July 13, 2000
(Rulemaking - Land)
Proposed Rule. Second Notice.
On December 16, 1999, the Board dismissed the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency’s (Agency) proposed rules on permitting certain used oil management facilities and used
oil transporters. See
In re
Amendments to Permitting for Used Oil Management and Use Oil
Transport: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807 and 807 (December 16, 1999), R99-18. Although the
Board dismissed the Agency’s used oil facility/transporter permitting proposal, the Board
determined that certain technical changes to Part 809 of the Board’s rules that were a part of the
R99-18 docket should be addressed in another rulemaking. The Board also determined that one
substantive change to Part 809 is necessary as well. Amendments to Permitting for Used Oil
Management and Use Oil Transport, R99-18, slip op. at 1, 7. In order to make these changes,
the Board, on its own motion, proposes for second-notice docket R00-18.
On March 16, 2000, the Board adopted these proposed rules for first-notice publication
in the
Illinois Register
and identified the docket as R00-18. Subsequently, the amendments to
Part 809 of the Board’s rules were published in the
Illinois Register
(24 Ill. Reg. 5854 (April
7, 2000)).
Two regular hearings were held in this matter before Board Hearing Officer Joel
Sternstein and Board Member Nicholas J. Melas. The first was held on April 20, 2000, in
Chicago. The Agency was represented by Assistant Counsel Kimberly A. Geving. Daniel
Merriman and Ted Dragovich from the Agency were also present. No other interested parties
attended the first hearing, and no one at the first hearing presented any testimony. The second
was held on May 18, 2000, in Springfield, where Geving, Merriman, and Dragovich were
present again.
In addition, Dave Walters from the Agency attended and answered questions
about docket R00-18 posed by Board Member Melas. No other interested parties attended the
second hearing, and, other than the exchange between Board Member Melas and Walters, no
one presented any further testimony.
The transcript of the May 18, 2000, hearing is cited as “Tr.2 at ”.
According to the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/1-1
et seq.
(1998)), the first-notice period ends 45 days after publication in the
Illinois Register
, which, in
this case, was May 22, 2000. However, under Section 28.5 of the Illinois Environmental
Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/28.5 (1998)) the record does not close until at least 14 days
after the availability of hearing transcripts. The transcript from the final hearing in this matter
was available on May 24, 2000. Consequently, the record and public comment period closed
on June 16, 2000. Tr. 2 at 10. No public comments were received during the first-notice
period with the exception of several minor editorial changes suggested by the Joint Committee
on Administrative Rules (JCAR).
Economic Impact Statement
On March, 21, 2000, the Board requested that the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs (DCCA) conduct an economic impact study (ECiS) for docket R00-18
pursuant to Public Act 90-489, effective January 1, 1998. The Board asked DCCA to respond
to the request within ten days, but DCCA did not respond. As a result the Board relies on a
March 10, 2000 DCCA letter notifying the Board that it lacks the technical and financial
resources to conduct an ECiS for any rule pending before the Board. During the May 18,
2000 hearing for docket R00-18, the Board set aside time for discussion regarding DCCA’s
decision to not conduct an ECiS for docket R00-18. No one testified on DCCA’s decision not
to conduct an EcIS, but the dialogue between Board Member Melas and Walters concerned
economic impacts of docket R00-18.
Illinois Definition of “On-Site” to Match Federal Definition
The substantive change involves the permitting and manifesting of hazardous waste. In
Public Comment 21 for docket R99-18, the Agency proposed a change in the definition of “on-
site” at Part 809.103. The Agency notes that the Illinois definition of “on-site” for purposes of
transport of hazardous waste has not been consistent with the federal definition since 1998. The
Agency’s proposed change conforms the state definition of “on-site” to the federal one, making
them identical.
The change only affects owners and operators of the same or geographically contiguous
properties who must use public rights of way to transport hazardous waste from one part of a
facility to another. Pursuant to the current Illinois definition of “on-site” the owner or operator
does not need a permit and manifest to transport a shipment of hazardous waste across a public
right of way. However, the owner or operator needs a permit and manifest if the hazardous
waste is transported along the right of way. The new language does away with the distinction
and allows unpermitted and unmanifested transport of hazardous waste both across and along
public rights of way, provided that the waste is transported to another geographically
contiguous part of the same facility. The proposed rule does not allow the unpermitted
unmanifested shipment if waste between two separate facilities.
