December 1,
    In the Matter of
    AS 94-9
    (Adjusted Standard)
    Ill. Adm. Code
    (by G.
    T. Girard):
    This matter is before the Board on a petition for an
    adjusted standard filed by the City of Springfield Office of
    Public Utilities,
    City Water, Light and Power
    CWLP is
    seeking an adjusted standard from the Board’s water quality
    standard for boron which is found at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    302.208 (e).
    CWLP is requesting that the Board grant an adjusted
    standard for Sugar Creek below Spaulding Dam on Lake Springfield,
    an identified portion of the South Fork of the Sangamon River
    (South Fork)
    and an identified portion of the Sangamon River
    CWLP filed its petition on May 4,
    1994 and filed an
    amendment to the petition on July 18,
    The Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) filed a response to the
    petition instanter on August 17,
    CWLP waived hearing and
    the Board did not receive a request for a hearing, so no hearing
    was held.
    Based upon the record and upon review of the factors
    involved in the consideration of adjusted standards,
    the Board
    finds that CWLP has demonstrated that grant of the requested
    adjusted standard is warranted.
    Accordingly, the adjusted
    standard will be granted.
    Environmental Protection Act
    (415 ILCS 5/1 et seq.).
    Board is charged therein to “determine,
    define and implement the
    environmental control standards applicable in the State of
    (415 ILCS 5/5(b))
    and to “grant
    an adjusted
    standard for persons who can justify such an adjustment”
    ILCS 5/28/1(a)).
    More generally, the Board’s responsibility in
    this matter is based on the system of checks and balances
    integral to Illinois environmental governance:
    the Board is
    charged with the rulemaking and principal adjudicatory functions,
    and the Agency is responsible for carrying out the principal
    administrative duties.
    The Act provides that a petitioner may request, and the
    Board may impose, an environmental standard that is different

    from the standard that would otherwise apply to the petitioner as
    the consequence of the operation of a rule of general
    Such a standard is called an adjusted standard.
    The general procedures that govern an adjusted standard
    proceeding are found at Section 28.1 of the Act and within the
    Board’s procedural rules at 35 111. Adm. Code 106.
    as here, the regulation of general applicability does
    not specify a level of justification required for a petitioner to
    qualify for an adjusted standard, the Act at Section 28.1(c)
    specifies four demonstrations that must be made by a successful
    Factors relating to that petitioner are substantially
    and significantly different from the factors relied
    upon by the Board in adopting the general regulation
    applicable to that petitioner;
    The existence of those factors justifies an adjusted
    The requested standard will not result in environmental
    or health effects substantially or significantly more
    adverse than the effects considered by the Board in
    adopting the rule of general applicability; and
    The adjusted standard is consistent with any applicable
    federal law.
    The Board’s general effluent regulations do not include
    specific limitations for boron.
    However, they do prohibit any
    discharge that would cause or contribute to a violation of any
    water quality standard
    (35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.105); there is a
    water quality standard for boron.
    In the instant case, the pertinent water quality standard is
    given in the Board’s General Use Water Quality Standards found at
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208.
    The General Use Water Quality
    Standard for boron
    is 1.0 mg/L.
    The intent of the water quality
    standards is to protect aquatic life and to safeguard the quality
    of water of the state for consumptive uses,
    including public
    water supply.
    These standards apply in Sugar Creek,
    South Fork,
    and the Sangamon River.
    CWLP operates two generating stations and a water
    purification plant at 3100 Stevenson Drive,
    The two generating stations are comprised of
    five coal fired units,
    four of which consist of cyclone boilers

    and one which is tangentially-fired.
    CWLP burns
    coal obtained from the Turns Coal Company at Elkhart, Illinois
    under a 1980 contract.
    CWLP began operating the
    generating stations in 1935 and currently employs approximately
    220 persons at the generating stations and an additional 21 at
    the water purification plant.
    at 5-6.)
