and
monthly average efficiencies have been observed in excess of 99 percent. This type
of performance is indicative of the facility’s diligent program of improving
performance. This represents performance well exceeding the U.S. EPA model
refinery objective and continues to show ongoing improvement.
b) The U.S. EPA developed a BAT model for a refinery wastewater treatment system.
Our analysis of the Lemont Refinery wastewater treatment system indicates that it
exceeds the BAT technology for refinery wastewater treatment as presented in the
1982 U.S. EPA “Development Document”. The BAT criteria used as the basis for
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

the U.S. EPA effluent limitations guidelines are compared with the refinery
wastewater treatment system in Table 1. As shown in Table 1 the refinery treatment
system contains all of the BAT components outlined in the U.S. EPA. In addition to
complying with the U.S. EPA model technology, the facility has continually made
improvements and upgrades to its wastewater management program to reduce
effluent ammonia and improve the overall performance of the treatment system.
Based on the continued improvement in effluent quality it appears that these
improvements and upgrades have been successful.
c) We have found that the Refinery wastewater treatment system performance is
compliant with the U.S. EPA BAT effluent limits for ammonia. The current NPDES
ammonia limits are 1005.73 lbs/day average and 2212.65 lbs/day maximum based
upon updated production data. An evaluation of the data from January 2006 through
October 2007 shows that the effluent ammonia has consistently been less than BAT
levels with an average ammonia nitrogen discharge over this period of 122 lbs/day.
The refinery produces a better quality effluent ammonia and the U.S. EPA BAT
ammonia effluent limits are achieved 100 percent of the time, even under extreme and
adverse conditions.
A number of parameters have been identified which affect biological nitrification. These
parameters are: F/M (food to mass ratio); sludge age, aeration basin pH, aeration basin
temperature; and aeration basin dissolved oxygen concentration.
Table 2 presents an analysis of normal requirements for nitrification and the operating levels
at the Lemont Refinery. As can be noted, the Lemont Refinery has consistently provided
equal or better capabilities.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

BAT Guidelines
Lemont Refinery System
Sour water strippers
Sour water strippers provide in excess
96% average ammonia removal
Flow equalization
Two (2) 4.6 MG process wastewater
storage tanks providing approximately
4.2 day equalization capacity in addition
to a 52 MG stormwater capacity which
provide 14 days equalization and a 0.25
MG equalization tank
Initial oil and solids removal
CPI separators
Additional oil and solids removal in the
two 4.6 MG process wastewater storage
Additional oil and solids removal
100 ft diameter primary clarifier with
polymer addition
Induced gas flotation
Biological treatment
Single-stage activated sludge system
Filtration or other final polishing
16 MG final polishing pond
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Optimum Range
Lemont Refinery
F/M, lb BOD5/lb MLVSS-day
Less than 0.3
0.056 – 0.287
Sludge Age, days
> 10
13.1 - > 100
D.O., mg/L
3.3 – 7.0
7.2 – 9.0
7.0 – 8.2
Temperature, ºF
68 – 100
76 - 97
Average D.O. should be >
2.0 mg/L.
Minimum D.O. should be >
1.5 mg/L.
Based on monthly average data.
F/M exceeded this range in June and July 1994. Overall average F/M over
operating period is approximately 0.150 lb/lb-day.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

In conjunction with the review of alternative technologies to upgrade the Lemont Refinery, a
review of the treatment technologies in place at other Illinois refineries was conducted. The
refineries included:
Roxana, IL
Joliet, IL
Robinson, IL
A summary of this analysis is presented in Table 3.
This analysis indicated that the treatment technologies at all the Illinois refineries are very
similar. All have preliminary oil separation followed by an additional oil-water separator
using a gas flotation process. The biological treatment process is activated sludge. The
overflow rates on the secondary clarifiers are similar. The only difference in the treatment
systems appears to be the activated sludge retention time. The Conoco-Phillips and
Marathon refineries have a longer retention time than the Lemont Refinery. The Exxon-
Mobil and Lemont Refinery have similar activated sludge retention times. A review of the
effluent data shows that the Conoco-Phillips Refinery has not been in consistent compliance
with the 3 mg/l ammonia standard. The Exxon-Mobil Refinery exceeded the 3 mg/l limit
prior to 2005.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

AEI JOB NO. N356-01
Initial Oil and Solids Removal
Oil/Water Separator
API Separator
Two-4.6 MG Process
Separation Tanks
API Separator
Additional Oil and Solids Removal
Dissolved Nitrogen
Air Flotation
Induced Gas Flotation
Dissolved Nitrogen Flotation
Biological Treatment
Activated sludge with 1.31
days detention time and
450 gpd/ft
Activated sludge with 10.9
hrs detention time
(upgrading to 19.4 hrs).
Clarifier overflow 392
Activated sludge with 7.7 hrs
detention time and 382
clarifier overflow
Activated sludge with 1.54
days detention time and 227
clarifier overflow
Tertiary Treatment
Polishing ponds 5.4 mg
Polishing pond 4.9 mg
Polishing in treated water
basin (polishing pond) 16 mg
Final filtration
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