Minor Revisions
The Board is also proposing technical amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 809. These
changes, suggested by JCAR during a prior rulemaking, are nonsubstantive. JCAR also
suggested some nonsubstantive changes during the first-notice period in the instant rulemaking
which are included in the order herein. The Board has also made a change during the first-
notice period at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 809.101, reinstating a reference to Section 22 of the Act
(415 ILCS 5/22 (1998)).
Economic Impact
Pursuant to questions from Board Member Melas, Walters estimated that, under the
proposed changes, costs that the Agency incurs in permitting for nonhazardous special waste
haulers and uniform program haulers would stay about the same. Tr. 2 at 7. Walters also said
there would be no change in the permitting fees that the Agency collects.
He estimated that
the regulated community would enjoy a “slightly positive impact” from the rule as certain
haulers might not need to pay permit fees nor file annual reports. Tr. 2 at 8-9. Walters stated
that overall “there really would be no significant economic affect (sic).” Tr. 2 at 8.
Within the text of the order, deletions from the first-notice opinion and order are shown
via strikeouts, and additions are underlined. Deletions pursuant to the second-notice process are
shown via strikeouts and double underlines, while additions pursuant to the second-notice
process are shown via double underlines.
The Board proposes for second-notice the following amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
809. The Clerk of the Board is directed to file these proposed amendments with the Secretary
of State.
PART 809
Authority, Policy and Purposes
Incorporations by Reference
Public Records
Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permits-General
Applications for Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permit-Contents
Applications for Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permit-Signatures
and Authorization
Applications for Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permit-Filing and
Final Action by the Agency
Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permit Conditions
Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permit Revision
Transfer of Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permits
Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permit Revocation
Permit Defense
General Exemption from Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permit
Exemptions for Nonhazardous Special Waste Transporters
Duration of Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permits
Requirements for Delivery of Nonhazardous Special or Hazardous Waste
to Transporters
Requirements for Acceptance of Nonhazardous Special or Hazardous
Waste from Transporters
Permit Availability
Nonhazardous Special Waste Symbols
Manifests, Records, Access to Records, and Reporting Requirements and
Duration of Special Waste Hauler Permits and Tank Numbers (Repealed)
General Provision
Compliance Date
Exceptions (Repealed)
Definitions (Repealed)
Disposal Methods (Repealed)
Rendering Innocuous by Sterilization (Repealed)
Rendering Innocuous by Incineration (Repealed)
Recordkeeping Requirements for Generators (Repealed)
Defense to Enforcement Action (Repealed)
Uniform State Hazardous Waste Transportation Registration and Permit
Application for a Uniform Permit
Application for Uniform Registration
Payment of Processing and Audit Fees
Payment of Apportioned Mile Fees
Submittal of Fees
Previously Permitted Transporters
Uniform Registration and Uniform Permit Conditions
Uniform Registration and Uniform Permit Revision
Transfer of Uniform Registration and Uniform Permits
Audits and Uniform Registration and Uniform Permit Revocation
Permit No Defense
Appendix A
Old Rule Numbers Referenced (Repealed)
AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 5, 10, 13, 21, 22, 22.01, and 22.2 and authorized by
Section 27 of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/5, 10, 13, 21, 22, 22.01, and
22.2 and 27] (see P.A. 90-219).
SOURCE: Adopted in R76-10, 33 PCB 131, at 3 Ill. Reg. 13, p. 155, effective March 31,
1979; emergency amendment in R76-10, 39 PCB 175, at 4 Ill. Reg. 34, p. 214, effective
August 7, 1980, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency amendment in R80-19, 40 PCB 159,
at 5 Ill. Reg. 270, effective January 1, 1981, for a maximum of 150 days; amended in R77-
12(B), 41 PCB 369, at 5 Ill. Reg. 6384, effective May 28, 1981; amended in R80-19, 41 PCB
459, at 5 Ill. Reg. 6378, effective May 31, 1981; codified in R81-9, 53 PCB 269, at 7 Ill. Reg.