    CWLP consumes approximately 950,000 tons of coal per year on
    the average and the ash handling practices of CWLP are similar to
    those at many other coal-fired plants.
    at 6.)
    Bottom ash
    and fly ash from all units are sluiced to ash ponds with sluice
    water obtained from circulating cooling water systems for the
    CWLP operates two ash ponds.
    The south ash pond
    also receives effluent transporting the lime sludge from the
    water treatment plant and the north ash pond also receives the
    water collected from the scrubber sludge landfill adjacent to the
    ash ponds.
    (Pet. at 6.)
    Ash is held and collected in the ponds.
    CWLP’S water discharge (NPDES)2 permit covers 16 outfalls of
    which only three
    (outfalls 003,
    006) are subject to
    monitoring for the general water quality standards.
    at 6.)
    Outfall 006 is not subject to this proceeding because it is
    operated infrequently.
    Outfall 006 has historically been used
    only during drought events to supplement the water supply in Lake
    Between 1976 and 1990 outfall 006 was operated only
    during four drought episodes and has not been operated since
    at 7-8.)
    Outfall 003 and Outfall 004 produce the
    discharges which are at issue in this proceeding.
    Outfall 003
    located at Spaulding Dam on Lake Springfield and Outfall 004 is
    located just downstream from the dam.
    (Am. Pet.
    at 2.)
    Outfall 003
    is the discharge of stormwater runoff from the
    Lakeside Power Plant.
    The effluent is routed from the power
    plant by an underground pipe which discharges into the Sugar
    Creek channel near the east side of the spillway behind Spaulding
    at 6-7; Am. Pet. at 2.)
    CWLP indicates that the
    discharge from outfall 003 may contain boron from the actual
    discharge area as a result of accumulations of ash in the area
    caused by abandoned operational practices.
    CWLP states that
    The CWLP petition will be cited as “Pet.
    to the petitioner will be cited as
    the amended
    petition will be cited as “Am.
    Pet. at
    the Agency
    recommendation will be cited as “Ag. Rec. at
    Water discharge permits are governed by the federal
    National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
    laws and

    cleaning efforts alleviate the impact only temporarily.
    (Pet. at
    Outfall 004 discharges into Sugar Creek just below Spaulding
    Pet. at
    2) from the clarification pond which receives
    the ash pond discharges.
    (Pet. at 7.)
    When the elevation of
    Lake Springfield exceeds 560 feet above mean sea level
    flow goes over the gates of Spaulding Dam and enters the channel
    of Sugar Creek.
    When the lake elevation is less than 560 MSL, no
    flow enters Sugar Creek except minor leakage through the dam
    Therefore, when Lake Springfield elevation is less than
    560 MSL the discharge from Outfall 004 is virtually the only flow
    entering Sugar Creek.
    (Am. Pet, at 2.)
    Boron is contained in
    this discharge as a result of direct contact with coal ash.
    approximate volume of effluent created by the ash transport
    system and ash ponds
    is 6.98 million gallons per day
    (MGD) with
    other discharges to the ash pond of approximately 0.95 MGD.
    at 7.)
    The total average discharge from outfall 004
    7.93 MGD.
    Recorded levels of boron for outfalls 003 and 004 during the
    period from January 1987 to October 1992 indicated that the
    standard of 1.0 mg/l cannot be met.
    1 at 4-9, 4—10.)
    Outfall 003 averaged 4.51 mg/i with a minimum level of .06 mg/i
    and a maximum of 18.70 mg/i during that time period.
    1 at
    Outfall 004 had boron levels ranging from 1.80 mg/i
    to 10.19 mg/i with an average of 6.12 mg/l.
    Sugar Creek empties into the South Fork four miles east of
    Springfield and approximately seven miles northeast of outfalls
    003 and 004.
    at 10.)
    Sugar Creek is a series of pools and
    riffles and its flow is primarily the outflow from Lake
    Springfield at Spaulding Dam.
    at 10.)
