December 18, 1975
PCB 75—420
The Petition for Variance in this matter was filed by
Petitioner Mobil Oil Corporation
on October 28,
seeking relief from Rule 408(a)
it applies to cyanide),
and 1002 of Chapter
3: Water Pollution, of the Pollution
Control Board
Rules and Regulations.
PCB Regs.,
Rules 408(a),
The Environmental Protection
(Agency) Recommendation was filed on December
No hearing was held in this matter.
The relief sought here is essentially the same as that
granted by the Board in two previous Variances for Mobil’s
Joliet Refinery.
PCB 73—452,
13 PCB 179
(1974); PCB 74—393,
15 PCB 253
In each of those cases the Board’s Opinion
examined the operations of the Joliet Refinery, and the sources
of cyanide in the refinery’s operations.
We may summarize our
findings there by stating that essentially all of the cyanide-
bearing wastewaters are generated
in the fluid catalytic
and coker
for further
information, the reader is referred to our earlier Opinions.
As was true in the previous Variance cases, Mobil bases
its petition on a lack of available treatment technology
for the removal of sub-milligram per liter cyanide concentration
levels from refinery wastewaters, and its inability to control
the formation of cyanide and cyanide compounds in the basic
refinery processes.
We accept these contentions, which are
well documented in the records of this and the previous Variance
cases, as well as in the reports submitted by Mobil under the
Orders in PCB 73—452 and PCB 74—393.
Both of the previous Variances were of the “research” type,
wherein the Variance grant is conditioned on the initiation or
continuation of research in an attempt to either eliminate the
contaminant source or to develop a feasible treatment technology,
where no such treatment technology exists.
As was the case in
the more recent of the prior Variances,
PCB 74—393, we again
find that Mobil has attempted in good faith to resolve the
cyanide problem at the Joliet Refinery.
Mobil has continued
its investigation of various unproven technologies, and has
also attempted to modify fluid catalytic cracker operations
control cyanide formation,
all without success.
Mobil has complied with all other conditions of the previous
concerning attempts to arrive at more accurate testing
methods and extensive sampling and reporting requirements.
The same factors found in our earlier Opinions remain:
The record again fails to show a suitable
means of removing the cyanide from the Joliet Refinery’s
effluent, giving rise to sufficient hardship for the
grant of the Variance.
Testing to date has failed to show any
adverse environmental effect on the Des Plaines
the refinery’s receiving stream.
Weighing these factors, we find that the grant of a Variance
has once again been justified.
The only remaining matter is to
determine the conditions which shall accompany that grant.
First, Mobil asks that the effluent levels contained in the
more recent Variance, PCB 74-393, be continued.
The Board there
allowed cyanide levels of 0.3 mg/l on a monthly average, with a
maximum at any time of 0.5 mg/l.
The Agency notes that in 1975,
Mobil’s cyanide effluent has exceeded 0.1 mg/i only 11
of the
time, and has never exceeded 0.2 mg/i, and therefore suggests a
monthly average limitation of 0.2 mg/i,
with the level never to
exceed 0.32 mg/i.
Apparently anticipating such a request by the
Agency, the Petition notes that Mobil is unable to explain the
decrease in its cyanide effluent content over the last two years,
and postulates that the cyanide levels are dependent on nitrogen
levels in crude oil,
a factor over which Mobil has no control.
We agree with the Agency.
The Board will not, in an instance
such as
this, grant a higher interim limitation than that which
is shown to be necessary.
Mobil asks that the requirement that it sample and
analyze water from the Des Plaines, both upstream of the refinery
and at the edge of its mixing zone, be dropped.
The Agency agrees
that upstream sampling should no longer be required, but notes
that some analyses at the edge of the mixing zone have shown levels
of cyanide approaching the water quality standard of 0.025 mg/i.
We agree with the Agency that continued sampling and analysis at
the edge of the mixing zone will continue to allow measurement of
the effect of the refinery on water quality in the Des Plaines,
and may serve to protect that water quality.
Third, Mobil notes that it has had difficulty in conforming
to that portion of the Board’s prior Order in PCB 74-393 concerning
sampling of “dissociated toxic ions, moderately complexed cyanide
ions that are amenable to alkaline chlorination, highly complexed
cyanide ions that are not amenable to alkaline chlorination
destruction, and cyanide ions associated with organic compounds.”
15 PCB at 258.
The difficulty here concerns the lack of acceptable
testing and analytical procedures at sub—milligram levels.
resolve this issue, we shall require that only a portion of this
testing breakdown of Mobil’s effluent be continued.
Our Order
here shall require only that Mobil report on those cyanides present
in its wastewater that are amenable to alkaline chlorination, and
its total cyanide effluent.
The remaining conditions are identical to those contained in
the Order in PCB 74-393.
We also take notice of the fact that the Board has pending
before it two proposals
(R 74—15,
—16) which seek a relaxation of
current general cyanide standards.
Our Order provides for the
possibility that new standards might be adopted following those
proceedings, and requires that Mobil takes whatever steps are
necessary for compliance with any new, relaxed standard.
This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
of law of the Board in this matter.
Petitioner Mobil Oil Corporation is hereby
granted a Variance from Rules 408(a) (cyanide only)
and 1002 of Chapter
3: Water Pollution,
of the
Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations for
the period January 24,
1976 through January 24,
subject to the following conditions:
Petitioner’s cyanide effluent
concentration shall not exceed
a monthly
average of 0.2 mg/i or a maximum at any
time of 0.32 mg/i during the period of
this Variance.
Petitioner shall continue its
efforts to develop a control program to
reduce its cyanide effluent concentration
to 0.025 mg/i.
Petitioner shall continue to
file bi-monthly progress reports with
the Environmental Protection Agency,
such reports to include as a minimum:
Progress on all cyanide control
methods being pursued by Petitioner.
Any and all records of cyanide
concentration in Petitioner’s effluent,
with at least four determinations to be
made weekly.
Any and all records of cyanide
concentrations at the edge of its waste--
water mixing zone, with at least one
determination to be made weekly.
At least one study per bi—monthly
reporting period indicating the characteristics
of Petitioner’s cyanide wastes,
but not limited to cyanides amenable to
chlorination and total cyanide.
Should a technologically feasible
and economically reasonable method of
compliance with the general standard of
0.025 mg/i total cyanide be developed
during the term of this Variance, Petitioner
shall commence immediately to implement such
method as expeditiously as possible.
In the event a less restrictive
general effluent limitation for cyanide is
promulgated by this Board as a result of
proceedings currently before the Board,
Petitioner shall within 30 days submit to
the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
a final plan for compliance with such new
and shall implement such plan
Petitioner Mobil Oil Corporation
within thirty
(30) days of the date of this
Order shall execute and forward to the
Environmental Protection Agency, Control
Program Coordinator, 2200 Churchill Road,
Springfield, Illinois 62706,
a certificate
of acceptance in the following form:
having read
the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board
in case No.
PCB 75-420, understand and accept said
realizing that such acceptance renders all
terms and conditions thereto binding and enforceable.
I, Christan L. Moffett,
Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board, hereby certify
he above Opinion and Order were
adopted on the
day of
,l975 by a vote of ~.p
C ristan
L. Moff
Illinois Poliutio
Control Board