13640; effective September 30, 1983; recodified in R84-5, 58 PCB 267, from Subchapter h to
Subchapter i at 8 Ill. Reg. 13198; amended in R89-13A at 14 Ill. Reg. 14076, effective August
15, 1990; amended in R91-18 at 16 Ill. Reg. 130, effective January 1, 1992; amended in R95-
11 at 20 Ill. Reg. 5635, effective March 27, 1996; amended in R98-29 at 23 Ill. Reg. 6842,
effective July 1, 1999; amended in R00-18 at 24 Ill. Reg. , effective)
Section 809.101
Authority, Policy and Purposes
Pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 5, 10, 13, 21, 22, 22.01, and 22.2 of the
Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/5, 10, 13, 21, 22, 22.01, 22, and 22.2], and
consistent with the policy and purposes expressed in Section 20 [415 ILCS 5/20] thereof, the
Board adopts this Part. This Part prescribes the procedures for the Uniform Hazardous
Materials Transportation and Registration Program and for the issuance of permits to
nonhazardous special waste transporters; for the inspection and numbering of vehicles; and for
proper hauling of special wastes to approved disposal, storage and treatment sites. It is the
purpose of this Part to control only wastes as defined herein.
(Source: Amended at 24 Ill. Reg., effective)
Section 809.103
"Act" means the Illinois Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5].
"Agency" means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
"Base state" means the state in which a hazardous waste transporter must obtain
a uniform registration, if required by the base state, and uniform permit.
"Board" means the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
"Disposal" means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking,
or placing of any waste or special waste into or on any land or water so that
such waste or special waste or any constituent thereof may enter the
environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including
ground waters.
(Section 3.08 of the Act)[415 ILCS 5/3.08](See "Waste",
"Special Waste.")
"Garbage" means the waste resulting from the handling, processing,
preparation, cooking, and consumption of food, and wastes from the handling,
processing, storage and sale of produce.
(Section 3.11 of the Act)[415 ILCS
5/3.11](See "Waste.")
"Hazardous waste" means a waste, or combination of wastes, which because of
quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may
cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in
serious, irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness; or pose a substantial
present or potential threat to human health or to the environment when
improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed of, or otherwise managed,
and which has been identified, by characteristics or listing, as hazardous
pursuant to Section 3001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of
1976 (42 U.S.C.USC 6901 et seq.) or pursuant to agency guidelines consistent
with the requirements of the Act and Board regulations. Potentially infectious
medical waste is not a hazardous waste, except for those potentially infectious
medical wastes identified by characteristics or listing as hazardous under
Section 3001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, P.L. 94-
580, or pursuant to Board regulations.
[415 ILCS 5/3.15] (Section 3.15 of the
"Hazardous waste transporter" means any person who transports hazardous
waste as defined in Section 3.15 of the Act.
"Industrial process waste" means any liquid, solid, semi-solid or gaseous waste,
generated as a direct or indirect result of the manufacture of a product or the
performance of a service, which poses a present or potential threat to human
health or to the environment or with inherent properties which make the
disposal of such waste in a landfill difficult to manage by normal means.
"Industrial process waste" includes but is not limited to spent pickling liquors,
cutting oils, chemical catalysts, distillation bottoms, etching acids, equipment
cleanings, paint sludges, incinerator ashes, core sands, metallic dust sweepings,
asbestos dust, hospital pathological wastes and off-specification, contaminated
or recalled wholesale or retail products.
Specifically excluded are
uncontaminated packaging materials, uncontaminated machinery components,
general household waste, landscape waste and construction or demolition
[415 ILCS 5/3.17](Section 3.17 of the Act)
"Manifest" means the form provided or prescribed by the Agency and used for
identifying name, quantity, and the origin, routing, and destination of special
waste during its transportation from the point of generation to the point of
disposal, treatment, or storage, as required by this Part, 35 Ill. Adm. Code:
Subtitle G, or by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42
USC 6901 et seq.) or regulations thereunder.
"Nonhazardous special waste" means any special waste, as defined in this
Section, that has not been identified, by characteristics or listing, as hazardous
pursuant to Section 3001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of
1976 (42 U.S.C.USC 6901 et seq.) or pursuant to Board regulations.
"Nonhazardous special waste hauling vehicle" means any self-propelled motor
vehicle, except a truck tractor without a trailer, used to transport nonhazardous
special waste in bulk or packages, tanks, or other containers.
"Nonhazardous special waste transporter" means any person who transports
nonhazardous special waste.
"Off-site" means any site that is not "on-site", as defined in this Section.
"On-site" means (for the purpose of transporting hazardous waste) on the same
or geographically contiguous property under the control of the same person
even if such contiguous property isthat may be divided by a public or private
rights-of-way, provided the entrance and exit between the properties is at a
cross-roads intersection, and access is by crossing, as opposed to going along,
the rights-of-way. Non-contiguous properties owned by the same person but
connected by a right-of-way that the person controls, and to which the public
does not have access, is also considered on-site property.