    Potential outflow
    rates range from 16.8 mgd when the lake level is 560.1 MSL, to
    187 MGD when the lake level is 560.5 MSL.
    (Am. Pet.
    at 3.)
    During times when there is no outflow from the lake, the
    discharge from outfall 004 represents the actual flow of Sugar
    Creek downstream to the discharge point of the Springfield
    Metropolitan Sanitary District (SMSD).
    (Am. Pet. at 3.)
    SNSD discharges approximately 10 MGD from a point 2½ miles below
    Spauiding Dam.
    at 10.)
    maintains that there are no
    withdrawals from Sugar Creek below Spaulding Dam for agricultural
    or public ware supply purposes.
    at 10.)
    Further, there
    are no withdrawals from the portion of the South Fork in the very
    short reach between Sugar Creek and the Sangamon River.
    The Sangamon River is approximately 250 miles
    River is impounded at Decatur,
    Illinois, to form Lake Decatur.
    There are no withdrawals of water for agricultural purposes or
    public, water supply between its confluence with the South Fork
    and its confluence with Spring Creek.
    at 11;
    1 at 3-
    Brookdale Development,
    Inc., has applied for a permit to

    construct a raw water intake structure east of the 1—55 Loop
    Bridge (Peoria Road)
    in the Northwest Quarter of Section
    Township 10 North Range 5 West, Sangamon County.
    at 11.)
    This intake would serve a pumping station to augment irrigation
    water supplies at the Rail Golf Course at Sherman,
    This project has not yet been permitted by the Illinois
    Department of Transportation.
    There are several permitted discharges to the Sangamon at
    the reaches for which an adjusted standard is requested including
    the Decatur sewage treatment plant which discharges below the dam
    at Lake Decatur.
    at 11.)
    These are primarily small sewage
    treatment sources and storm water discharges.
    (Pet. at 11;
    1 at 3—9.)
    CWLP requests an adjusted water quality standard for boron
    at 1)
    from the Board’s general standard found at Section
    302 .208
    The adjusted water quality standards that are
    boron on Sugar Creek from CWLP’s Outfall
    Creek’s confluence with
    in the Northeast
    Clear Lake Township, Sangamon
    5.5 mg/i for boron from the discharge of the SMSD plant
    outfall on Sugar Creek to the confluence of Sugar Creek
    with the South Fork of the Sangamon River; and
    2.0 mg/i for boron from the confluence of Sugar Creek
    and the South Fork of the Sangamon Rivers to 100 yards
    downstream of the confluence of the Sangamon River with
    Spring Creek in the Northeast Quarter of Section 10,
    Springfield Township, Sangamon County.
    CWLP considered four alternative approaches for complying
    with the final effluent limitation for boron for outfalls 003 and
    at 13.)
    Those four alternatives were:
    Treatment of clarification pond discharges using boron
    specific ion exchange;
    Treatment of clarification pond discharges using
    reverse osmosis/mechanical evaporation;
    Removal of fly ash from the site in a dry condition;

    Use of alternative fuels in place of Illinois coal.
    (Pet. at 13.)
    1 and 2 are treatment-based while
    3 and 4 would
    require operating changes.
    (Pet. at 13.)
    Treatment of the discharge using a selective ion exchange
    process is reportedly capable of removing 90 per cent of the
    at 14.)
    This process would require installation of
    ion exchange vessels, sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid storage
    tanks for resin regeneration, and chemical feed equipment.
    at 14.)
    It may also be necessary to install filters to remove
    suspended solids from the discharge for this process.
    Physical space limitations at Outfalls 003 and 004 may make such
    installations impractical.
    1 at 6—1.)
    regeneration of the resin would itself produce a wastewater very
    high in boron.
    at 14.)
    The cost of this option would be a
    capital cost of $11,900,000 with an annual operating cost of
    1 at 6—6.)