The AEI analysis of the Lemont Refinery treatment facility indicated that the refinery has
been unable to provide consistent biological nitrification. Consequently alternative treatment
technologies or variations of the biological treatment technology were examined to determine
the feasibility of achieving the State of Illinois ammonia limitations of 3 mg/L. The
alternative technologies which were evaluated included:
1. Biological Treatment Technologies/Adaptations
a. Single-stage activated sludge.
b. Single-stage activated sludge with the supplement of specialized bacteria.
c. Single-stage activated sludge with a powdered activated carbon supplement.
d. Single-stage activated sludge membrane bioreactor.
e. Two-stage activated sludge.
f. Two-stage biological treatment using activated sludge for the first stage and a
fixed media system for the second stage.
2. Land Treatment
3. Wetlands Polishing
4. Physical – Chemical Technologies
a. Ion exchange.
b. Air stripping.
c. Steam stripping.
d. Breakpoint chlorination.
Based on a review of available literature, previous studies on Lemont Refinery wastewater, and
our personal experience with similar wastewaters, this list of technologies was reduced to the
four with the greatest potential for achieving the Illinois 3.0 mg/l ammonia nitrogen standard on
a consistent basis. The four technologies selected for consideration at Lemont Refinery are:
1. Activated sludge with powdered activated carbon addition (PACT);
2. Activated sludge with a fixed media system;
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

3. Activated sludge with membrane bioreactor; and
4. Activated sludge with breakpoint chlorination and dechlorination.
Each technology was subjected to a rigorous and thorough evaluation to evaluate its potential for
achieving the objective mentioned above.
Our analysis indicated that the least expensive approach for compliance was a second stage fixed
media biological treatment unit. The annualized cost for the fixed media system over 10 years at
percent interest is $3,220,000.
Additional ammonia removal may be achievable by upgrading the treatment plant with
additional treatment steps such as a fixed media biological treatment unit. However, this would
be at significant cost, and it is uncertain that the upgraded system would achieve consistent
compliance with the 3 mg/L ammonia nitrogen standard. Therefore, upgrading the treatment
system with additional treatment technologies for ammonia removal is not justified at this time.
In summary, an analysis of the Lemont Refinery wastewater collection and treatment system was
conducted to determine if the system continues to be a BAT facility. The results of this analysis
indicate that the refinery has a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment system which exceeds BAT
criteria and allows compliance with all U.S. EPA refinery discharge regulations and with the
current NPDES permit for the facility. The wastewater treatment system has been operated
under conditions which are optimum to achieve biological nitrification. There have been
significant changes in crude supply and the refinery is processing heavier crudes, the wastewater
treatment program has been diligent and has continued to provide excellent performance.
However, the system has been unable to consistently achieve biological nitrification. The data
has demonstrated that the wastewater treatment system is not able to consistently provide
biological nitrification to meet the 3 mg/L ammonia nitrogen standard as required in the Illinois
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

The Lemont Refinery has continued its program to optimize its treatment system. This appears
to be the proper direction for improving wastewater treatment performance.
Alternative add-on, end-of-pipe treatment technology has been evaluated and will have an
annualized cost of $3,220,000. There is no guarantee that installing this technology will result in
compliance with the 3 mg/L ammonia nitrogen limitation.
Therefore, we recommend that Lemont Refinery continue its ongoing wastewater treatment
improvement programs. These efforts should be directed toward obtaining the maximum
possible ammonia removal on a consistent basis. Continued development of operational data
under the varying conditions inherent with refinery wastes will help to improve the performance
of the system, and will allow the maximum ammonia removal capability of the system to be
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008