"Participating state" means a state that has elected to participate in the uniform
program and has entered into a reciprocal agreement.
"Permitted disposal site" means a sanitary landfill or other type of disposal site,
including but not limited to a deep well, a pit, a pond, a lagoon or an
impoundment thatwhich has a current, valid operating permit issued by the
Agency and a supplemental permit issued by the Agency specifically permitting
the site to accept a special waste tendered for disposal.
"Permitted storage site" means any site used for the interim containment of
special waste prior to disposal or treatment that has a current, valid operating
permit issued by the Agency and a supplemental permit issued by the Agency
specifically permitting the site to accept a special waste tendered for storage.
"Permitted treatment site" means any site used to change the physical, chemical
or biological character or composition of any special waste, including but not
limited to a processing center, a reclamation facility or a recycling center that
has a current, valid operating permit issued by the Agency and a supplemental
permit issued by the Agency specifically permitting the site to accept a special
waste tendered for treatment.
"Person" means any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company,
corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision,
state agency, or any other legal entity or their legal representative, agent or
[415 ILCS 5/3.26](Section 3.26 of the Act)
"Pollution control waste" means any liquid, solid, semi-solid or gaseous waste
generated as a direct or indirect result of the removal of contaminants from the
air, water or land, and which pose a present or potential threat to human
health or to the environment or with inherent properties which make the
disposal of such waste in a landfill difficult to manage by normal means.
"Pollution control waste" includes but is not limited to water and wastewater
treatment plant sludges, baghouse dusts, scrubber sludges and chemical spill
[415 ILCS 5/3.27](Section 3.27 of the Act)
"Principal place of business" means the state in which a person owning vehicles
used for transporting hazardous waste maintains its central records or majority
of its records relating to the transportation of hazardous materials; or the state in
which the person owning vehicles used for transporting hazardous waste has the
plurality of its mileage.
"Reciprocal agreement" means an agreement between Illinois and another state
to participate in the Uniform Program.
"Reclamation" means the recovery of material or energy from waste for
commercial or industrial use.
"Refuse" means any garbage or other discarded materials, with the exception of
radioactive materials discarded in accordance with the provisions of the
Radiation Protection Act [420 ILCS 40] and Radioactive Waste Storage Act
[420 ILCS 35/1] as now or hereafter amended. (See "Waste.")
"Septic tank pumpings" means the liquid portions and sludge residues removed
from septic tanks.
means any location, place or tract of land, and facilities, including but
not limited to buildings, and improvements used for purposes subject to
regulation or control by this Act or regulations thereunderunder the Act.
ILCS 5/3.43](Section 3.43 of the Act)
"Solid waste." (see "Waste.")
"Special waste" means
any of the following
Potentially infectious medical waste;
Hazardous waste, as determined in conformance with RCRA hazardous
waste determination requirements set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
722.111, including a residue from burning or processing hazardous
waste in a boiler or industrial furnace unless the residue has been tested
in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726 and proven to be
Industrial process waste or pollution control waste, except:
Any such waste certified by its generator, pursuant to Section
22.48 of the Act, not to be any of the following:
A liquid, as determined using the paint filter test set forth
in subdivision (3)(a) of subsection (m) of 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 811.107(m)(3)(a);
Regulated asbestos-containing waste materials, as defined
under the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants in 40 CFR 61.141;
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) regulated pursuant to
40 CFR 761;
An industrial process waste or pollution control waste
subject to the waste analysis and recordkeeping
requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.107 under the
land disposal restrictions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728; and
A waste material generated by processing recyclable
metals by shredding and required to be managed as a
special waste under Section 22.29 of the Act;
Any empty portable device or container, including but not limited
to a drum, in which a special waste has been stored, transported,
treated, disposed of, or otherwise handled, provided that the
generator has certified that the device or container is empty and
does not contain a liquid, as determined using the paint filter test
set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.107 (m)(3)(a). “Empty
portable device or container” means a device or container in
which removal of special waste, except for a residue that shall
not exceed one inch in thickness, has been accomplished by a
practice commonly employed to remove materials of that type.
An inner liner used to prevent contact between the special waste
and the container shall be removed and managed as a special
waste; or
As may otherwise be determined under Section 22.9 of the Act.