    Reverse osmosis/mechanical evaporation is a process where
    moderate pressure is utilized to force water through semi-
    permeable membranes which are relatively impervious to ions such
    as boron.
    at 15.)
    Depending on the pH of the effluent,
    to 98 percent of the boron could be removed; however, 20 to 30
    percent of the effluent would not penetrate the membrane.
    This system would require pretreatment of the effluent with
    filters and a scale inhibitor to protect the membranes, requiring
    the installation of equipment and vessels.
    A mechanical
    evaporator and spray dryer would also be necessary to allow the
    wastewater which would not penetrate the membranes to evaporate.
    The resulting dry product would then require landfilling.
    1 at 6-3.)
    The cost of this option would be a capital cost of
    $49,900,000 with an annual operating cost of $2,410,000.
    at 6—6.)
    One of the operating changes which was considered was to
    convert to a dry ash system.
    Dry fly ash is carried to a storage
    silo and then transported to a landfill.
    1 at 6—3.)
    cost of this option would be a capital cost of $11,905,000 with
    and annual operating cost of $450,000.
    1 at 6-6.)
    operating change considered was to switch to a lower boron coal.
    This would require modifications to coal handling systems,
    boilers and precipitators because of the nature of low sulfur
    (Pet. at 16.)
    The cost of this option would be an annual
    operating cost of $4,509,000.
    1 at 6—6.)
    The Agency states that compliance with the boron water
    quality standard of 1.0 mg/L is neither technically feasible or
    economically reasonable.
    (Ag. Rec. at 1.)
    The Agency states
    that all coal ash contains relatively high amounts of boron and
    “all known coal ash settling ponds in Illinois have levels of

    dissolved boron that exceed 1.0 mg/l”.
    (Ag. Rec. at 2.)
    Therefore, according to the Agency, all such discharges require
    relief from the boron water quality standard either through
    mixing zones or other relief.
    (Ag. Rec. at 2.)
    The Agency
    states that there are currently two adjusted standards and one
    site-specific rule granted by the Board giving boron relief for
    discharges from coal ash ponds.
    The Agency also states
    that in all those proceedings the Agency has agreed that
    treatment to remove boron from the ash ponds effluent or change
    over to a dry ash handling system are either technically
    infeasible or economically unreasonable.
    The Agency has conducted macroinvertebrate studies on Sugar
    Creek on a reach of the stream containing 3.9 miles, and
    encompassing the sewage treatment plant discharge.
    at 12.)
    The studies concluded that the stream could partially support
    designated aquatic life uses with moderate impairment.
    1 at 3—18.)
    Water quality studies of Sugar Creek
    indicate that it has good stream and water quality with certain
    limitations noted that are slight nutrient loading and moderate
    (Pet. at 12.)
    The Sugar Creek fishery is average for
    a stream of this size.
    Based upon a variety of factors, Sugar
    Creek is rated as providing partial support of the designated
    aquatic life use with only minimal impairment at the Agency
    sampling station.
    at 12—13; Exh.
    1 at 3—34.)
    The South Fork above its confluence with Sugar Creek has
    fair to good water quality, an excellent rating for
    macroinvertebrates, but a poor fishery.
    At the sampling site it
    was rated as providing partial support of the designated aquatic
    life use with only a minor impairment.
    at 12.)
    Because of extensive stream channelization and sewage
    treatment plant discharge,
    loss of riparian vegetation, and
    agricultural and urban runoff, the Sangamon River below the
    confluence with the South Fork is partially supportive of aquatic
    life, with minor impairment.
    at 12-13.)
    points out that it has used Illinois high sulfur coal
    since 1981 and has been discharging for over 50 years.
    (Pet. at
    CWLP states that “compliance with the proposed adjusted
    standard would have no adverse affects because the discharge
    concentration of boron will not change from historical and
    existing concentrations”.