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What is the Design Average Flow for the Refinery’s discharge?
5.79 MGD (H&H Report, page 9).
Is the far edge of the mixing zone located in the Chicago Sanitary & Ship Canal?
Citgo discharges into the S&S Canal at River Mile 296.5 (H&H Report page 16). The
maximum permitted mixing zone would carry to River Mile 291.5, which is still in the
Chicago Sanitary & Ship Canal 0.5 miles above the Lockport Lock & Dam (H&H report
page 16).
What is the projected incremental change in the ammonia concentration at the edge
of the mixing zone when the refinery is discharging 10.61 mg/L? Also, please describe
the incremental changes in terms of un-ionized ammonia.
The 7Q10 for the S&S Canal at Romeoville is 1,315 cfs, or 850 million gallons per day
(MGD) (H&H Report, page 9). The mixing zone would encompass 212.5 MGD at low
flow, so the available dilution would be 212.5 MGD/5.79 MGD or 36.7 to 1. Using a
background of 0.65 mg/L for the average ammonia upstream of the refinery, then when
the refinery is discharging 10.61 mg/L at 5.79 MGD, the incremental increase in
ammonia concentration at the edge of the mixing zone will be 0.27 mg/L. This value
assumes no reduction in concentration due to nitrification or volatilization within the
mixing zone, essentially treating ammonia as a conservative pollutant. It should be noted
that Citgo’s already exists, and so the downstream water quality data presented in the
Huff & Huff Report already reflect this contribution.
With respect to the question on the un-ionized ammonia, the average ammonia at
Lockport was 0.65 mg/L from 2001 to 2002, while the un-ionized ammonia averaged
0.005 mg/L (Tables 4-1 and 4-2 from the H&H Report). Therefore on average, the un-
ionized ammonia represents 0.76% of the total ammonia. So when the Refinery is
discharging at 10.61 mg/L, at the edge of the mixing zone the total ammonia will be 0.27
mg/L higher, and the un-ionized ammonia will increase over the upstream by 0.002
mg/L, assuming again no biological degradation or volatilization. Table 4-2 from the
H&H Report clearly indicates un-ionized ammonia water quality consistently achieves
the standards.
The 2008 AWARE Report states that “[t]he annual average ammonia discharge to
the Canal over the last 5 years has averaged 102.4 pounds per day…” Pet., Exh. B at
30. Please elaborate on the data used to calculate the average of 102.4 pounds per day
for the last five years.
Aware used the effluent data from 2003 through 2007, inclusive, to compute this average
mass discharge. The specific data was:
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Does Citgo anticipate an increase in production during the requested 5-year adjusted
standard period?
Citgo continues to carry out projects that make the refinery process more efficient, and
this will continue over the five year period. None of these projects will result in an
increase in the ammonia loading to the wastewater treatment plant. There are currently
no plans to increase the crude oil throughput from the current rated capacity. Citgo does
anticipate it will identify additional projects that will reduce effluent ammonia loadings to
the wastewater treatment plant over the five year period.
Did the petitioners intend to propose that 6.93 mg/L be the monthly average
limitation and 10.61 mg/L be the daily maximum limitation? Also, please explain the
rationale for proposing effluent limits based upon ammonia loading rates on a monthly
and daily basis.
Citgo did indeed intend to propose the 6.93 mg/L as a monthly average limit and the
10.61 mg/L as the daily maximum limit.
The proposed concentration limits when the mass loadings exceed 100 lbs/day (monthly)
or 200 lbs/day (daily) is based upon Title 35, Section 304.122. The refinery is located on
part of the Illinois River System, which has unique effluent ammonia limits that are
applicable only to dischargers exceeding the above mass limits. Dischargers below these
mass limits currently have no concentration limits. As noted in the next question, Citgo
has not consistently achieved the requested concentration limits. Citgo believes it is
important to continue to show progress toward meeting the Illinois effluent limits, and
therefore committed to the more restrictive concentration limits, when the mass loadings
exceed the regulatory thresholds. This threshold is important in the Refinery’s ability to
comply with the proposed limits. While the Refinery has limited control over ammonia
concentrations on a day-to-day basis, it has significant control on the volume discharged
to the Ship Canal. Therefore, during upsets, Citgo plans to reduce the volume discharge
in the short run in its Treated Water Basin, and if necessary reprocess part of this water
until the concentration limits are achieved. This will require a change in the operational
practices at the wastewater treatment facilities, which Citgo is prepared to make.
Please clarify that the limits of 6.93 mg/L and 10.61 mg/L in the proposed adjusted
standard are attainable as expected by petitioners. Also, please elaborate on reliance
upon the 95
percentile and whether exceedences above the limits based on the 95
percentile are expected.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

Anytime one relies on a statistical approach, exceedences can be expected based on the
confidence level chosen. Again, Citgo is committed to making reasonable progress
toward compliance with the Illinois effluent limits, and believes it can achieve the
requested levels on a consistent basis, assuming the mass limit applicability is also
adopted. As explained in the response to question 2a, Citgo’s operational strategy will be
to hold back effluent water to stay under the mass thresholds during upset conditions.
Please demonstrate that the unionized ammonia water quality standard of 0.1 mg/L
will be met at the edge of the mixing zone.
The monitoring data presented in the Huff & Huff Report already includes the ammonia
contribution from the Citgo Refinery. This request is not for a new or increased discharge
of ammonia. As described in response to question 1c, the un-ionized ammonia averages
0.76% of the total ammonia. At a discharge of 10.61 mg/L, as derived in response to
question 1c, the incremental increase in ammonia at the edge of the mixing zone will be
0.27 mg/L. Assuming the un-ionized ammonia is 0.76% of this 0.27 mg/L, that yields
0.002 mg/L increase in un-ionized ammonia. Using the highest un-ionized ammonia
recorded at the Lockport Forebay on the Ship Canal (Table 4-2 from H&H Report) of
0.070 mg/L and assuming that Citgo’s existing effluent did not somehow contribute to
this value, then the predicted maximum un-ionized ammonia will be 0.072 mg/L at the
edge of the mixing zone, compared to the water quality standard of 0.100 mg/L. Again, it
is important to note that ammonia is not a conservative pollutant, it will both degrade and
volatilize as it travels downstream.
Electronic Filing - Received
Clerk's Office
August 1, 2008

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