[415 ILCS 5/3.45](Section 3.45 of the Act)
"Special waste transporter" means any person who transports special waste (as
defined in Section 3.45 of the Act) from any location.
"Spill" means any accidental discharge of special waste.
"Storage" means the interim containment of special waste prior to disposal or
"Tank" means any bulk container placed on or carried by a vehicle to transport
special waste, including wheel mounted tanks.
means any method, technique or process, including neutralization
designed to change the physical, chemical or biological character or
composition of any special waste so as to neutralize that waste or so as to
render that waste nonhazardous, safer for transport, amenable for recovery,
amenable for storage or reduced in volume. "Treatment" includes any activity
or processing designed to change the physical form or chemical composition of
special waste to render it less dangerous or nonhazardous.
[415 ILCS
5/3.49]__Treatment also includes reclamation, re-use and recycling of special
waste.(Section 3.49 of the Act)
"Truck" means any unitary vehicle used to transport special waste.
"Truck tractor" means any motor vehicle used to transport special waste that is
designed and used for drawing other devices and not so constructed as to carry
a load other than a part of the weight of the device and load so drawn.
"Uniform application" means the uniform registration and uniform permit
application form established under the Uniform Program and provided by the
"Uniform permit" means the permit issued by a base state under Part II of the
uniform application.
"Uniform Program" means the program established pursuant to the directive of
the Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act of 1990 (49
1 et seq.) and the Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization
Act of 1994 (49
5101 et seq.) and implemented pursuant to the
Final Report: Uniform Program Pilot Project and the State Program
Administrator’s Manual, Uniform Program, Alliance for Uniform HazMat
Transportation Procedures, incorporated by reference in Section 809.104.
"Uniform registration" means the annual registration issued by a base state
under Part I of the uniform application, if the base state has a registration
"Vehicle" means any
self-propelled motor vehicle, except a truck tractor without
a trailer, designed or used for the transportation of hazardous waste.
[415 ILCS
5/22.2(l-5)(1)](Section 22.2(l-5)(1) of the Act)
"Waste" means any garbage, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply
treatment plant, or air pollution control facility or other discarded material,
including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from
industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural operations, and from
community activities, but does not include solid or dissolved material in
domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows, or
coal combustion by-products as defined in Section 3.94 of the Act, or industrial
discharges which are point sources subject to permits under Section 402 of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as now or hereafter amended, or source,
special nuclear, or byproduct materials as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of
1954, as amended (42 USC 2011 et seq.68 Stat. 921
or any solid or dissolved
material from any facility subject to The Federal Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act of 1977 P.L. 95-87) or the rules and regulations thereunder or
any law or rule or regulation adopted by the State of Illinois pursuant thereto.
[415 ILCS 5/3.53](Section 3.53 of the Act)
(Source: Amended at 24 Ill. Reg. , effective ,)
Section 809.204
Applications for Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permit-Filing and
Final Action by the Agency
An application for nonhazardous special waste hauling permit is considered filed
on the date the Agency receives a properly completed application on the form
prescribed or provided by the Agency and with correct fees.
If the Agency fails to take final action (which includes granting or denying the
nonhazardous special waste hauling permit as requested, or by granting the
nonhazardous special waste hauling permit with conditions) within 90 days after
the date the completed application is filed, the applicant may deem the
nonhazardous special waste hauling permit granted for a period of one calendar
year commencing on the 91st day after the application was filed.
The Agency will send all denials by U.S. Registered or Certified Mail, Return
Receipt Requested. All other final Agency decisions may go by regular U.S.
mail. The Agency will be deemed to have taken final action on the date that the
notice of final action is mailed. Within 35 days afterof the Agency’s final action,
the applicant may appeal the Agency’s decision to the Board in the manner
provided for the review of permits in Section 40 of the Act.
The Agency will require the application to be complete. If incomplete, the
application will be returned, and the transporter will be required to resubmit a
complete application. The application must be consistent with the provisions of
the Act and Board regulations. The Agency may undertake such investigations
and request the applicant to furnish such proof as it deems necessary to verify the
information and statements made in the application. If the application is complete
and granting it will not violate the Act or Board regulations, the Agency will
grant the permit.