    (Pet. at 21.)
    further states
    that an Agency investigation from 1988 of potential toxicity of
    CWLP discharges indicated no significant acute toxicity was
    observed for the species investigated.
    at 22.)
    A current literature review of the environmental and
    ecological impacts of boron concentrations at the levels CWLP

    requests in the proposed adjusted standard is found in Exhibit
    pages 4-4 through 4-8.
    Those studies, performed on a diversity
    of aquatic organisms, demonstrate the response to boron of three
    aquatic trophic levels, plant,
    invertebrate and vertebrate
    “These studies demonstrate that adverse effects on an
    aquatic food chain, and consequently the biological
    community structure of an aquatic ecosystem, would not be
    observed at or below a boron concentration of 11.0 mg/i.
    Overall the results indicate that the Sugar Creek
    River biological community would not be significantly
    affected by the 11.0 mg/i standard proposed for the upper
    portion of Sugar Creek.”
    1, page 4-8.)
    The Agency in its recommendation indicated that in terms of
    harm to aquatic life or other uses of the affected waters, the
    proposal will not cause any harm.
    (Ag. Rec. at 2.)
    In support
    of this position the Agency preferred an evaluation of the
    toxicity literature to determine the risk of boron to native
    aquatic organisms.
    This review of the toxicity literature
    indicates that the tests reported in the literature agree that no
    acute or chronic toxicity is likely to occur at the highest
    concentration requested (11 mg/i).
    (Ag. Rec. at 2-3.)
    Additionally, the Agency states that the communities of aquatic
    organisms residing in the receiving streams, while partially
    impaired from other sources, are not known to be impacted from
    CWLP’s ash pond discharges.
    (Ag. Rec. at
    This assessment
    comes from a variety of Agency sampling programs including
    Facility Related Stream Surveys
    (conducted at the Springfield
    Sanitary District’s discharge to Sugar Creek),
    Intensive Basin
    and the
    Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Network.
    Using the summaries of data reported in the
    Illinois Water
    Quality Report 1990
    the Agency lists all the waterbodies
    in the downstream continuum from the Petitioner’s discharges as
    “partial use support
    minor impairment”.
    (Ag. Rec. at 3.)
    causes of this minor impairment are listed as siltation to
    moderate degree and nutrients to a slight degree in Sugar Creek
    and the South Fork of the Sangamon River and the sources of the
    impairment to these waterbodies are municipal point sources,
    combined sewer overflows, agriculture, urban runoff,
    channelization and flow regulation/modification, all to a slight
    The Sangamon River downstream of the discharge is
    listed as having impairment caused by nutrients and organic
    enrichment to a slight degree and siltation to a moderate degree.
    The sources for this are given as non—irrigated crop production,
    pasture land, municipal di’scharges and combined sewer overflows,
    all to a slight degree.
    According to the Agency, the discharge concentrations of
    boron requested in the petition accurately reflect the worst case

    stream concentrations expected.
    Moving downstream from Spaulding
    Dam, additional inflows from various sources dilute the initial
    effluent concentration.
    (Ag. Rec.
    at 3—4.)
    The requested boron
    concentrations for each stream portion are the predicted
    concentrations if the streams were under 7Q10 drought flow ~
    the effluent concentration was at the highest requested level
    The reliability of these projections has been
    demonstrated by actual water quality sampling by the Agency.
    highest boron concentration observed by the Agency in the
    Sangamon River downstream from CWLP’s discharge (AWQMN station E-
    26 at Riverton) has been 1.82 mg/i.
    (Ag. Rec. at 4.)
    This value
    was recorded during the summer of 1988,
    in the midst of one of
    the most severe droughts of the century.
    Usually, the Sangamon
    River at this point does not exceed the General Use standard and
    in fact from the period between January 1987 and October 1992 a
    period including the three drought years of 1987,
    1988, and 1989,
    the Sangamon River exceeded the 1.0 mg/i existing standard only
    in 12.8
    of all samples.