When an application is denied because it fails to comply with the Act or Board
regulations, any fees submitted with the application will be non-refundable. Any
subsequent re-filing of the application will be considered a new application for
which an application fee must be included in accordance with Section 22.2 of the
When the Agency rejects an application because it is incomplete, any fees
submitted will be non-refundable. The applicant can receive credit for the
payment with a resubmitted
application if the resubmittal is complete and
returned to the Agency within 30 days
the initial date-stamped rejection.
(Source: Amended at 24 Ill. Reg. , effective)
Section 809.208
Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling Permit Revocation
Violation of any nonhazardous special waste hauling permit conditions or failure to comply with
any provisions of the Act or with any Board regulation will be grounds for sanctions as
provided in the Act, including revocation of the permit as therein provided in the Act.
(Source: Amended at 24 Ill. Reg. , effective)
Section 809.211
Exemptions for Nonhazardous Special Waste Transporters
The following persons need not obtain a nonhazardous special waste hauling permit nor carry a
manifest if they haul only the waste indicated:
Any person licensed in accordance with the Private Sewage Disposal Licensing
Act [225 ILCS 225] and who hauls only septic tank pumpings.
Any person who hauls only livestock waste intended for land application
pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 560.
Transporters of municipal water or wastewater treatment plant sludge that is to
be applied to land and that is regulated under a sludge management scheme
approved by the Agency pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309.208.
Any person licensed in accordance with the Illinois Dead Animal Disposal Act
[225 ILCS 610] and who hauls only grease, meat packing scraps, dead animals
and parts of animals for delivery to a renderer.
Any person operating under rules and regulations adopted pursuant to "An Act
in relation tothe Illinois Oil and, Gas Act, Coal and Other Surface and
Underground Resources" [225 ILCS 725] and who hauls only oil and gas
extraction wastes as defined in that Act.
Any person who hauls only radioactive wastes as defined by the Radiation
Protection Act [420 ILCS 40].
Any person who hauls only coal combustion fly ash.
Any person who hauls only declassified waste or refuse.
Any person who hauls only
special waste exempted by 35 Ill. Adm. Code
808.123 (small quantity generators of 220 pounds or less per month of special
Any person who hauls potentially infectious medical waste that is regulated under
35 Ill. Adm. Code Subtitle M.
Any person who hauls used tires regulated under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 848.
(Source: Amended at 24 Ill. Reg. , effective)
Section 809.401
Permit Availability
Upon issuance of a nonhazardous special waste hauling permit or a Uniform Program
registration and permit, the owner and operator of any such vehicle used to transport
nonhazardous special or hazardous waste shall maintain within the vehicle a legible photocopy
of the nonhazardous special waste hauling permit or Uniform Program registration and permit.
Upon request, issuance of the nonhazardous special waste hauling permit or Uniform Program
registration and permit shall be disclosed by the owner and operator of the vehicle to any
representative of the State of Illinois (including, but not limited to, the Agency), any generator
of the special waste, or any treatment, storage, or disposal facility that has handled, is handling,
or will handle the special waste. Upon request by any such representative, the transporter shall
make available a photocopy of the nonhazardous special waste hauling permit or Uniform
Program registration and permit to the representative. The owner and operator of the vehicle
shall also comply with any otherwise applicable federal regulations.
(Source: Amended at 24 Ill. Reg. , effective)
Section 809.501
Manifests, Records, Access to Records, Reporting Requirements and
Any person who delivers special waste to a permitted nonhazardous special or
hazardous waste transporter shall complete a uniform hazardous waste manifest
to accompany the special waste from delivery to the destination of the special
waste. The manifest form will be provided or prescribed by the Agency.
The transporter shall include in the manifest the following:
The name of the generator of the special waste and generator number;
Information stating
when and where the special waste was
The name of the person from whom delivery is accepted and the name of
the site from which delivered;
The name and permit number of the transporter;
The date of delivery; and
The classification and quantity of the special waste delivered to the
Manifest copies to be sent to the Agency:
Every person who delivers RCRA hazardous waste or polychlorinated
biphenyl (PCB) wastes to a transporter shall submit a copy of the Illinois
manifest to the Agency within two days after the shipment. Every person
who accepts RCRA hazardous waste or PCB waste from a transporter
shall submit a copy of the Illinois manifest to the Agency within 30 days
afterof receipt.
A person who delivers RCRA hazardous waste or PCB wastes to a
transporter on another state's manifest, such as where the destination state
requires use of its manifest, does not have to submit manifest copies to the
A person who delivers non-RCRA hazardous wastes or non-PCB wastes
to a transporter does not have to send a copy of the manifest to the
Agency. A person who accepts non-RCRA hazardous waste or non-
PCB wastes from a transporter does not have to send a copy of the
manifest to the Agency.
The manifest will consist of at least four parts, in contrasting colors, such that an
entry or signature on one part will be directly reproduced upon all underlying
parts. The top part of the manifest shall be signed by the person who delivers
special waste to a special waste transporter, acknowledging the delivery. The
top part of the manifest shall also be signed by the special waste transporter,
acknowledging receipt of the special waste. The person who delivers special
waste to a special waste transporter shall retain the designated parts of the
manifest as a record. The remaining parts of the manifest shall accompany the
special waste shipment. At the destination, the manifest shall be signed by the
person who accepts special waste from a special waste transporter,
acknowledging receipt of the special waste.
A permitted site that receives special waste for disposal, storage or treatment of
special waste must be designated on the manifest as the final destination point.
Any subsequent delivery of the special waste or any portion or product thereof
to a special waste transporter shall be conducted under a manifest initiated by the
permitted disposal, storage or treatment site.
In all cases, the special waste transporter shall deliver the designated parts of the
completecompleted, signed manifest to the person who accepts delivery of special
waste from the transporter. The special waste transporter shall retain the
designated part of the complete, signed manifest as a record of delivery to a
permitted disposal, storage or treatment site. In addition, at the end of each
month, or longer if approved by the Agency, the owner and the operator of the
permitted disposal, storage or treatment site who accepts special waste from a
special waste transporter shall send the designated part of the completed manifest
to the person who delivered the special waste to the special waste transporter.
Every generator who delivers special waste to a special waste transporter, every
person who accepts special waste from a special waste transporter and every
special waste transporter shall retain their respective parts of the special waste
manifest as a record of all special waste transactions. These parts shall be
retained for three years and will be made available at reasonable times for
inspection and photocopying by the Agency.
BOARD NOTE: The manifest requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722, 724 and
725 relative to RCRA hazardous wastes are not affected by this subsection.
Generators and receiving facilities subject to those Parts shall continue to supply
designated copies of all manifests to the Agency.
Every generator who delivers nonhazardous special waste via a transporter to a
facility located outside Illinois shall file a report, on forms prescribed or provided
by the Agency, summarizing all such activity during the preceding calendar year.
Such reports shall, at a minimum, include the information specified in subsection
(i) of this Section and should be received by the Agency no later than February
Every annual report required to be filed with the Agency by a generator for
waste going out of state pursuant to subsection (h) of this Section shall include
the following:
The IEPA identification number, name and address of the generator;
The period (calendar year) covered by the report;
The IEPA identification
number, name and address for each off-site
treatment, storage or disposal facility to which waste was shipped during
the period;
The name and IEPA special waste hauling number of each transporter
used during the period for shipments to a treatment, storage or disposal
A description and the total quantity of each nonhazardous special waste
shipped out of state, listed by IEPA identification number of each
receiving site;
The method of treatment, storage or disposal for each nonhazardous
special waste; and
A certification signed by the generator or the generator's authorized
Every in-State facility that accepts nonhazardous special waste from a
nonhazardous special waste transporter shall file a report, on forms prescribed or
provided by the Agency, summarizing all such activity during the preceding
calendar year. Such reports should, at a minimum, include the information
specified in subsection (k) of this Section and be received by the Agency no later
than February 1. This subsection is applicable to all nonhazardous special wastes
that are delivered to a nonhazardous special waste transporter on or after January
1, 1991.
Every annual report required to be filed with the Agency by a person accepting
nonhazardous special waste from a nonhazardous special waste transporter
pursuant to subsection (j) of this Section shall include the following information:
The IEPA identification number, name and address of the facility;
The period (calendar year) covered by the report;
The IEPA identification number, name and address of each nonhazardous
special waste generator from which the facility received a nonhazardous
special waste during the period;
A description and the total quantity of each nonhazardous special waste
the facility received from off-site during the period. This information
shall be listed by IEPA identification number of each generator;
The method of
treatment, storage or disposal for each
nonhazardous special waste; and
A certification signed by the owner or operator of the facility or the
owner or operator's authorized representative.
(Source: Amended at 24 Ill. Reg. , effective)
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby certify that
the above opinion and order was adopted on the 13th day of July 2000 by a vote of 7-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board