    No violations of the boron
    standard were recorded at the Agency’s sampling station at
    Petersburg further downstream on the Sangamon River.
    The Agency notes that CWLP,
    in its assessment of use
    impairments, used the previous
    (1988—1989) edition of the
    Illinois Water Quality Report.
    From studies conducted since, the
    Agency has found some improvement in the streams of the area.
    The reach of the Sangamon River below Decatur is no longer
    considered nonsupportive of uses.
    In fact, most of the reach is
    also partial support
    minor impairment with a few miles closest
    to Decatur being partial support
    moderate impairment.
    overall conclusion is that these waterbodies are in fair to good
    condition and what impairment has been identified cannot be
    linked to boron from any source.
    This fits with the Agency’s
    experience that no aquatic life impairment is known to occur
    anywhere in the State due to boron.
    Petitioner’s evaluation of uses of the affected waters for
    irrigation has discovered one potential use, a golf course north
    of Springfield.
    If this facility receives a withdrawal permit to
    utilize water from the Sangamon River for grass irrigation there
    theoretically could be some conflict, i.e., boron toxicity to the
    grass resulting from Petitioner’s discharge.
    likelihood for any harm is extremely slight.
    The concentration
    of boron at the withdrawal point will be at most 2.0 mg/I.
    will occur only during maximum effluent concentrations
    (11 mg/l)
    and 1Q10 or lower river flows.
    Probably a more important factor
    in this scenario is that grass is not very sensitive to boron.
    An article in the
    Canadian Journal of Soil Science,
    August 1985,
    “Boron Toxicity and Deficiency:
    a Review” by Guptz Umesh,
    al., states that various members of the grass family, wheat,
    etc., are not affected by irrigation water with
    boron concentrations in the 1.0 to 2.0 mg/i range.
    (Ag. Rec. at
    This tolerance was determined by raising plants in a sand

    bed and using water with a known boron content as the sole water
    In Illinois, total irrigation over the life cycle of the
    golf course grass is extremely unlikely with rains eventually
    leaching away any accumulated excess boron.
    The most likely
    result of this proposed irrigation,
    if boron above 1.0 mg/i is
    even present in the river,
    is that beneficial amounts of boron
    will be provided since boron is a vital plant nutrient that
    sometimes is deficient in soils.
    CWLP and the Agency agree that the Board may grant this
    adjusted standard consistent with federal law.
    at 25; Ag.
    Rec. at 5.)
    Section 303 of the Clean Water Act,
    33 U.S.C.
    grants to the states the authority to promulgate water quality
    standards applicable to both interstate and intrastate waters.
    at 25.)
    Illinois has adopted water quality standards at 35
    Adm. Code 302 and the standard for boron found at Section
    States may also revise water quality standards
    pursuant to 40 CFR 131.4 and remove a designated use pursuant to
    40 CFR 131.10(g).
    at 26.)
    CWLP asserts that the adjusted
    standard procedures at 35 Ill.
    Adin. Code 106 satisfy the federal
    The Board notes that this requested adjusted standard
    proceeding is similar to the adjusted standard proceeding in
    Rhone—Poulenc Basic Chemicals Company and Thorn Creek Basin
    Sanitary District,
    (Rhone-Poulenc)AS 94-7, June 23,
    that case, the petitioners had sought an adjusted standard from
    the water quality standards for the discharge of total dissolved
    solids and sulfate.
    The Board granted an adjusted standard;
    however, the adjusted standard was to the provisions in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 304.105 rather than to the general water quality
    Section 304.105 is titled “Violation of Water Quality
    Standards” and states:
    no effluent shall, alone or in combination with other
    cause a violation of any applicable water quality
    The Board took this course of action in Rhone—Poulenc due to a
    concern by the Board that granting relief from water quality
    standards for the stretch of receiving waters in Rhone—Poulenc
    could give “other dischargers located on these streams
    essentially the same relief
    even though other discharges
    have not made” a demonstration that they are entitled to similar
    (Rhone—Poulenc at 18.)
    The Board believes that granting an adjusted standard to the
    general water quality standards may have the same effect on the

    Sugar Creek and Sangamon River.
    The Board is especially
    concerned given the known discharges from the Springfield and
    Decatur sanitary works.
    the Board finds that the
    relief in this proceeding should be consistent with the relief
    granted in Rhone—Poulenc.
    In order to ensure that the relief is
    consistent, the Board will grant an adjusted standard to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 304.105 rather than to the general water quality
    standards at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208.
    CWLP has provided evidence that the streams into which CWLP
    discharges will not be adversely affected by the adjusted
    standard for boron at the requested concentrations.
    During dry
    conditions when the level of Lake Springfield is below 560 MSL,
    the only flow into the upper reaches of Sugar Creek is from
    Outfall 004.
    The Agency indicated that even with a high
    discharge of boron there has been no degradation of the streams
    and in fact parts of the Sangamon River have improved.
    Therefore, the Board finds that the adjusted standard will not
    result in health or environmental effects substantially or
    significantly more adverse than the effects considered by the
    Board when promulgating the rule of general applicability.
    CWLP has demonstrated that there are currently no
    withdrawals from the receiving streams for agriculture
    One potential use being considered is grass watering
    at a nearby golf course.
    CWLP presented evidence and the Agency
    agreed that the proposed boron concentrations will not adversely
    affect grass growth.
    also established that without the
    discharge for outfall 004 Sugar Creek’s flow is substantially
    reduced and is essentially zero when Lake Springfield is below
    560 MSL.
    Therefore, the Board finds that the factors relating to
    CWLP are substantially and significantly different from those
    relied upon by the Board when adopting the general water quality
    The existence of those factors justify the granting
    of an adjusted standard, which is consistent with federal law.
    The Board hereby grants an adjusted standard to CWLP
    consistent with its decision in Rhone—Poulenc Basic Chemicals
    Company and Thorn Creek Basin Sanitary District, AS94—7, June 2,
    This opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    The City of Springfield, Office of Public Utilities, City
    Water, Light and Power’s
    (CWLP) facility which discharges to
    Sugar Creek to 100 yards downstream of the confluence of the
    Sangamon River with Spring Creek in the Northeast Quarter of

    Section 10,
    in Springfield Township, Sangamon County,
    is hereby
    granted a partial adjusted standard from 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code
    Pursuant to this grant,
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.105 does
    not apply to discharges from outfails 003 and 004 as regards
    boron concentrations that are less than or equal to:
    11.0 mg/i for boron from CWLP’s Outfall 003 at
    Spaulding Dam on Sugar Creek to its confluence with the
    discharge of the Springfield Metropolitan Sanitary
    District’s Sugar Creek Plant Outfall 008 in the
    Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Clear Lake Township,
    Sangamon County;
    5.5 mg/l for boron from the discharge of said sanitary
    district plant outfall on Sugar Creek to its confluence
    with the South Fork of the Sangainon River; and
    2.0 mg/i for boron from the confluence of Sugar Creek
    and the South Fork of the Sangamon Rivers to 100 yards
    downstream of the confluence of the Sangamon River with
    Spring Creek in the Northeast Quarter of Section 10,
    Springfield Township, Sangamon County.
    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS
    5/40.1) provides for the appeal of final Board orders within 35
    days of service of this decision.
    The Rules of the Supreme Court
    of Illinois establish filing requirements.
    (But see also,
    Adiu. Code 101.246, Motions for Reconsideration.)
    I, Dorothy H.
    Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the ab9ve opinion and order was
    adopted on the
    1994, by a
    vote of
    ‘Dorothy H. 9~Ann, Clerk
    Illinois P14ution
    Control Board

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